
novels that are different

Fernrir_Zero999 · Others
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118 Chs

Chapter 3: The Cheat Account Arrives, The System Is Activated!

At this moment, with the arrival of teachers from various universities, there was even more chaos in front of the principal's office.

Finally, seeing the old principal bring Ye Qing and others over, their eyes lit up.

"Hahaha, Lao Yang, you're not mean enough. Why don't you tell us about a good seedling?" The man with condensed blood and muscular body smiled and said to the old principal. His eyes still glanced at Ye Qing and the others from time to time...

"Principal Yang, I heard that there is a genius? My Xianyu Academy has always recruited geniuses, and I don't know who this genius is? Hurry up and recommend it!" The fairy-like tutor of the Xianyu Academy also smiled. .

At the same time, his eyes turned to Ye Qing and the others behind Principal Yang, wanting to find the genius who awakened a world area of ​​33 kilometers!

Not only these two, everyone present was looking at Ye Qing and others.

Ye Qing was fine, she was quite calm.

The rest of the people were more or less apprehensive.

This is the school tutor...

It is the university they will enter in the future.

Even, some universities still exist that they yearn for, how can they not be nervous?

"You guys..." Principal Yang looked at the crowd with a dark face and curled his lips.

It's not over yet, they came here?

So anxious to recruit people?

However, think about it...

If it were him, after learning that Ye Qing was such an evildoer, he would also be eager to arrive at the scene as soon as possible.

"Ahem, boy Ye, come on, the old man will introduce you. This is the tutor of Xuanhuang Academy... This is the Immortal Field Academy... This is the Magic Academy..." At this moment, Old Principal Yang also smiled for Introduction by Ye Qing.

That wrinkled face is full of pride!

In the past, he always begged these old classmates to force students from his own school to enroll.

But today is better, because of a Ye Qing, these guys ran over in person...

That's a face full of face!

Ye Qing responded with a smile. Although there were many people, he was not stage-frightened. He chatted and laughed happily with the tutors from various universities, and he did not look shy at all.

At this moment, Ye Qing became the focus of the audience.


The rest of the students who were also awakened looked at Ye Qing with envy.

They are also world lords, but Ye Qing's treatment is completely different from theirs...

But it's normal when you think about it, who made Ye Qing such a monster...

The halo of genius shrouded everyone that day, and everyone was a little out of breath.

They only had wry smiles left in their hearts.

It is their misfortune to be in the same class as Ye Qing this year!

Finally, after the greetings were over, the old headmaster had earned enough face, so he brought Ye Qing and others into the headmaster's office!

Teachers from various schools also entered the principal's office one after another.

Everyone is acquaintances and old classmates of the old principal, and they also know that there is an important link next.

After this link is over, it will not be too late to discuss enrollment matters.

At this time, the huge principal's office has long been emptied, only a large sand table occupies most of the space.

The old principal ignored the instructors of the various universities, looked at Ye Qing and others, cleared his throat, and then said: "Students, you have indeed successfully awakened the world, but if you want to become the real world master, You must create the first batch of creatures in the world!"

"The characteristics of the creatures created also depend on the potential of the world!"

Create creatures!

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other...

This is the first time they know that after awakening the world, only those who create the first batch of creatures can be regarded as qualified world masters...

"Principal, is there any point in creating creatures?" Ye Qing asked curiously.

As soon as these words came out, everyone also looked at the old principal, their eyes full of inquiry and curiosity.

"It's natural to pay attention to it!"

The old headmaster smiled and said: "The first batch of creatures you created are bound to the characteristics of your own world. For example, the first batch of creatures you created were mechanical creatures. Then, in the future, your world will naturally be based on technological machinery. Lord, enjoy the bonus of technology. In creating technology and then researching technology, you can get twice the result with half the effort. On the contrary, if you evolve something that conflicts with technology, you will be restricted to a certain extent! If you want to cultivate immortality with technology, it is almost impossible. possible!"

Then, the old principal gave a few more examples!

For example, to create elemental creatures, it is best to take the magic route, but the Xianxia fantasy route is average.

"Principal, what if we create humans? Or animals?" Jiang Yuqing also asked curiously.

Those non-traditional beings have mentioned it, but traditional ones have not yet been mentioned.

