
Nuruto: Anata no Nodo no Naka no Kuni! (Paused).

An old man over 95 years old dies and is then reincarnated in the Five Great Shinobi Nations. Follow his adventures as he tries to become the most powerful man in this new world. By the way, if you want to read this story in Spanish, go to Wattpad.

Akai_Himura · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


Time and place unknown.

It was frustrating. Frustrating and quite exhausting.

- Wia! Wua! Wou! -. I protested, trying unsuccessfully to shake off the red squares that swarmed in flocks right under my nose.

As had become customary for several months now: I was currently in my comfortable cradle-shaped prison.

Thanks to the passage of time one would assume that I should have adapted to this kind of circumstance by now. But unfortunately for me. Unfortunately for me that was not the case. No. Because, much to my regret, lately there was not a single moment of consciousness that avoided being thwarted by the stressful presence of that annoying red box.

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

Frankly, I always considered myself a patient and sensible man. But even a patient person like me had his limits and mine had been crossed long ago.

With that in mind, it would be quite easy to understand why I had become such a whiner these days. Today, unfortunately for me and those around me, had been one of those terrible merciless moments.

- Waaa! -. I shrieked, waving my hands in front of my face with visibly inordinate fury.

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

To add to my already heaped frustration both hands simply went through said screens without being able to make any kind of change in the situation.


Then a hand slapped my face as collateral damage from my pathetic outburst. My own hand. The accidental slap seemed to calm me down a bit. It made me stop, reflect and sigh.

- Swigh -. Sigh like a baby would.

To ponder as an old man would: Why had the wheel gone wrong with me? Why did I escape its effect and not the other souls? Wasn't she all-powerful and perfect? Why am I alive? What's so special about me? I couldn't answer any of those questions. There were probably even more of them that I hadn't even asked myself. It was just too confusing.

To stop and contemplate that view that lately always managed to make me completely furious:

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

I slowly squinted my eyes and then weighed every possible explanation for this peculiar scenario.

First: I knew that these squares were somehow related to the wheel. How? I had no idea. However, that was the only plausible explanation I could think of at the moment. Nothing else made sense.

Second: For the past 2 months I had been engaged in a maddening crusade whose sole and primary objective was to permanently eliminate all those pesky boxes.

In view of my most recent explosive reaction: It was quite obvious that I had made little if any progress in completing that task.

Third: I had tried a number of gestures and actions, but nothing seemed to work. My hands simply went through the squares when I tried to touch their surfaces. My actions always fell on deaf ears when I tried something different to solve it. Whether that action was drastic or not.

Fourth: There were the words. With my physical age bordering on ten months it had proven to be quite a feat to even utter anything merely coherent. A mostly unsuccessful feat in every instance.

Five words in a row had ended up being my limit for the moment. Five words that sounded like horrendous constipated cat meows. After that specific number I would end up deflated like a balloon. Then I would pant like a dog and finally end up sleeping exhausted for the next three or four hours.

It was a complete waste of time and energy. Something that would only make my poor mother worry even more. A circumstance that would only overflow her mind with paranoia. The paranoias of a responsible mother who would see her baby behaving like someone mentally and physically unbalanced. A circumstance that I logically wanted no part of. A circumstance that needed to be resolved as soon as possible. It was an indisputable necessity. Those boxes had to disappear at any cost.

Fifth: I finally knew my mother's name: Midori. My only joy among a sea of detriments. A joy that honestly I found quite ephemeral and inconsequential. Ephemeral, because it had been quickly frustrated by the annoying red boxes that swarmed in front of my nose. Inconsequential, because I was fully aware that sooner or later I would have ended up learning her name: Midori. In this case it was during a day two months ago when a sick neighbor called her for her illness.

In conclusion: I had not made any progress beyond the minimum expected. Which boiled down to: 3 or 4 shrieks and less than 5 curious facts.

Among those multiple words I had tried so far were: Wheel, Spin, ¶, Rotation, Cycle, Turn, Circle, Circumference, Life, Existence, Death, Decay, Reincarnation, Rebirth and the list would continue to grow indifferent to my frustration.

