
Shell-shocking News!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

This smile made Xu Jiayang lose his mind for a moment.

When Xia Weibao walked past Lin Mier, she smiled meaningfully. "Thank you Sister Mi."

Lin Mier let out a friendly laugh. "You're welcome. You helped me in the past. Now that you are in trouble, how can I simply ignore you?"

Xia Weibao's smile widened. That's right, she had helped Lin Mier in the past.

When Xia Weibao was still famous and popular, Lin Mier was still a newcomer who had just made her debut. Because she looked similar to Xia Weibao, she was often called Little Weibao.

In order to get into the good books of Xia Weibao, Lin Mier of the past had taken the initiative to help Xia Weibao do her chores.

Seeing that she was hardworking and diligent, Xia Weibao introduced her to the director.

The original owner of the body had won the title of movie queen with that movie. And Lin Mier, as the third leading actress, had also had her day!

Yet, when the scandal of Xia Weibao broke out, Lin Mier was the first to come out — with a photo of Xia Weibao sleeping with the director!

Send her down to hell! She thought.

Xia Weibao had indeed gone to a hotel with the director. But it was not to sleep with him. It was to buy him a meal to help Lin Mier get the role!

What an ungrateful brat!

Recalling the past, a strange smile crept onto Xia Weibao's face. Lin Mier felt a chill run down her spine upon seeing that.

Whatever Lin Mier owed the owner of this body, she was going to take it back one by one!

When Lin Mier came to her senses, Xia Weibao had already left.

"Sister Mi, why did you help her?" Lin Mier's assistant walked over to her side, murmuring discontentedly.

"Senior Xia helped me before. You must repay others for their kind deeds."

Lin Mier chuckled, with endless scorn in her eyes.

Help Xia Weibao? She wasn't doing this for nothing!

She had made her mark as Little Weibao all those years back. Yet even now, she was still unable to get out of Xia Weibao's shadow.

But if Xia Weibao were to become her stunt double…

This would definitely be a very hot topic!

Xia Weibao, oh Xia Weibao. Anyway, you're already past your peak. Why not show your worth one last time by being my stepping stone!

Lin Mier walked towards her manager with a meaningful gaze. Her manager understood it and immediately set out to carry out her will.

"Sister Mi, you really know how to repay kindness."

In the face of this deliberate flattering, Lin Mier felt as though she was on cloud nine. While she was gleeful and overjoyed in her heart, her face showed only modesty.

"Senior Xia has the skills. Even if I had not asked, she would have been able to get the role of the stunt double."

"Ha, what skills? Her only skills are those in bed."

"That's right. And she's still a movie queen… Other than that face, what does Xia Weibao ha—"

They had not finished with their bitter and sarcastic remarks when they suddenly stopped. The set, which had been noisy, went silent.

That was because Xia Weibao had changed into her clothes and re-emerged.

A white dress floating like the dust. Under her willowy eyebrows was a pair of watery eyes that spoke a million words.

Delicate features that were simply perfect.

The moment that she appeared, everyone was stunned.

Her beauty was fresh and natural, in a unique way. She was so beautiful that it was breathtaking. It was as though she was a sweet lady walking out from a painting.

Her every frown and smile was as gentle as water. Her every move could touch the hearts of everyone there.

With a loud snap.

Lin Mier crushed the water bottle within her hand.

The classic aura emanating from Xia Weibao could not compare with her own artificially touched-up face.

She was raging with jealousy.

Especially because of the way Xu Jiayang looked at Xia Weibao, Lin Mier was flustered.

In the past, Xu Jiayang had chosen her to be the female lead. Firstly, it was because he had no other choice. Secondly, it was because she had slept with an investor and brought in the funds.

If there was a better choice now, with Xu Jiayang's temper, what choice would he make…

Xu Jiayang looked closely at Xia Weibao. No one knew what this genius director was thinking.

He finally knew that Xia Weibao had countless 'difficult to describe in words' feels.

She was a classical beauty.

The Xia Weibao of today emanated a classic aura from within.

She was outstandingly gorgeous and gentle.

"Go and get ready." With a wave of his hand, everyone got into position.

The white dress fluttered in the wind.

