
Pains Of Life

It was a rainy Monday morning with thunderstorms. Ndukwe had prepared for school, but the weather was so bad.

It had been 2 days since he spoke to Ada, and he missed her, wanting to tell her about what he had dreamt last night.

He was walking to and fro in his room, waiting for the rain to stop. So, he decided to write a letter. While he was trying to write a letter to Ada and explain his dreams, he started feeling dizzy. It was as if his head had become bigger and he could not feel his feet. He tried to scream and call out to his mom, but his voice was so low and unheard because of the sound of the rain.

Slowly, he started having goosebumps all over his skin and felt very cold. After the incident, he could not understand what had happened and could not move his feet because he was so cold.

Daniel, his younger brother, walked into the room.

"Ndukwe! Ndukwe! What is wrong?" Daniel asked.

Ndukwe tried to respond but couldn't find the strength to speak. Daniel quickly ran to get their mother, who rushed into the room and gasped at the sight of her son lying on the floor, so cold and unable to move.

 Ndukwe's mom, was pacing back and forth, trying to figure out what to do. She took a thermometer and checks her son's temperature. Oh no, 102 degrees! This is serious.

His mom: (frantically dialing her husband's number) She tried to call her husband (Mr. Kalu), because she was so helpless and scared.

Why can't I get through to him? This weather is terrible. Ndukwe, please hold on. (She looks at her son, placing her hand on his forehead) Oh God, please help us. What is happening to my son?

Ndukwe: (weakly) Mom, I don't feel welI.

I know, my son. Just hold on. I'm here with you, she replied.

(worried expression on her face.)

She said, (to herself) Oh God, what is happening to my boy? He has suddenly developed a high fever, and I don't know what to do.

 (She was frustrated, starts to cry)

 (Tried to call her husband)

why won't this call go through?! I need your help, please! She said.

(She kneels next to Ndukwe and holds his hand, looking at him with tears in her eyes.)

(Phone rings, She answers)

Ndukwe's mom (with panic in her voice) Hello?

 Hello? Hello?

She was unable to hear him because the weather was bad. So she ended the call.

Her phone rang again and it was her husband calling.

Ndukwe's mom: (with panic in her voice) Hello?

 Hello? Hello?

Her husband: (voice breaking up) Honey, the signal is terrible. What's wrong?

 Our son, he's not well. His temperature is high, and I can't reach the hospital. I called the ambulance, but the weather is so bad and it would take them 45 minutes to get here.

Oh, babe. Please, take a deep breath, my dear. We'll figure this out. Everything will be fine. Please, calm down. I will call someone a friend to come and drive you and Ndukwe to the hospital, he said 

(He hung up the phone)

She looks up to the ceiling and prays. God, please help us. Send us a miracle. Give me the strength to help my son. Please, keep him safe.

(Doorbell rings and She rushes to open it.)

(She sees Daniel, her younger son)

 Daniel, what are you doing here?

Daniel: Mom, I found a neighbor who is a nurse. She's coming to help Ndukwe.

She felt (Relieved) Thank you, Daniel. You are an angel.

( She holds Ndukwe's hand and continues to pray despite her worry, waiting for the nurse to arrive.)

( Suddenly, a knock is heard at the door)

I think this must be Adeola our neighbour. She said to herself 

(She slowly makes her way to the door, opens it, and is surprised to see Nurse Adeola standing there, drenched from the rain.)

Oh, Adeola, I am so sorry to put you through all this stress.

It's okay! Adeola said.

Nurse Adeola: (concerned) Ndukwe, I heard you weren't feeling well. I couldn't wait for the rain to stop, so I came over to check on you.

(She rushes inside and helps Ndukwe back to the couch.)

Ndukwe: (grateful) Thank you so much for coming, Nurse Adeola. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've been feeling terrible.

Nurse Adeola: (comforting) Don't worry, Ndukwe. Let me help you. Can you please tell me what symptoms you've been experiencing?

(Ndukwe describes his symptoms and what he had experienced. Nurse Adeola listens attentively, asking questions about his condition and taking his temperature.)

Nurse Adeola: (after a moment of thought) Ndukwe, I think you might have encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain. It's a serious condition, and I think we need to get you to Doctor Emeka as soon as possible.

Ndukwe: (concerned) Encephalitis? I've heard of it, but I didn't think it could happen to me.

(Ndukwe's mom was shocked)

Ndukwe's Mom: there is nobody in my family line that has had encephalitis.

