
Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Meetings on the future.

Rickard Stark-267AC

Rickard Stark stood gazing out over the ramparts, across the vast north, deep in thought. Since the nine penny king war had concluded, life had been hard as usual in the North, but good for Rickard Stark overall. The years following the war had been anything but quiet and calm in the realm. A king had passed and a new one had risen, wars were fought and Rickard had continued to strive for the future of his house and people through it all.

In his personal life, he had found a bride in a distant relation of House Stark by the name of Lyarra Stark. Rickard was fond of her, she had a good spirit about her and he could trust that her loyalty solely belonged to House Stark, being a member of it herself. Together, they had been blessed by the old gods with 3 healthy children so far, two boys named Brandon and Eddard as well as a daughter named Lyanna, who had recently been born. 

In his endeavors in gaining some recognition in the south, he had been met with some mixed results. The new King hadn't offered Rickard or any northerner a place on his council, which was a disappointment, though not wholly unexpected. Rickard had however, come farther in his relations with the Vale and Riverlands, deepening his relations with Jon Arryn and Hoster Tully, both amiable to closer ties in the future, should the opportunity present itself. That was more than pleasing to Rickard.

On the war within Skagos, his contacts in the nights watch had reported that it had been a success. The nights watch proved an invaluable asset to have on his side as they were among the few that were welcome openly in Skagos and moved unopposed. Rickard had his doubts that House Crowl would be successful, but in the end, it seemed they had managed to unite the clans. It had been bloody, according to what Rickard had heard, but that was to be expected. What was surprising is that young Baldur had managed to do so while largely keeping his forces intact. This was welcome news for the North, if Rickard acted quickly enough.

Rickard had received a raven from east watch by the sea from Baldur himself, saying he would be arriving in Winterfell as he journeyed down in the company of his family. With his arrival, he could finish settling the affair with Skagos. Many of his lords were wary of the clamor coming from the island, even now after the infighting had stopped. As Lord of Winterfell, Rickard would ensure their fears were pacified the best he could. He had arranged with several of his banner men to do just that.

He would take hostages to ensure House Crowl's loyalty, dispersing them among his most loyal banners. This would provide some surety to them and strongly tie House Crowl's loyalties to Winterfell. This would provide Rickard with at least another 1500 loyal troops in the instance that they would need them, growing Winterfell strong in the process. Baldur would not likely take well to the terms, but the boy was impatient, thus would accept them over the alternative.

It was often trying to be a young lord as Rickard had, especially that of a Lord Paramount. Though the north tended to be more blunt in their politics, they existed none the less. After his father's death, he had been tested, as was expected, various lords clambering for increased standing and sway in the North. Lord Rickard had carefully balanced them all, while pulling in close allies of his own to accomplish his goals, as helpfully advised by Maester Wally's. He had secured close relations with House Manderly and won over the Umbers during the nine penny king war, defending their reputation and helping orchestrate a rather final blow to the Reynes in the process. The Umber's weren't likely to forget that for some time. It had been required to arm the Skagosi in such a way without a large back lash from the far northern house.

He had also proven himself a capable leader of men during the nine penny king war, something that would dissuade many from rising against him. A strong commander on the field proved that you were no coward and would not be one to cross. Rickard had done well early on establishing that and it had helped dissuade anyone in the near future. To further the security around Winterfell he gave out positions of his household to the surrounding houses, such as House Poole and Waterman, and had done well to keep ties close with that of the others. As his children grew, he would bring many in to be friends of theirs, helping to unite them through friendship, something that was important for a growing heir. 

With Lord Boltons latest defeat on Skagos and Jon Arryn helping him thwart any efforts in the vale, the dreadfort Lord would likely slither back into his hole and remain powerless to do any meaningful damage. Rickard had ensured that it was a poorly kept secret that the house was plotting treachery, and thus the Dreadfort hadn't largely complained when Rickard had hiked their taxes a bit upon learning of House Crowls success in Skagos. If the Dreadlord had anything to say, he would come to see Rickard personally, at which point Rickard might lose his patience and simply chop off his head. The man had wisely remained hidden in the dreadfort, no doubt raising an equally slimy heir to follow in his footsteps. Rickard cared little, there would always be problem houses, and every region had them. The key was to ensure they remained too limited in power to do much. Better an enemy you knew than one you didn't.