Naturally and as the stubborn man I was: I would never give up until I found the solution to the enigma at hand. I had plenty of time and I knew it. It was just a matter of waiting for the roulette to fall where it was supposed to fall. The answer to my question would come at the least expected moment.

- Li-fe a-nd de-t-h -. I spelled out slowly.

I was currently trying out some word combinations. I hadn't gotten anything out of it yet.

*Clack, Clack*

Suddenly my hearing sharpened. I had thought I heard the creak of a door opening in the distance.

I shook my head to concentrate on my task. I quickly concluded that in all likelihood it was Midori organizing something indeterminate.

I still had some time to experiment and logically I would make the most of it. Then, suddenly something clicked in my head.

I had a sudden revelation.


I thought remembering the sound of that door opening in the distance. Then, remarkably intrigued I pondered that: "Open" would indeed be a perfect word to combine with:

- Op-en Cy-cl-e -. I spelled out haltingly. My heart was pounding a mile a minute.

I immediately got what I had been looking for for so long: The answer. I had the answer!

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

[Soul Addressee: Universe ZEA-221. Sector RSTA-713. Galaxy AOA-34. Solar System K-12. Planet 4, unnamed. Continent, unnamed. Nation, Fire Country. Village, Midori no Hi. East zone. Amano Temple. Unnamed body. Year 19 since the End of the Warring States. Month 1, January. Day 7, Monday. Hour 4/24, night].

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

A different screen appeared above the countless boxes with the word, "Error," in red, right under my nose. A new blue screen with bright white letters as content. A screen that unequivocally clarified many of my questions.

I now knew that: First: Since it spoke of "soul". My soul. I concluded that "this thing" was intrinsically related to the wheel. A circumstance that I had suspected beforehand and until now had not had the opportunity to corroborate. Now it was one more certainty in my mind.

Second: The wheel had sent my soul to a place that was beyond my knowledge. A place completely removed from my wildest imaginations. If I took into account that the screen said: "Destination of the Soul: Universe ZEA-221. Sector RSTA-713. Galaxy AOA-34. Solar System K-12. Planet 4, unnamed. Continent, unnamed. Nation, Fire Country. Village, Midori no Hi. East zone. Amano Temple. Body without name". Then, I could say with total conviction that I was in another world. A world millions of light years away from the one I remembered: Earth.

That made my blood freeze momentarily. Drops of cold sweat rolled down my back. For a second I felt as if the world was coming down on me.

Then I shook my head. This was no time to lose my temper. I would have plenty of time later to mourn my land.

Second: I was talking about the "Amano Temple". That was the place where I was born. The place where my mother worked.

Consequently, I could now affirm that: "This thing" had not been updated in a long time. It was like an old newspaper. One that was months old.

Third: "Year 19 since the End of the Warring States. Month 1, January. Day 7, Monday. Time 4/24, night." That proved my theory. I was in a different world. In a place called: "Midori no Hi". During a time probably similar to medieval times. How similar? That was a good question. A question for another day. A question that added up to, for example: If this was another world, then why could he understand the local language? There were so many nonsense things that would probably end up driving me crazy trying to answer them.

But no. That wouldn't happen. Now it was time to party.

- Yeawha! -. The celebration came out of my mouth spontaneously.

I was elated. The key was finally in my hands. If the first command meant to appear then. Then "Cycle closed" would make the rest of the boxes disappear.

And sure enough.

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

All the "Error" boxes simultaneously disappeared at my mere thought. Now there was only one last thing left to eliminate: The big screen.

[Soul Addressee: Universe ZEA-221. Sector RSTA-713. Galaxy AOA-34. Solar System K-12. Planet 4, unnamed. Continent, unnamed. Nation, Fire Country. Village, Midori no Hi. East zone. Amano Temple. Unnamed body. Year 19 since the End of the Warring States. Month 1, January. Day 7, Monday. Hour 4/24, night].

One more quick "Cycle closed" and it was gone.

The image of the ceiling suddenly accosted my eyes. It was a rather poorly preserved old wooden ceiling. Probably from a rather old traditional residence.

A smug smile painted my features not long after. A great weight lifted from my shoulders. I felt myself getting a couple of years younger.

Unfortunately, I had completely forgotten about Midori. Yes. The hullabaloo had gotten the better of me. An attitude that was certainly justifiable but at the same time rather stupid.