"Humans or animals are naturally the existence of panacea!"


The old headmaster explained: "Whether it is cultivating immortals, fantasy, or technology, they can all develop in a balanced manner. However, compared with those unique creatures, human beings and ordinary animals have lost the blessing of the world for certain characteristics! Therefore, this The first batch of creatures created is very important! It depends on your future path!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked again.

Regarding their future path, we have to be cautious!

"Ye Qing, what creature do you want to create?" At this time, Jiang Yu gently tugged at Ye Qing's sleeve, blinking her big eyes, and asked in a low voice.

"Not ready yet..."

Ye Qing shook his head, technology? Fantasy? Cultivation? Or magic?

Although it will not be too restrictive, you can create anything you want.

However, the main world characteristics are still very important.


Suddenly, Ye Qing thought of something, looked at the old principal, and asked: "Principal, I remember, isn't there an original system?"

Original system!

As soon as these words came out, the students present were also slightly pondering, and then, their eyes lit up, and they all looked at the old principal.

The so-called original system is to create an unprecedented system by oneself.

Just like the Daoist who created the Xianxia system...

Before creating the Xianxia system, no one has ever opened up the Xianxia world, and he is the first to create the Xianxia world!

Others saw the potential of the Immortal Domain, wanted to follow suit, and developed similar things, but they were automatically classified under the Immortal Domain System and became vassals of the Immortal Domain...

He is the source of all immortals, the source of all dharmas, originating in the fairyland!

While those worlds enjoy the bonus of the fairyland, they will also give back to the original fairyland.

No matter how stunningly talented the affiliated fairyland is, how talented it is, how heaven-defying the world it creates, how huge the system is, how perfect it is...

That is also a vassal after all, and can never surpass the original fairyland, because when you become stronger, the original fairyland also becomes stronger because of you!

This is the anti-sky feature of the original god-type world master!

Opening up a godline on your own, becoming a clan and being the ancestor, isn't it better than living under someone else's fence and becoming someone else's vassal?

Apparently, everyone has thought about becoming the ancestor of one party, who will be followed by hundreds of millions of world masters in the future...

But on this...

The old headmaster just shook his head amusedly: "Everyone wants to become that one-in-a-million existence, and everyone wants to open up a divine domain, become a clan and become an ancestor! But in this day and age, how can it be so easy?"


As soon as these words came out, everyone was also dejected!

That's right, how can it be so easy to open up an unprecedented God's Domain?

How many geniuses have embarked on this road? In the end, the halberd fell to the ground?

The original god system, the system is unknown, you need to explore and explore by yourself, if you make a wrong step, you will be in the abyss.

But it's different if you join other gods, you don't even need to think about it, joining the fairyland, it's a great way to cultivate immortals, you can just copy the demons, ghosts, immortals and gods created by others and you're done!

Even, if you are talented enough, there will be countless resources tilted to train you to become stronger...

It can be said that one can become stronger by lying down.

One is to rack his brains and do everything possible to become a little bit stronger.

Which is the best deal?

Everyone looks sad...

Even Ye Qing fell silent...

"Okay, don't put too much pressure on yourself!" The old principal said, and with a wave of his hand, a square box appeared in front of everyone.

The box is engraved with inscriptions and surrounded by mysterious laws, which looks extremely mysterious.

Then the old principal said again: "This is the source of the gods that the school gives you to create creatures, and this is also the school's last investment in you!"

"Okay, you stand in front of the sand table and project the world, you can create creatures!"

As the old principal said, he patted the huge sand table.

Now, even the tutors from the various universities stood up and looked curiously at Ye Qing and the others one by one...

Of course, the most important thing is to look at Ye Qing...

Although it is not a matter of choosing a school to create a living being, it can also tell the direction to a large extent.

I just don't know what kind of creature Ye Qing is going to create...

Ye Qing was also full of confusion, standing in front of the sand table thinking hard.

In the end, he took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, and planned to project the world...

However, at this moment, a cold mechatronic sound suddenly sounded in Ye Qing's mind...

[Ding, it is detected that the host meets the conditions, and the system is being bound... The system is bound successfully! ]

[Congratulations to the host, the binding of the whimsical containment system is successful! ]