Now that the Dreadfort was dealt with and laid low, Rickard had the opportunity to look to other matters of the North, besides his plans for entering the political realm of the south and having his people's voices no longer forgotten. He wanted to suitably arrange some measure of reward for the nights watch, for their service to him, though without anyone suspecting. Perhaps he would ask Jon Arryn and Hoster Tully for some support for the black brothers, maybe he would think of something more in time.

He was of a mind now that he could better focus his attention on appeasing some of the other Lords in the North. He could accomplish this through visits and Maester Wally's had a few ideas on better tying the Karstarks in trade with Skagos, helping to heal some wounds between the two and indebt them to Winterfell for arranging it. The Karstarks after all had a plethora of Lumber, and Skagos was in need of that with the return of their shipping rights. He also intended to help Reeds in some form, who had increasing problems with the troublesome Lord of the Twins, who didn't do much to dissuade any tensions between the border of the North and the South.



The castle of Winterfell was as he remembered it as he entered through the great gates as they opened. His sister Ingrid and cousins Rolf and Erik had never seen the likes of such a structure, neither had the other Skagosi men who had accompanied him. The welcoming from the guards was noticeably warmer than before. Baldur wasn't met with open hostility and suspicion as he was before, though the guards hadn't given him the warm welcome he had seen upon the return of the war in the Stepstones either.

"I'm sure glad that Kingswood wasn't built like this. We would have spent ages camped outside of it, starving them out. I can't imagine how a structure like this could be stormed." Rolf said looking it over with a critical eye. Rolf always had a good head for war, something that Baldur would likely use in the future as he made changes to the structure of his people, to more reflect that of the main land North. A position as his master at arms would surely be suitable.

"It would take thousands of men to storm a castle like this and likely a very bloody affair. I doubt anyone could successfully besiege it without winter coming first to scare them away." Baldur opinionated in response. Indeed, he hoped he never had to be in such a situation to besiege a structure like this. Baldur was a great warrior, but he much preferred open plains warfare than that of siege warfare. It was a dreadfully boring affair from what he had heard about.

As they entered the courtyard, Baldur could see familiar faces waiting for him as he approached. He spotted Rickard Stark with Lyarra at his side and a group of three children surrounding them. Baldur had heard the pair had gotten married, which was good as he thought Lyarra to be a sensible type, if not a little crazy. She was a good balance to the frozen Rickard Stark, whom Baldur had come to respect during the nine penny king wars for his toughness and firm hand. One could follow a leader like that, and Baldur had and he would now reap the benefits of it.

Beside Rickard and Lyarra were the familiar faces of Maester Wally's and Ser Grant, both dutifully attending to their arrival, along with a number of guards and servants to see them settled in for their short stay. Baldur was looking forward to the food himself, it would be a great thing that he had truly missed, not to mention the drink and telling of his stories of war.

"Lord Stark." Baldur greeted as he approached, taking pride in the fact that he now towered over the man. Baldur continued to grow through his youth, now a man of 17 and standing near 7 feet tall. He struck an imposing image, one that would look quite striking chiseled into a statue if he didn't say so himself. In the last years, he had began to fill his form out, adding more muscle and strength and he had no doubt he would grow a bit more until reaching his full height, which would surely be imposing and regarded in widespread awe. By the faces of some of the servants, he had certainly placed himself well on the path as they openly gaped at him.

"Welcome Lord Crowl, Winterfell's hospitality is open to you and your kin." He said, giving him a plate of bread and salt as Baldur shared it with his kin. Ingrid and the others partook under the close eyes of Lord Stark, just as he had ensured all those moons ago when Baldur himself had first come. It was an important ritual of establishing trust and a tradition after all.

"Baldur, you have grown up." Lyarra greeted her old friend as she eyed his kin curiously. The young children around here were likewise eying the group, the oldest looked to be 5 years of age or so, followed by a younger boy and finally a girl that was still a young babe in Lyarra's arms.