*Tup, Tup, Tup*

The noises of her footsteps on the wood abruptly approached my ears.

I cunningly closed my eyes pretending to be in a state of deep sleep. She absolutely would not find me awake. I was too old and tired to willingly participate in her little games. Any more of them and my mental health would be severely compromised. No. I couldn't afford that. Definitely not today and certainly not now.

If I forgot the command because of their mortifying "cuckoo-cuckoo" then. Then I'd probably end up committing suicide in a corner, god forbid.

My drama had increased tenfold over the last 2 months because of his torturous cheek squeezes. That's not counting all the daily needs I had to perform as a baby. Needs that required his help to be taken care of. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she started to develop some sort of dementia praecox. The way he was going it was a strong possibility. Only time and my persistence would tell, persé.

- Nene, Mommy's here! -. Midori announced as she entered the room.

I had a slight shudder just hearing her voice. Then I felt the touch of her hands on my back.

- Up! -. Midori exclaimed as she carried me in her arms.

Inwardly I was cursing vehemently. Even pretending to be asleep I could not escape from her terrible clutches. Out said the prayer: "The world was unjust, resignation, my destiny".

I opened my eyes. Pretending would no longer do any good. It would only pathetically aggravate the impact of my failure.

- Jsjsjs! You woke up already, eh, sleepyhead?! -. Midori playfully questioned.

Then she grabbed my nose between her fingers teasingly. I didn't even resist. Until today my only virtue had been to manage to maintain a tenuous mask of serenity. To break it now would be like throwing in the towel. Never before in my life had I thrown in the towel. Not before I was absolutely certain of my defeat. Not even when I lost the function of my legs had I given up. Until the very end I was waiting for the date when some scientific breakthrough would finally bring me out of my detriment.

Only on that last day of my life did I understand: That I had been too passive. Only that last day of my life I understood: That my destiny was solely in my own hands.

In the end, if I wanted to be able to walk. If I wanted to be able to get it all back, then. Then I had to work for it. I had to give my all. I had to do my bit to build the pyramid. The pyramid of success. My success.

It was in moments like these: moments of reflection. It was during such moments that I could understand where, how, why and when I had gone wrong: Yes, I had closed myself off from the world. Ever since I lost my ability to walk I had cut myself off from everything. Whether it was people or simple pleasures. I had withdrawn into my own suffering.

I did not think of continuing my studies: As many disabled people had done without ever complaining about it.

I did not think of looking for love: Having been a boy of the age to fall in love.

From the first day I just threw myself into the idea that soon I would start my great journey. My great adventure. My death. Fortunately, in the end. In the end, that's what happened. Strangely, unexpectedly and ironically, no doubt, but that's what happened. I had won a second chance at life.

Consequently, it was my duty to overcome every adversity the world decided to throw in my face. Whether it was a tsunami, or a loving mother named Midori.

- My serious little thing. Come on! Come on, laugh, do it for mom! -. Midori asked, kissing my forehead.

Now that I was able to see more clearly I finally knew what my mother, Midori, looked like: She was a plump, rather short woman with pale skin and short brown hair. Her face was small and defined by a broad forehead, sharp brown eyebrows, wide cheekbones, two mischievous dark green eyes, large nose, thin lips, thin jaw, concluding with a visibly playful chin.

As for her attire: She wore traditional clothing, more specifically, a loose black kimono with red flowers somewhat worn out.

Midori radiated a frankly bizarre positivity. A positivity that completely overwhelmed my little self, all stiff and pessimistic. It conveyed a sense of happiness that I found terribly unpleasant. A joyful energy that made me feel completely dirty inside.

I averted my gaze from her. I wouldn't let my bitterness ruin the mood. Not today. Not now.

- Huh? Kiyoshi you. You can see now. You can see now! -. Midori exclaimed pulling me away from her chest to look at my expression more closely.

Insightful. But no. I wasn't trying to hide that particular fact. It would honestly be foolish to do so. There was nothing to gain from it but trouble. Lots of them.

