
Chapter 20(Cross the blue, the hidden place)

Hearing this sudden question from Villar, Liam's eyes shone a little under the mysterious coating of the divine light and he asked.

"What is it, Villar"

"I want to know the current situation of my people. If that's possible, my lord"

Villar humbly asked for this, his eyes were filled with a sense of firmness within it.

"I see... "

Liam pondered for a moment and continued.

"I can tell you the overall situation only, would this be good enough for you?"

"My lord, I won't be daring to ask for more. "

Villar shook his head and said.

"But I do hope to know who is the current leader of my people. A-and are they safe?"

"Safe? Yes, they are safe. As for the leader, his name is Alies Avern the third. "

"Alies Avern the third, what a strange name. It sounds like a title... "

Villar contemplated for a moment with his right-hand propped up against his chin.

No matter how you looked at it, this name sounded a bit noble.

And seconds later, a sense of realization immediately made its way into his mind.

"An even higher discrepancy of status?"

His eyes immediately lit up as he was saying this.

"Yes, an even bigger chasm compared to your idea from before."

Liam smiled hiddenly, spread his arm apart, and continued.

"It is a title and also a name at the same time. It's a new system that had been created in the last 200 years."

" So much has changed Villar, aren't you proud of your people's progress?"

"... I am not sure, my lord. I-I am not sure... "

Villar stuttered a little while answering back.

"I can sense your distress, Villar. And I am here to say one more thing. They are not your people to save. You are no longer their leader, but instead, you are their history."

"I-I understand... "

Villar could only swallow his thoughts for now and helplessly agreed with Liam's words.

It's better this way.

'It seems he never intended to give up on his people huh, what a firm will he possess '

Liam secretly thought within as he was hiddenly been paying attention to Villar's expression.

'Well, I can't blame him for that... '

"My lord, can I ask for one more thing to be granted for me?"

Villar added in from the front and Liam doesn't appear to be surprised at all with his request.

But instead, Liam had been anticipating it.

The trees were rustling softly with the occasional gawk from those birds up above.

Hearing this, Liam then asked in a gentle voice.

"What is it, Villar?."

"I-I wish to have a family... "

"A family?"

Liam asked back with interest.

"Yes, I had always been meaning to have one before. But due to my excessive responsibility back then, I barely got the time to do so. "

"Are you aware of what love is all about, Villar? "

"I-I am. It's a pure form of relationship. An honest understanding between two people and the wish to live together until the end of time. It's... terrifyingly beautiful... "

Villar slowly said with emotion.

Gripped his fist slightly and continued.

"Even if I am to be destined to become an immortal, at the very least I want to experience it one time. "

"... "

After thinking about it for a while, Liam then replied.

"Your curse will harm everything in this world. Love is impossible for you... "

"I-I see. It is impossible after al-"

"Now now, let me finish my sentence"

Liam interrupted by patting Villar's right shoulder and said.

"But to me, your lord. Nothing is impossible."


Villar exclaimed a little, but before he could say anything.

Liam continued with his words.

"I will set up your fate to meet the awaited one soon. And for you to meet this destined one, you will have to venture out from this place. "

Hearing this, Villar then asked back with a sense of nostalgia.

"Venture through this world?... But my lord, for the last 300 years. I had traveled through the world already. There's nothing more for me to see other than my people"

"Wrong, you are wrong Villar."

Liam shook his head and said.

"The so-called world that you had been traveling before was simply a small island compared to the vast land outside of the blue. Though I can't blame you for this, you might not understand the concept of islands and continents yet. "

"I-... "

"Cross the blue beyond your eyes, Villar. "

"The Blue?... "

"Yes, the blue. "


After bidding farewell to Villar, Liam then teleported himself towards another part of this world.

A part of the unknown that he secretly placed in a hidden place.

The area was dark and eerie, the land was filled with the stench of the dead.

From time to time, a horrifying unintelligible roar could be heard echoing throughout this place.

Like a whisper from the dead, nothing should exist here due to its barren environment.

No trees, no animals, and almost no nothing other than the stretched red.

Land of blood but surely it was created to be this way.


As everything was still ongoing with the usual.



A horrifying giant of light descended upon this land from the cloudless sky.

The eyes were glowing in divine light, the body was coated under the coat of unknown energy, and the height was simply out of the world, reaching the sky and beyond.

The whole land was trembling under his might as the giant slowly took a step forward unhurriedly.

'The place of the damned one, it has been 300 years Athrun. Too long for you but too short for me... '