"Yes, I have, haven't I?" Baldur said, fully sure of himself as the woman laughed. "These are my kin." Baldur said waving them all forward as they finished their bread and salt. "My sister Ingrid and my cousin Rolf and Erik." He explained as Lyarra greeted them all with warm smiles in turn.

"Clan, this is the Stark of Winterfell, his wife Lyarra Stark and children…" Baldur said looking down at the three, not actually knowing their names. Luckily, Lyarra cut in to swiftly cover for him as she spoke up.

"Brandon, Eddard and Lyanna." She introduced, pointing to each in turn.

"Ah and of course, Ser Grant, Master at Arms here in Winterfell." Baldur motioned towards Ser Grant who inclined his head in a friendly manner.

"So he's Ser Grant. You spoke of him like he was some sort of torturer." Rolf said with a grin as Baldur sent him death glares.

"Did he now?" Ser Grant asked in amusement, partially at the informality of it all as they introduced one another. 

"Yes well…" Baldur said sputtering for a cover. He had indeed described all the treacherous acts that Ser Grant had put him through, though he had left out the worst of it, the woman duties, only saying the man had a stick up his ass, following him around and shouting orders at him constantly.

"Let us head to the hall for a small feast, shall we?" Lyarra interceded, much to Baldurs relief.

"Food, an excellent idea!" Baldur agreed.

Soon the group had settled into the great hall. Ser Grant had seeing to his men being quartered in the barracks, a group of 20 warriors. The great hall was mostly empty, them being the only visitors at this time. As such, they gathered around the high table, which had plenty of room for them all to sit at, while the house staff generally occupied that of the lower tables as they were available.

Baldur wasted no time in regaling them with tales from the war for Skagos, though he kept it edited due to the young children after Lyarra warned him. He explained how they had swept their enemies away and united the clans and all assembled had listened in interest, never hearing much of the place. The Starks had offered their condolences on the loss of his father, but Baldur said he had died how he would of liked, in a fight to the death, and those responsible had paid a high price, though he didn't give much details on his mother, for surely that wouldn't be appropriate as Erik had warned him of.

As the story concluded, Lyarra clapped in applause, as did many others. Baldur of course basked in it while his sister rolled her eyes. "You haven't changed from that glory seeking boy I scared off his feet in the godswood." Lyarra said to him as his cousin Rolf began laughing.

"You got scared by the Lady Stark?" He exclaimed with a laugh, much to Baldur's dismay. He had hoped to keep such things out of mention. Lyarra simply smiled mischievously in response at the hounding he received from his kin. Even Erik had a bit of a smile on his face, no doubt this would be used as ammunition in the future, next time he boasted.

"I believe it time we spoke of the future" Rickard said as the meal finished. "If you will all excuse us." He said to his lady wife and those assembled as the two men exited the hall, Baldur with a confident wave towards his own kin. They journeyed through the warm walls of Winterfell and up to the solar that Lord Stark often held such meetings in. 

It was sparsely decorated, as Baldur remembered, clearly in the style of the Lord himself. Everything within had a functionality, often times only a few things of historical significance on display, the rest being maps, parchment and various tomes. Towards the wall, sections were split up to indicate various houses on his book shelf, to better let him quickly reference knowledge he may need.

"Please, sit Baldur." Rickard said, taking his own seat as Baldur settled himself in. "Tell me, what did the defeated Lords have to say on Skagos?" Rickard asked, leaning forward. A strange question to begin with to be sure, but one Baldur was going to be getting to regardless. He had a sneaking suspicion that Lord Stark knew more than he thought on the matters of Skagos, he wondered how that possible.

"They were backed and encouraged by Lord Bolton to off my father and back him in an eventual uprising, gaining much the same as you promised and more." Baldur explained to him as he began telling him of all that he had uncovered and what had unfolded with his father and those responsible for his death. Lord Stark listened quietly to the tale, occasionally asking questions.

