
Nura Uchiha: The Sword Demon

Live as a young master of an in decline Assasin clan in Japan, Nura had been idling all day long watching anime as the only way to cut down stress. One day he got a request from the UN to join the war in Iraq, war is cruel even kids were used as a weapon. Sacrifice his life Nura determine to rescues the kid from harm, his action moves the god of reincarnation and rewards him with reincarnation and three wishes.

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21 Chs

Traitor of the Leaf

Nura and Itachi walkout from the Root Chamber the both of them were quite surprised to see third Hokage and Shisui were awaiting their arrival. Itachi was ever more surprised to see Shisui Uchiha appear alive and kicking standing in front of him, while Nura on the other hand already enters a battle stance cause he doesn't know the two intentions.

" There no need to fight Nura of the Uchiha. I come here to inform you that a day from now you and Itachi will be marked as a traitor of Leaf since you killing an Important member from our village." Hiruzen turns his back and walks away after saying his pieces leaving Shisui with the two Uchiha.

" Why Shisui? Are you using me to kill Danzo? Answer me!" Itachi screams at Shisui as he was feeling upset from being used. Shisui sight as he comes close to Itachi and said" I am not using you Itachi if you want peace between Uchiha and the Leaf Villages than Danzo must be eliminated. I know your love for the villages is strong but think of this, what if Danzo's success in stolen my eyes? I undoubtedly commit suicide to help you awaken Mangekyo Sharingan and after that Danzo will probably order you to wipe out the whole clan. With your personality, I don't think you hesitate to do that and the one who will live to the sunrise tomorrow is probably Nura and your brother Sasuke Uchiha."

" Enough the two of you! Itachi never doubts your friend ever again. We gain not just the Mangekyo Sharingan but also the peace for the Leaf village all of this thanks to Shisui. We might be branded bad names but what are name and fame really that important?" Nura quickly disappears after saying what he thought.

Itachi was shocked awake by Nura word especially when he heard the word ' Never Doub your Friend'. with along sight Itachi pat Shisui on his shoulder and said " Sorry for the outburst! I am happy you still alive."

Shisui smiles as although he wants the best for Itachi and Nura putting them on Genjutsu is definitely cross the line not to mention Itachi risk his life fighting with Danzo. " It's my fault but it's all in the past now let's go and meet with Nura we need to head to Naka River.

On the way to NakaRiver Nura walks leisurely as he planning on what to do in the future. Inside his head Tyrant was also thinking of something as he wants to ask Nura about his future development cause from what he sees Nura is planning on awakening Rinnegan but Tyrant had another option for him.

As Nura arrive at Naka River there was one guy waiting for him and that is 'Kakashi Hatake'. " Yo Nura! I had something I need to talk to you about." Kakashi stands under the tree as he talks with his eyes close.

" What is it's Kakashi Senpai? Is it's related to the Carefree Step?" Nura asks curiously as he also on his guard against this Senpai of his. Kakashi of the Sharingan, although it is not from the Uchiha clan his fame with the Sharingan, is only lower than 'Shisui the body Flicker.' As the one who practices one of his original techniques ' Lightning Cutter ' Nura know-how potent it's can be to be classified as S-Rank ninjutsu. Maybe Hiruzen sends Kakashi to finish him so he can't help being on guard with Kakashi Hatake standing close to him.

" Yes, it is related to the techniques. As somehow I can't even execute it's maybe only a genius like you can create such complicate techniques, but anyway I am here to ask you delete my memory of Carefree Step techniques. Despite how hard is it's if one day I was capture and people get their hands on these techniques it's won't be good for you or the leaf villages, and how can I teach to Naruto or Sasuke if even I can't use the basic technique of it."

Nura sight as he knows the reason why Kakashi can't master this technique and that is he had too many things on his mind and without a carefree mind and heart no matter how a genius one person is there's no way they can execute this technique.

Nura activates his Sharingan and looks at Kakashi's eyes as the content of Carefree Step and his experience of practicing it's had been erased by Nura completely. " Well, Kakashi senpai I had another technique that I just created recently, and I am sure it suits well with Raikiri since I derive the basic nature transformation of Lightning Release from Raikiri into this techniques. It's called ' Shunpo'(Flash Step) what you need to do is create kinetic energy on your right foot then use Lightning release nature transformation to create an electric wave on your left foot and when the two energy collide its will push yourself forward with explosive speed.

Watch me

Nura gathers kinetic energy on his right foot and his left foot gathers an electric wave as his right foot touch the ground he activates body flicker techniques which make him disappear instantly and reappear 100 meters away with his right-hand strike an empty space with Raikiri. Nura glance at Kakashi to only see his shock expression.

Nura takes out an empty scroll and wrote down the correct way to practice this technique with detail explanation and instruct Kakashi to burn down the paper after memorizing it. Also, he makes Kakashi promise him to never teach this technique to anyone else. If one day he sees another person use it's he definitely kills him along with Kakashi.

Seeing the seriousness of Nura face Kakashi nodded and thank him as this techniques that Nura just taught him is really useful for someone like him who use Raikiri as a trump card and with this 'Shunpo' it's will ensure he never missed the target.

After a while, Shisui and Itachi arrive at the scenes and the three starts to eat grill fish for one last time as they never know when will they meet again as Itachi will go to Akatsuki to become a spy for the leaf and Nura decide to go travel the world.


Well, Surprise there actually a new chapter for today. Well, here some clarification that needs to be made since some people saying that I am being an idiot for giving Kakashi powerful techniques for a less powerful one. Raikiri is one of the S-Rank ninjutsu that derives from Chidori it's powerful enough to slash down the thunderbolt which means it has the potential to destroy Sasuke S-rank technique 'Kirin'. So it's not weak since Kakashi relies on this technique to be chosen as Hokage which also why he hesitate on whether he qualified to be a Hokage after lost the usage of this technique and go on to create ' Purple Lightning.' One more thing why this chapter Nura decides to exchange his unique movement Ninjutsu is because Kakashi teaches him the 'lightning cutter' which his creation and if he doesn't dare to exchange his techniques he will be no different than a beast without emotion. In his past life or this life, he is an assassin with emotion and that a thin line which makes him different from killing machine.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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