This light skill was only mythical for modern people.

Yet, to the great doctor Xia Weibao who had once travelled the entire country, it was very real indeed.

The scene taken was natural and full of beauty.

In the moment that she flew up from the ground, she perfectly embodied what it meant to be exceedingly beautiful.

The earlier insults were now all gone.

That night, Xu Jiayang was unable to go to sleep.

From the moment that he saw Xia Weibao emerge from the changing room, he knew that this was the Li Qingcheng that he had been looking for.

Lin Mier was unreasonable and domineering, had no acting skills, and had an average face. She was in no way comparable to Xia Weibao.

Yet, Lin Mier represented power and money.

If he were to substitute her for Xia Weibao, it would be a massive problem for the crew in such a situation.

After thinking through the night, at four in the morning, he made a phone call.

"F*ck you Xu. Can't you see the time now? Why did you have to wake me up?!!"

A series of growls came from the phone, but Xu Jiayang seemed to have gotten used to it.

"Leng Yan, I want to change the female lead."

There was silence for a while. "Who do you want to take over?"

"Xia Weibao."

"Xu Jiayang! Have you gotten a stroke or have you been possessed?!!"

Yet another series of growls came from the phone.

Changing the female lead! And changing to the notorious Xia Weibao!

Xu Jiayang was expressionless. "I'm serious."

"Are you crazy? Have you not been tortured enough by all the malicious comments? Who doesn't deliberately avoid her? And you still have the guts to use her as your female lead?!"

It needed no imagination. Once the news got out, the hot topic of the next day would either be "Xia Weibao climbed into Xu Jiayang's bed", or "Xu Jiayang raped Xia Weibao".

Leng Yan leaped off his bed and pulled his hair irritatedly. What was this crazy guy thinking, trying to pull this off in the middle of the night?

"Leng Yan, I can't let it go."

Xu Jiayang's voice was hoarse.

He had originally entered the film industry with a burning passion. He did not bow down to others, nor did he blindly follow the latest trends. Instead, he shot the films he wanted to.

For the sake of investments, he had to put down his pride for an actress and film such trashy work.

He had originally already forgotten about his fall. But the aura of Xia Weibao made him see hope once again.

"Leng Yan, I'm not willing to just let it go like that for the rest of my life. Film is my dream. One day, I will stand back up!"

Out of Xu Jiayang's eyes shone a light that showed such a bright future.

Leng Yan frustratedly gripped his hair.

"It won't be easy to renegotiate from the beginning. Don't forget, you've been blacklisted. Without Lin Mier, you won't have funds. And you won't even be able to start filming. Moreover, think about the situation Xia Weibao is in now. Whoever uses her will die!"

Xia Weibao was an artiste under him, so he was clearer than anyone else just how terrible this woman's situation was.

Xu Jiayang pursed his lips, ready to fight it out with his partner.

"Leng Yan, don't tell me that you are willing to give it all up like that? Hongtu is your precious project. Will you watch helplessly as it goes out of business? Half the crew in "Fallen City" is made up of Hongtu artistes. If this movie makes it big, Hongtu will surely rise from the ashes!"

He had to admit that this plan was very attractive.

"No no no."

Xu Jiayang gritted his teeth. Why wasn't he biting the bait? He thought.

It looked like he had to use his trump card.

"If Hongtu becomes bankrupt now, your goddess will become someone else's wife!"

That hit the bullseye.


Leng Yan was so agitated that he jumped out of bed. Whoever dared to steal his goddess, he would chop off his d*ck!

"Xu Jiayang, just do whatever you want to do. I'll do anything to support you!"

That silly guy finally opened up. Director Xu was relieved.

"Leng Yan, why don't you support Xia Weibao? If we join forces, we can definitely make her an international star!"

Leng Yan's ambition was suddenly awakened.

At the prime of youth, who wouldn't have a heart that would be cheated at any time?

"No problem. Gather all of Hongtu's resources. I will definitely be able to raise a precious jewel!"

"It's great that you think this way. For the fees, just get a loan in Hongtu's name. This is only temporary. When "Fallen City" gains popularity, we'll earn it all back!"

"No problem!" Leng Yan proudly slapped his chest. "You can count on me!"