"You have done well. I will deal with Lord Bolton, I had suspected for some time he was behind this." Lord Stark said with a nod of recognition. "Now, let us move on to your shipping rights." He finished, laying two scrolls out in front of him. "Within these two scrolls are terms recognizing the return of your shipping rights." He told him. "The left one, contains my decree, restoring your rights immediately, the right one, a waiting period of 20 years, upon which they will be restored." He explained as Baldur frowned, a bad feeling worming itself into his stomach.

"What do you mean, twenty years wait?" Baldur inquired.

"You have recently conquered and unified many clans that have posed issues in the past. The Lords know you, but they have nothing to keep you in line besides your word. It is my duty as liege lord to look out for their concerns as well as your own." He informed Baldur. "If you would like the left scroll, you will foster your kin with houses of my choosing for 5 years. Should you choose the right, you will keep your kin on Skagos and within 20 years of peaceful interactions and no issues, your rights will be returned in full and well met by the assured northern houses." Rickard presented to him.

"I have united the clans as you asked, and now you would have me surrender my kin as hostages?" Baldur demanded angrily and loudly. 

"I am your liege Lord, you will give me respect or I will have you cast out of this castle with neither option!" Rickard said pounding his fist against the table. He was every bit intimidating as Baldur remembered from years ago. His eyes sparkled with a wild fury that was rarely let out from the usually stoic man. Baldur was unaccustomed to anyone standing up to him recently, not since his father had passed. Evidently, Lord Stark wouldn't be one to be intimidated though.

"I apologize Lord Stark." Baldur said to the older lord.

"You are still young and growing, untested in keeping peace. You have proved yourself able to command in war, but holding their loyalties now will be a task in itself." Rickard explained in a softer voice to Baldur. "The other houses have heard dark tales from Skagos, many painting you in a not so welcoming light." He added as Baldur grimaced. Erik had been right, it would come back to bite him.

"I will take the left." Baldur agreed, he needed those rights. His family wouldn't be too pleased, except Erik, who had always been a bit curious of the outside world and their ways. His uncle would also approve of the actions, if it meant getting the rights back faster.

"Excellent, I shall ensure they are well taken care of. I will also spread the word that Lord Bolton was behind much of the dark occurrences on Skagos, painting you to be in a much more favorable view." Rickard promised as Baldur nodded, at least he had that.

"Now, what will you do with your newly gained rights?" Rickard asked him, handing him the scroll as Baldur reviewed it, to ensure all was written out correctly and it was, Lord Stark was a man of his word after all. A hard bastard, but fair, not that Baldur would dare say that out loud to him.

"I will recruit some experienced sailors from white harbor, and miners as well." Baldur informed him as Rickard nodded in approval.

"A wise decision Baldur, white Harbor has all you may need. I will write Lord Wyman Manderly to help you get set up with some recommendations. He has all manner of experienced men who would welcome the chance to help you establish a new port town on Skagos." The Lord of Winterfell assured him as Baldur relayed his thanks. That would make it much easier than hunting them down himself or having Vilkas do it. "Now, if you would like, I can arrange a meeting with Lord Karstark here in Winterfell after you return from white harbor, the two of you can discuss a trade agreement for lumber. You will after all, need a long time source for shipping as Skagos is lacking in much timber as I understand it." Rickard told him.

"Yes, we have enough to supply us for the short term, but in the long time we will have to find additional sources. Your aid would be much welcome Lord Stark." Baldur accepted. At least the man was helping Baldur accomplish his tasks. On the bright side, perhaps his family would learn their letters, he needed some more educated people besides himself on Skagos to run things in the long run.

"Now, let us discuss this fostering of your kin, know that if problems should arise on Skagos and I catch rumor of rebellion, their heads shall roll." Lord Stark warned as Baldur could only nod, fully believing the Lord would do just that. Baldur would be in no position to press his luck. "Excellent" He said in a lighter tone. "After this concludes, we shall break open the casks to celebrate your houses rise." He said welcomingly as Baldur's spirits were raised, he did enjoy ale.

