
Nura Uchiha: The Sword Demon

Live as a young master of an in decline Assasin clan in Japan, Nura had been idling all day long watching anime as the only way to cut down stress. One day he got a request from the UN to join the war in Iraq, war is cruel even kids were used as a weapon. Sacrifice his life Nura determine to rescues the kid from harm, his action moves the god of reincarnation and rewards him with reincarnation and three wishes.

SonOfDragon · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Summoning Jutsu

After the late-night dinner, Nura and Itachi went straight to the Hokage office while Shisui goes back home since he had nothing to do. The two enter the Hokage without any notice which causes the Anbu that protect Hiruzen to draw out their weapon pointing at the Uchiha Duo or a more fitting name 'Traitor of the Leaf'.

Hiruzen lifts his hand stopping the Anbu from and asks them to leave him and the two Uchiha alone, the Anbu hesitate for a while until Hiruzen shout " I am the third Hokage and a God of Shinobi won't you notice if the battle between us happen?"

Only then that the Anbu leave reluctantly, Hiruzen looks at the two as he sighs deeply " Danzo way might be extreme but he has done what's best for the villages. Itachi if you don't mind under the name of missing-nin you can infiltrate Akatsuki organization and report to me directly. As for Nura, What plan do you have in mind?"

The reason why Hiruzen dare to order Itachi is that because unlike Nura Itachi had a strong bond to the villages as his family resides in the village, but Nura? Nura's from different he has shown his talent as a late bloomer under disguise and his name spread fear to the neighboring country, yet his attachment toward the village is not as strong as Itachi since he living all alone in the Uchiha Compound and Shisui is his only friend. With a friend like Shisui whose power reaches a Kage-level what kind of worry does he have toward him?

" I plan to travel to different places to hone my skill as I said before my dream is to be the strongest existence ever. You are right about me not having any attachment about the villages, but still, I want to protect the place where my brother and I live together, memories that live along with me."

"As that being said if the village under a death threat I will appear and do my best to protect what I care most. My destination is the Land of Snow as I want to find a medical-nin name 'Shinno' to learn his medical skill. Please keep the file about me and Itachi as an S-rank secret and can only be accessed for the Hokage."

Hiruzen takes another puff of his tobacco as he nodded to the request of Nura Uchiha. After settling everything Nura head back home as he needs to leave overnight since tomorrow a new of him being a traitor will be announced and staying in the village-like nothing happen is not a choice at all.

Nura draw his sword and start swinging it in his back garden practice it's one last time before leaving his turf. Yet, the moment he swings it's the force that generates from his techniques is too strong breaking the blade to a thousand pieces. Nura sight as only this moment that he noticed in the battle between him and Danzo his blade had been cracked.

Nura take away some of his cloth and tied it in a bundle since and look at his room one last time, he notices that his pictures with Shisui and Itachi were still standing on the table beside his bed Nura put the picture face down on the table since he not living here anymore.

After that, he left for the Konoha Cemetry and stand before his brother's tomb. Nura brought some flowers as he picks it's along the way to Cemetry and put it's on his brother's grave together with the sword handle he just broke. " I haven't visited your tomb for a long time Raika, the time sure flies pass. " I was still a kid when you left for a battlefield and look at how I far I am grown now, my name as Sword demon spread fear even 'Yagura' the Fourth Mizukage flee upon seeing me. Yesterday a hero and today a Criminal life as an adult sure is hard don't you think?"

"Well, I gotta go now. I won't be able to visit your grave again anytime soon at least for the next 10years or so but I can promise you one thing. The next time I come I will become one of the strongest existence that ever lives. This is Goodbye."

Nura walkaways as he finishes his speech as he subconsciously releases 'Meikyo Shisui' walking pass the Konoha entrance and goes on his journey on foot. As he walks Nura sigh occasionally which kinda annoys 'Tyrant' who sleep inside of him, can't bear any longer 'Tyrant' voice bellow in Nura head asking him " What the matter Nura? "

" I was just thinking that if only I had a summoning contract it's will be way easier for me to travel, and it's will be nice if I can have a summon of some cool animal you know like the monkey that can turn into a weapon. " Nura said without giving too much thought.

"Well, I have a suggestion thought with me inside of you, you undoubtedly process the qualification to summon a great being so I recommend you to sign a contract with more than one creature. Also if you interest I might not have something like a monkey that can turn into a weapon but I can provide you with a weapon that had their own consciousness or what you human called a 'Living weapon'."

" And from what I see your Yokai bloodline it's might be able to reverse summon you to the Holy Land of Yokai. If you strong enough maybe you able to form an army of your own full of Yokai. So what do you think Nura?" Tyrant takes his time to explain his suggestion patiently to Nura.

" Well, it's really interesting but where can I get into a contract with such a Weapon? If I am not wrong other than Yokai Holy Land the Weapon summoning contract is also a Holy Land of its own right?" Nura asks excitedly as it's will be really cool if he can summon a sword that he can ride on and also assist him in a fight just like a Sword Immortal from the folk tale in China.

" As a 'Chaotic Sword Beast' from my memory I the great Lord have many descendent but since they not a Primordial Beast like me their life span is Limited so after they reach their limit life span their body form into a different sword and have their spirit living on as an Immortal Weapon which unbreakable. After all my descendants died I continue to live on and stay at the place for 1000 years."

"I name it's 'Sword Submit' and the way to get into a contract with our Submit is easy as you already my master you just need to wave a reverse summoning hand sign and you will be summoned there. Also, you can stay there to train your Mangekyo Sharingan and sword techniques since my previous master leaves his consciousness to train his successor as well. The ' Invincible Sword Techniques' you have been practicing is the Inheritance and also a test for my master successor."

" If you go there he will help you complete your 'Invincible Sword Techniques' and also pass down demon techniques. Don't worry it's similar to Sage Techniques but it's more useful in 'Combat' as it's base on Chaotic Energy."

Nura nodded his head after hearing a long explanation from Tyrant " How is the time flow at 'Sword Submit'? " Tyrant grinned as he replies with a smirk my living quarter is in Another Dimension so the time flow is 10: 1 ratio. Don't worry you can go there after you reach the land of snow."

Wow, it excites me to talk about summoning Jutsu as I had lots of plans, and flying on a sword-like immortal is not a bad idea. Well, the story development from now will all about Nura as he might train or go around the world to the place in Naruto Shippuden Movie. I also plan on creating an organization that's no worse than Akatsuki or maybe a clan or something I don't know we'll see in the future.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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