- Thank goodness! Yes! Looks like this day is full of good news, Kiyoshi. First my job offer and now this. Yes! Couldn't be better! Jsjs. My little boy, it looks like luck is finally smiling on us. Jsjs. Now I just have to finish my contract at the temple and then we can move on. God knows how much I need it. How much we need it. Yes. As much as I love the house. You can tell it's pretty much past its prime. The roof is even leaking a few times. Jsjs. On the other hand, you had me scared, you little rascal, now come and get what you deserve! Cuckoo-Cuckoo! -. Midori babbled putting me back in my crib. Then she tickled me left and right.

My face turned crimson red from holding in the laughter. A few tears began to roll down my cheeks.

- Wouihaiha! -. Until I finally burst out laughing. Baby laughter.

I couldn't begin to describe how embarrassed I felt at this moment. It would be easy to blame it on my highly sensitive skin or perhaps some other underlying condition as a baby. However, being honest, that would just be making excuses. The excuse of a bad loser. And I was many things, but never a bad loser. To become the strongest: First you had to be the most humble. To be the best: First you had to accept every defeat with your head down and your eyes up.

Besides, even if I had lost a battle today. It was just that, a battle. The war was still going on.

- Cuckoo-cuckoo! -. Midori continued indifferently to my suffering.

Of course, the whole thing was still something completely humiliating. I had probably aged two years again right now.

- Huh? Oh. Oh my god! I think I forgot something in the fire! Heck! -. Midori cursed running towards the kitchen in a hurry.

*Tup, Tup, Tup*

She was followed by the sound of her footsteps in the distance.

Then, very slowly, I let out the sigh I had been holding back for about five minutes. My torture was over for the moment.

- Op-e-n Cyc-le -. I gasped.

A blink later.

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

[Soul Addressee: Universe ZEA-221. Sector RSTA-713. Galaxy AOA-34. Solar System K-12. Planet 4, unnamed. Continent, unnamed. Nation, Fire Country. Village, Midori no Hi. East zone. Amano Temple. Unnamed body. Year 19 since the End of the Warring States. Month 1, January. Day 7, Monday. Hour 4/24, night].

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

The same holographic screen opened right under my nose. Unfortunately, before I could even begin to review its contents. It simply disappeared. Several boxes replaced it immediately after.

Faced with the suddenness of the scenario, I calmly began to memorize the whole process. A calm born of experience. The experience of 95 years. 95 years of life. My heart rate slowed down. Every important piece of information was recorded in my memory with great precision.

_Acknowledged Administrator_

...Scanning Data...

...Processing Data...

...Transmitting Data...

_Incomplete Data_

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

_Emergency Protocol Activated_

...Completing Data Automatically...

_Process Completed_

...Projecting Data...

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

[Administrator's Interface]:

[Administrator's Name: Error! Error! Error!].

[Administrator's Age: Error! Error! Error!].

[Administrator's Complexion: Error! Error! Error!].

[Administrator's Location: Error! Error! Error!].

[Administrator's Statistics:

-Strength (STR): 📊2/2 {Max: 4}.

-Speed (SPE): 📊2/2 {Max: 3}.

-Resistance (RES): 📊3/3 {Max: 5}.

-Physical Energy (PE): 📊7/7 {Max: 12}.

-Spiritual Energy (SE): 📊95/95 {Max: Indefinite}.

-Chakra (CHA): 📊103/103 {Max: 625}.

-Chakra Control (CC): 5%.

-Chakra Nature (NAT): Fire Yin {Fire-72% Water-3% Wind-1% Earth-10% Lightning-4% Yin-94% Yang-6%}.

Soul: (SOU): 0/0 {Max: 0}.

Soul Points (SP): 0/0 {Max: Indefinite}.].

[Administrator's Status Effects:

-Error! Error! Error!: (Error! Error! Error!). {Error! Error! Error!}.

-Erratic Chakra: (Yin: 94% and Yang: 6%). {Your ability to shape Chakra is 30% more difficult than it would normally be}.].

[Administrator's Skills:

-Error! Error! Error!: (Error! Error! Error!). {Error! Error! Error!}.

-Touch of the Soul: (-100CHA). {Touch someone recently deceased and claim their soul as your own. Touch someone living and check their stats}.

-Soul Conversion: (-100CHA). {Convert a claimed Soul into Soul Points}.].

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

Error! Error! Error!

To be continued...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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