Ingrid Crowl POV

It was the next day that Baldur, nursing a rather heavy hangover from a night of drinking with the men of Winterfell and his own, that he informed her of her future plans to be a prisoner, as well as the rest of his Kin. Rolf had taken it well enough, he was to be fostered with the Umbers, and Baldurs stories of them were always well received. He was in fact, rather excited about the opportunity, no doubt to bring home stories of his own from the martial orientated house. Erik had likewise welcomed the opportunity, to see the south and witness all it had to offer.

Ingrid however, had not taken well to the idea of having to stay and serve in a castle here on the main land. She was informed that she wouldn't be far from Winterfell, staying at a castle under House Cerwyn, half a day ride from here. "So our lives are on the line should you mess up you oaf?" Ingrid said jabbing a finger at her idiotic brother. How he could simply barter them off was beyond her.

"It had to happen this way sister, if we want to better our people." Baldur informed her warily as she jabbed him again with a finger.

"You should have worked something else out. Use that head of yours for something other than plotting how to brew drinks for yourself or killing!" She shouted at him. She was his family and family should be together, not separated, with a headsman hanging over them.

"It will be fine." Baldur assured her, hands up to defend against another jab from the smaller twelve year old girl.

"How about you stay here, I go back and run Skagos. The old gods only know you have made enough blunders there! You should have offered up the rebellious lords families, not ours!" She berated him as he gaped.

"Not a bad idea really…" Baldur muttered in admittance. His idiocy was truly astounding at times. Sometimes she would have such hope for him, especially when he came up with rather great improvements on inventions or ways of doing things on Skagos that would vastly benefit their people, but other times he showed his true lack of wits like now. 

"Look, it won't be that long, I'm sure you will come to enjoy it." Baldur attempted to sooth her as she scowled.

"Yes, I will come to enjoy working as a hostage in a foreign place due to your mental short comings and failure to properly negotiate. Do me a favor, find a wife who can look out for your stupidity." Ingrid screeched at him before stomping off, passing a rather startled servant as she exited the room forcefully.

It was the next day that the kin of House Crowl were split up. Her cousin Erik was to head south with Baldur to white harbor, where he would be staying at a place that the Lord of the city decided. Her cousin Rolf would go north to the Umbers, at least somewhat close to their stone home of Skagos. Ingrid herself would be parted far from anything she knew, residing within the starks quickly accessible reach. She hoped for her sake that her brother didn't make a blunder of things, or she would haunt him, so she swore.

POV: Lord Wyman Manderly, 267AC

Wyman Manderly was always a bit large growing up, and people had always somewhat looked down on him for his appearance. He was however a pleasant man with a booming laugh that truly just over indulged himself on the finer things in life. He wasn't in denial that some of the Lords thought him lesser for his ever growing form, but truly, he cared little for their thoughts on his physical appearance and would freely admit that.

He was successful where it mattered, his house was prosperous and his people well taken care of and he lorded over one of the largest cities in Westeros. He also had what many of the Northerners sought and that was close ties with Lord Rickard Stark. He had gotten to know the man as a youth, and Lord Stark had proved himself to have a sharp mind and recognized and valued such in Lord Manderly, not judging him for his pudgy appearance.

House Manderly as prosperous as they were, were little threat to the Starks of Winterfell as someone of their standing may be in the south. They weren't regarded with suspicion, as both parties knew that the Northern lords would never accept lords from the south who followed the faith of the seven like the Manderlys. Now after a thousand years, it was hard to imagine them as still from the south, but the Manderlys had carefully kept up that appearance and perspective, often being the only place to indulge in some of the traditions of the south, such as regular tournaments and worship of the seven. The truth of the matter was, they would prosper more beside the Lords of the North than as the Lords of the north. The North was vast and it would be near impossible to rule effectively from white harbor, nor would they ever fully gain the loyalty of the old houses who's claim would always be stronger and rooted in the right history and faith to be followed. So, they had settled in as staunch supporters of the Starks, and with it, often were well regarded.

