
Chapter 18(I am sorry, Isn't it beautiful)

"It's not like the document is wrong or anything... But your father had never registered a family under his name. Not even his wife... "

The woman slowly placed the scroll back onto the table, crossed her arm over her chest, and looked towards Liam's face with the same skeptical gape from before.

And she continued.

"You get it, don't you?. Your current position is hard to explain. "

Hearing her words, Liam then smiled lightly and replied.

"I can see the concern of this issue. But rest assured, I have an explanation for this. "

"What is it?."

The woman asked.

"I am a free traveler, I just arrived in this town not too long ago to live here... "

" As for my mother, she had passed away already alongside my father. I buried them in my hometown graveyard. I hope you can understand my situation right now"

"By coming here, I am to claim my father's land from any unwanted situation... That scroll will be the proof"

Liam slowly explained to the woman.

The gesture was moderate, the voice was soothing, and even his way of wording appeared to be rather constructed with details.

Not many loopholes one must admit. At the very least, for a low-paying job like her.

Hearing Liam's words, the woman's eyes quivered a little under an unknown emotion.

Stared at his face for a moment as she tried to say something.

But then, her words were instantly swallowed up by her hesitancy. Swelled up in the middle of her throat as she said.

"I see... I am sorry to hear that. "

"It's fine... "

Liam smiled back at her.

And thus a strange silence immediately permeated itself between the two. One with a smile and the other one with a heavy heart.

"A-anyway... "

She stuttered a little and continued.

"To clarify my presence here today, usually our central office wouldn't do this house-to-house check-ups. "

"But there had been some large movement below our bordering land close to this town."

" Many people are pouring into our empire, we had no choice but to complement a new set of plans to cope with the current situation"

She slowly said in a composed manner. Clasping the cup of tea's grip and gently took a sip with her eyes half-closed.

"It's a good Tea. Did you make it?"

She asked.

"A treat from my hometown and also my specialty "

Liam nodded back, turned his attention towards her words from before, and asked curiously.

"Then Miss?... "

"Just call me, Lizy. I think we are of the same age. You don't need to use the honorific titles with me."

"I see. Then Lizy, can you tell me about this large movement that you mentioned just now?. What exactly happened there?"

Liam asked with a faint smile.

And hearing his words, Lizy couldn't help but shivered a little. Remembering the reports that she had received yesterday.


Calming herself down with a little cough. Lizy then said with a serious face.

"The empire below us had fallen... "

"This?... "

"I know, it's hard to believe but this is the fact of the current situation. A demon plague had infested the whole empire below us... Which led to the large immigration into our empire. "

"A demon plague?... "

Liam asked back with a curious look. He had never heard of this term before, this would be a new knowledge for him.

Seeing Liam's expression, Lizy then replied.

"It's not common knowledge for the general public. But for an office worker like me, this type of knowledge is extremely accessible. Would you like to know?"

"Yes please, I am extremely curious about this demon plague "

'It might be a good sample for my future research... '

He secretly thought within.

"The demon plague, it's like an illness or even an unknown means of mind control. There is no specific description of what this demon plague looks like... And the best answer according to its horrible effect would be a state of chaos. Some had said that it might be even worse than death itself... "

"Once infested, a person's eyes will turn blood red. The skin will melt, revealing the flesh and those internal organs within. But the worst part would be the horrible changes in physical strength and even... Appetite."

"They don't feel pain, but they can think. They don't feel remorse or sadness. But they would always laugh as they hunt the living to quench their ever eternal hunger. "

"It's extremely horrible... "

She ended her words with a terrified look on her face. No matter how hard she tried to stay calm, the pictures from those reports were too vivid.

As if she was there, watching those mountains of fleshes, beheaded heads, and limbs.

A world of red, the fallen empire.

Seeing her expression, Liam then took a small flower from his sleeve. Stretched it to the front and said.

"Calm down, Lizy. Here... take this. "

Taking the flower into her hand, a sudden burst of calmness immediately flooded down into her body.

Refreshing her mind and even her soul indirectly, but she didn't notice it.

"T-this is?"

"A good luck charm... "

Liam smiled.

"I... I-"

"Take it as a gift... "

"A gift?"

She asked back with her eyes sparkling. Feeling a little bit moved though not much deeper than that.

"Yes, it's rare for normal people to meet me. There had been very few as far as I could remember... "

"Very few?... "

"Indeed... It's a once in a lifetime. "

"This... I-I don't understand... "

"Why wouldn't you?... It's quite simple. "

Liam chuckled a little. Stood up from sitting and opened the window next to them.

The light from the outside immediately cleansed the house, with the visible orbs of light fluttering around like little fairies.

The fluffy wind gently skimmed by and even the pleasant rustling noises from the cherry tree that somehow had made its way into the house.

Everything at this moment appeared to be quite dreamy.

'He's so... beautiful... '

Her eyes were glistening under as she watched Liam's movement carefully. Not of cautiousness but instead, it was attentiveness.

It was as if something was pulling her sight towards him. Something... drawing the picture into beautiful art.

"Say Lizy, what do you think of that tree over there... "

Liam asked gracefully. Stood there next to the window as he placed his hand on the railing below.

"I-... It's beautiful. Extremely beautiful... "

She replied with a soulful voice.

A statement from her heart as she diverted her gaze towards the tree.

"Isn't it?... "

"I-it is... "

"I see... "

Plans can be arranged but fate might dictate my path towards the other lane.

I do not seek riches, I am simply looking for the sense of validation for my chaotic imagination. So please... read it with your soul even if it's not that perfect.

I am begging you from the bottom of my heart.

I will try my best to be a proper half-broken author.

Thank you...

Evertruth727_creators' thoughts