
Chapter 19(An episode, It has been awhile)

"What an episode it was... "

Liam slowly said as he watched the woman's back disappearing away from his sight.

"A very rare occurrence. Is this what they call fate?... "

"For a normal mortal like her, being able to talk to me. Very few were able to do so and now she will be on the list. "

"But then, after leaving this house.... "



"The main street?... "

It was Lizy again as she unexpectedly halted within her steps. Glancing around for a while with her gaze filled with utter disarray.

All around her, this familiar picture and yet this unknown sense of enigma that was creeping behind her.

What's this?.

The clothes were the same, the style was the same, and her work.

Yes her work.


"What was I doing just now?."

" I- I don't remember... "

She asked again while stuttering.

Stretched both of her hands to the front and overlooked her sweaty palms with questions.

"Am I dreaming?."

" I swear... I- I talked to someone. "

"Maybe... "

"I- I don't remember... "

"What is happening here?"


"And thus, she will forget everything about me."

Liam sighed in deeply while saying so.

Took a step backward and went to the cabinet in the corner of the kitchen area.

Opening the cabinet, he then took out a large square-shaped metallic plate from it.

"That flower will be her greatest weapon from now on. "

"No matter what type of hurdles she may be facing, that flower will solve it all. "

He whispered.

Diverted his eyes towards the pond outside and continued.

"It had been a full day. And before I went to sleep yesterday, I had set it to be 100 years per day. "

"Now then, I am going to visit Vilar. "

"It's more fun to discover it manually rather than knowing everything "

Liam chuckled softly.

Placed the plate on the table and began tidying up the cups from before.

Not using his energy, not using any other supernatural means of power, and even not using his divine command.

All it took was a mortal means of doing things. Simple and yet fulfilling in his eyes.



*swoosh!* *swoosh!* *swoosh!*

This perspective was zooming down like a rocket. Flown through endless layers of white clouds and finally landed itself above a tall towering mountain.

A seemingly stretched peak with more than enough space for a small patch of forest.

Hidden under the bushes with those giant cyan birds flying about happily in the sky. Their size was huge with those loud flapping noises from their wings.

Zooming in into the forest.

In the dead center of this place, a familiar figure could be seen there sitting cross-legged on the ground.

His hair was long and white, bathed behind like a waterfall.

His eyes were closed and his breathing appeared to be following a certain rhythm.

The breath of the forest.

And luckily his clothes were still there, how odd no?. Well, this was because Liam had pardoned his entire body and even his clothes as one.

"It has been a while, Villar."


Liam slowly walked out from the void in front of Villar.

The same face with the same harmless smile, but all of those were covered under a brilliant golden light.

Sacred, mighty and majestic.

Hearing Liam's voice, his creator.

Villar didn't panic at all as he was once before. But instead, he slowly opened his eyes and said happily.

"It has been a while, My lord."

"Hahaha, it had been over 320 years since the last time we met. "

Liam responded with a heartily laugh. Strode closer towards where Villar was and continued.

"And it seems your demeanor has changed since the last time we met. You are more composed than ever. Like a sage... "

"Thank you for the compliment, My lord. But I am simply a mortal."

"A mortal you say?"

Liam stopped within his steps for a moment and said.

"You are no longer a mortal. You are an existence above it. "

Hearing this, Villar couldn't help but sigh a little and responded.

"I will not refute the lord's words. But no matter how much have I changed, I will never disregard my original root."

"The same as before, huh. Unpretentious... "

"Then my lord. May I ask the reason for your visit this time?. Would it be another verdict for the future of my people?"

Villar asked back curiously. But before he could say anything else, Liam interrupted.

"Let me sit first... It would be much more comfortable that way, won't it?."

Hearing Liam's casual words, Villar then went silent for a moment.

"... "

And then said.

"Please feel free to do so, My lord."

"I will."

Sitting on the ground, opposite Villar's position. Liam waved his hand to the side and pulled out a long slender feather from the void.

Placed it in between the two and said.

"I wouldn't call my visit this time as an act to send down a certain verdict. But more or less, I would call it... Sending down a sentence."

"A sentence?... "

Villar asked.


Liam nodded and resumed his words.

"This feather that you are looking at. It's a special divine item that I casually made. It will be yours from now on"

"T-this?... "

"Do not worry, a gift from myself would always fall under the order and honesty of mine. Take it, Villar. This is an order... "

"I see. "

"Thank you for the gift, My lord."

Taking the feather into his hand, Villar observed this treasure for a while as he glanced all over it.

'It's beautiful... '

He secretly thought within.

And noticing his expression, Liam then added in.

"It's a weapon and also a means of recording for you"

"A weapon and a means of recording?. My lord, I do not understand. Can you explain it to this humble one?"

Villar asked back politely.

"This feather can be used as a powerful weapon. But for its current state, it is extremely weak. To strengthen this weapon, you will have to practice it, feel it, and master it thoroughly. There will be no limit to its potential. "

"This... I will keep that in mind. Then, how about the recording means, my lord?. "

"As for the means of recording. You can store knowledge and information inside it. But it will be closely tied to its strength. "

"So then, the stronger my weapon is, the more information I can store inside it?."

Villar asked from the front excitedly.

A means of recording like this would be a gateway from hell for him. At the very least, he won't be bored anymore doing nothing but existing.


"T-then, with this... "

"Don't even think about it, Villar."

Liam interrupted his words.

Instantly pulling Villar back out from his thoughts as he raised his gaze towards the blurry figure in front of him.

"I-I... "

"This weapon is for you to protect yourself. "

"Protect me?... But my lord, there are no creatures that could harm me. The curse alone can destroy almost anything in this world. "

"Yes, that's true in a short term. But in the future, it will be different. "

Liam responded.

"The future?... "

"Well, it's just a part of my plan. You see, I am slowly arranging this world to move according to my will. And this future that I mentioned, will be according to my story. "


"I understand. But may I ask a question other than this topic, my Lord?."