Wyman had managed to get well into Lord Starks good graces, and the man often shared his plans for the future with Wyman. Wyman would share his own concerns and thoughts and together they would better step the North to the future. Lord Manderly hadn't come into Lord Starks close confidence without work however. He had to prove he was willing to die for his lord and had more than aided in sparking conflict between the Reynes and the Lannisters after the closure of the nine penny king war. 

Lord Manderly had seen the playing field for what it had been, and when an opportunity presented itself to prove him a staunch supporter of Rickard, he had taken it. He had seen that Lord Rickard needed the Umbers for his plans with Skagos, and he had offered his services in gaining them and helping Lord Stark plan for stopping the Bolton's effectively. This had brought the pair rather close, and House Manderly in a high position amongst the North that many viewed jealously.

Within his halls was the fruition of those plans, greeting him warmly. Baldur Crowl had grown much since he had last seen the boy at the end of the war in the Stepstones. He was every inch the warrior now, standing well muscled and taller than any man in the hall by several inches. At his side, his kin, Erik Crowl, who would be staying as a ward to one of the petty nobles in his city. Lord Stark requested that Lord Manderly took a hand in overseeing his education wisely, as Baldur would certainly need someone to guide him along in the future, and his cousin seemed well positioned for such. Wyman couldn't help but agree, plus, he truly did like Baldur on a personal level, and would undoubtedly enjoy his kin as well.

"Lord Baldur, welcome to my halls!" Wyman said, waddling a bit down to meet the well physique young man as he smiled warmly. "This must be your cousin Erik Crowl, a strong looking lad, a warrior just like you eh?" Lord Manderly said in praise.

"Lord Manderly, a pleasure to see you again" Baldur spoke, glancing down at his rounding form. "You seem to be doing well." He offered as Wyman laughed loudly.

"I'm fat, you can say it. I enjoy food and ale, as I'm sure you recall. Could you say you wouldn't in my place?" He asked brightly. "Come, let us feast, I have not nearly presented you with all the tastes to be found in the world." He told Baldur, waving him over.

The two swapped stories and japes, Baldur being rather open an honest in his opinions, a bit refreshing, truth be told. They shared tales of war and old stories of the Stepstones, back when Wyman was slimmer and Baldur was a more head strong young lad. Erik Crowl seemed to be more of a thinker than his cousin Baldur, a good sign indeed for Wyman's task of educating him.

"You may be a fat man Wyman, but you know how to throw a feast, and surely, I would gladly swap you physique for the finer enjoyments here. If only I could feel the thrill of battle as well." Baldur informed Wyman Manderly.

Many may take such a thing as an insult, but Wyman took it in stride with a laugh. "Well, I try to stay in enough shape that I can still crush heads when the opportunity arises. I'm not too fat to get on a horse yet." He promised as Baldur laughed with him warmly. "Besides, you wouldn't find me up north in Skagos, I would surely be looked at as a pig roast, no doubt feeding a whole village for a moon." Wyman pointed out as even Erik laughed with the two at that.

"Now, let us speak of the future! Lord Stark has written me, passing along that he has given you your right back, a great step for your future." Wyman said in praise as Baldur proudly nodded. "He has also requested I present you with some aid in setting up your port town." Wyman explained as a seneschal came forward. "This is William, he will be in charge of rounding up good ship builders, sailors, miners, smiths and all the necessary people to see you successful upon your return. I have arranged for a number of ships to aid you for a time as well. You can pay me back with some of that ore for the costs when you are up and successful." Wyman informed Baldur as the man nodded in thanks. 

"Now, I wouldn't invest yourself in too many warships to start. The Northern Lords will need time to adjust to you, it best if you give them that, wait a couple of years and then when you have put them at ease and proven your changes, do so then." Wyman told him as Baldur listened. Good, the boy was sensible enough to listen when it came from a friendly face. Rickard had asked him to dissuade Baldur against such, no doubt a wise move until later. Baldur would be useful in the future if the fierceness of the Skagosi were as true as reported. He had been convincing Rickard of such, they could benefit much from someone who had little qualm to carry out the more brutal deeds sometimes needed, as long as they came from a fair and descent man, one who looked out for the North and her people like Lord Stark.