

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Leng Yan was still lost in his happy thoughts from the beautiful blueprint set out by Xu Jiayang until half an hour later, when he finally started to regain his senses.

Hmm, something doesn't seem right.


That Xu Jiayang cheated me again!

But, no matter how frustrated he was, he did not take back his word.

The plan that Xu Jiayang proposed was too enticing. Once it became successful, he could see his company rise from the ashes.

A nearly-bankrupt company, a broke and helpless director, a notorious movie queen.

This is my last chance — it's do or die. I have to throw it all in!

Xia Weibao, I hope you don't make me regret my decision. He thought.

The next day, Xia Weibao received a phone call from Sister Tong.

"Darling, I have good news for you. Come quickly to the company office!"

"What's the matter, Sister Tong? You sound so happy!"

"It's great news. I'll tell you when you come over. Darling, you have a bright future!"

Xia Weibao raised her eyebrows and vaguely guessed that it had something to do with the card she had played the previous day.

Although she was only going to be Mrs Lu for a year, Lu Hualiang had treated her quite well. He had not restricted her freedom, and had even given her a car!

The empress was someone who had really seen the world. She did not want to make a huge fuss as though she was an old granny who had never stepped out of her house.

Yet, when she sat in the customised Maserati worth tens of millions of dollars, she could not help but to drool in envy.

This metal horse is so cool! She thought.

She recalled the steps to operate the car from the memories of the owner of the original body. She put down the handbrake, shifted into gear and stepped down fully on the accelerator.

With a loud bang, the million-dollar luxury car sped out, leaving a huge hole in the garage door.

Too cool! Really too cool! She thought.

This feeling was even more addictive than flying over eaves and walking on walls!

Just as the empress was getting into the mood of speeding down the road, a piece of news was simultaneously being spread on the internet.

"#ShamelessB*tchXia, sleeping in order to rise in position

Once this news was released, it spread like a tornado through the internet.

In less than 10 minutes, it was shared more than a thousand times, and there were more than ten thousand comments! It quickly topped the search terms!

Shortly after, Xia Weibao once again swept the charts as the hottest topic of the day.



All the topics of the day contained Xia Weibao's name.

And the comments below were rising at an unprecedented rate.

— F*ck! B*tch Xia is indeed the best among all b*tches. She's only been back for a day and she's already climbed into Xu Jiayang's bed!

— If I take even just a look at "Fallen City", I will gouge my eyes out.

— Restrain Xia Weibao, suppress Xu Jiayang, suppress "Fallen City"!!!

The increasingly disorderly comments caught Xu Jiayang off guard.

The matter of changing the female lead had just been made. How did it spread out so quickly?

And at this unnaturally fast rate, it was obvious that someone was instigating it!

When Xia Weibao arrived at Hongtu media, she saw a flurry of reporters surrounding the company's premises.

She frowned. What was going on? Wasn't Hongtu on the verge of bankruptcy? There was an unexpectedly large number of reporters around.

"Look! Xia Weibao is here!"

Xia Weibao knew nothing about what was going on online, or that she was trending online. She was puzzled to see throngs of people swarming towards her.

When she thought about the fact that she was now a big star, she thought that these people could be her fans.

So she greeted them with a smile, and even waved politely towards the reporters.

"Hi… Ahh!"

She had not finished waving when she was pushed and then surrounded.

Countless microphones were pushed into her face. Those reporters were like hungry wolves that were raring to tear into her flesh and drink her blood. The menacing questions came unceasingly, catching Xia Weibao off guard.

"Xia Weibao, rumours on the internet have said that you slept with Xu Jiayang to get Lin Mier's role. Is that true?"

"Xia Weibao, whose luxury car is that?"

It was only then that the masses realised that the car that Xia Weibao was driving was actually a customised Maserati!

After initially being fired from her company, she had racked up a huge pile of debt. In the three years that she was mentally unsound, she had no income. Now that she had just been released from the mental hospital, she was definitely unable to afford such a luxurious car!

So where did this car come from? Anyone could tell.

The reporters were exceedingly excited and agitated.

"Xia Weibao, there is a rumour that you have a sugar daddy. Is that true?"

"Miss Xia, you slept with Director Xu. Does Master Jin know? Or did he say that you're a woman who serves many husbands?"

The accusations from all around were getting increasingly harsher. Xia Weibao was getting a little confused.

It was her first time in such a situation.

But after all, she was the mother of a nation. What had she not seen before? Whatever it was, it had never thrown her off balance.

In the office above, Leng Yan had witnessed this scene and was so mad that he almost threw Xu Jiayang down from the 23rd floor.

"Xu Jiayang, this is the outcome from changing the female lead. I'll see how you tidy up the mess!"

Looking at Xia Weibao who had been surrounded entirely, Leng Yan was powerless.

It was over.

Everything was over.

Xu Jiayang was sombre and silent. This was indeed much worse than he had expected.

At that moment, rotten eggs suddenly flew out from the crowd towards Xia Weibao.

Xu Jiayang's face was drained of color. "Hurry down and save her!"

It was one thing to be surrounded by reporters. But it was another to be personally attacked. No matter what, they had to put safety as the top priority!

Leng Yan had also been frightened and immediately called the security officer to chase the reporters away.

From the midst of the crowd, a shocking scene happened.

Upon seeing that someone had thrown a rotten egg at her, Xia Weibao's friendly face immediately darkened. Her cold eyes narrowed and swept through the crowd as though her whole family had died.

Xia Weibao lifted her hands. And caught all five rotten eggs.

Then she gently moved her hand and sent all five rotten eggs back to where they came from — towards the people who had egged her.


Five shouts rang out at the same time and everyone watched in shock.

It was not the first time that stars were egged by fans. But in the past, stars were all protected by their managers and security officers.

It was the first time that the offender was being dealt with immediately. And the star herself was unhurt and elegant! There really was a first time for everything!

Everyone was stunned and shell-shocked by what Xia Weibao had just done. But Xia Weibao only let out a cold sneer.

Then, from the stupefied crowd, she proudly walked into the Hongtu building. When the masses came back to their senses, they were infuriated.

Especially for the five fans of Lin Mier who had just been egged. They were literally boiling.

Good deeds weren't talked about, but bad deeds spread like fire.

This incident spread quickly with the narrative that Xia Weibao deliberately hurt fans. This brought about a huge uproar once again.

The empress' Weibo had completely collapsed and became the battleground for armageddon. She was being scolded and beaten black and blue online.

She initially still had 50,000 fans. Now, only 30,000 were left…

And it was still falling…

Coming to the 23rd floor, Xia Weibao saw four people.