Nurse Adeola: (firmly) Don't worry, Ndukwe. We'll get you the help you need. Let me call Doctor Emeka and see if we can get an emergency appointment.

(Nurse Adeola takes out her phone and dials the doctor's number.)

(Nurse Adeola manages to get an emergency appointment with Doctor Emeka)

Adeola, asked Ndukwe's mom to boil a water so that they can use it to massage his body while they wait for someone that would drive them to the hospital.

(She was massaging his body and praying and Adeola joined her to pray because she knew that there is power in prayers)

Miraculously, Ndukwe's was able to move his feet and stood up to the bathroom to pee

At about 15 minutes later, the driver that Ndukwe's dad called had arrived. He knocked and pressed the doorbell and took them to the hospital.

It took them nearly half an hour to reach the hospital, and Ndukwe, weakened and dizzy, was slipping in and out of consciousness. His mother clutched his hand, tears streaming down her face, as she prayed for a miracle.

"Clear the way, get a stretcher!" Adeola's voice pierced the air as they rushed through the hospital doors. Her cries echoed through the halls, a desperate plea for help. Ndukwe was quickly placed on the stretcher and whisked away to the emergency room, his condition rapidly deteriorating.

His mother was so devastated and did not want to leave his son alone in the emergency room

" Ma.. ma, please, you have to stay outside, one of the nurses told his Mom as they took Ndukwe into the emergency room

They tried to revive him, Ndukwe slipped into unconsciousness. The doctors and nurses sprang into action, leaving his mother outside the room, her heart pounding in her chest.

The reality of the situation hit her like a punch to the gut. She couldn't focus, couldn't think about anything other than her son's life hanging in the balance. How had a normal day turned into a terrifying nightmare?

Desperate for answers, she bombarded the hospital staff with questions, but the only response she received was reassurance that everything would be okay.

" How can everything be okay, she said with a loud voice."

Mrs. Adeola held her and consoled her.

"Stop crying, I know how you feel. Everything will be okay; Trust God."

As she clung to hope, the only thing she could do was wait and pray for her son's life to be spared.

She had been waiting for around 15 minutes, but there was still no response from the doctor. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, and her heart raced. Suddenly, she caught sight of a nurse approaching and dashed towards her.

"Are you the nurse in charge of my son?" she asked anxiously.

"Your son? What's your son's name?"

"Oh my God!" she yelled at the nurse, "I just brought my son here. What do you mean, 'what's my son's name'? Are you stupid?" Her frustration nearly creating a scene. Mrs. Adeola then apologized to the nurse and insisted that she should stay calm and sit.

"Oh my God, I'm losing my mind."

"Can I get you some water?" Mrs. Adeola asked.

"Ye, yes, yes, please," she replied, trying to regain her composure.

She felt a little relief and patiently waited to receive a report from the doctor. Her phone rang, and it was her husband.

"Babe, hello, can you hear me?" She replied with a crying voice and said yes, she could hear him.

"How is Ndukwe? What did the doctor say? Is he going to be okay?" he asked with a distressed voice and a broken soul.

She replied, saying she had not yet received any reports from the doctor, but Ndukwe was unconscious when they arrived at the hospital.

Babe, stay strong. Ndukwe needs us now more than ever. He's a fighter, just like you and he will be Okay

Her heart pounded in her chest as she relayed the distressing news to her husband. She could feel the fear and worry in his voice as he asked about their son. Ndukwe had always been the light of their lives, and now, seeing him lying in a hospital bed, was a nightmare they never saw coming.

Babe, I will be coming home tomorrow. I wish I was always there for you and my kids, maybe all this would not have happened. He blamed himself, but tried to stay strong, He said.

No, no, you are a good husband and father to our kids

After hanging up the phone, she sat alone in the hospital waiting area. She felt a sense of helplessness wash over her, but she knew she had to remain strong for her family. She thought back to the time when Ndukwe was a little boy and how he would come running to her with skinned knees or when he had a bad dream. She was always there to support and comfort him.

As the hours passed by, She found herself surrounded by concerned family and friends who had rushed to the hospital to be by their side. She could see the worry etched on their faces, and her own anxiety continued to mount. But she knew she had to be the pillar of strength for all of them.

The doctor finally emerged from Ndukwe's room with grim expressions on his face. Ndukwe's mom rose to her feet and steadied herself, ready to face whatever news was coming. The doctor explained that Ndukwe had suffered a severe head injury and was in a critical condition. The next 24 hours would be crucial.

The news made her cry so hard, but her family and friends tried to console her and told her to stay strong.

"Adeola said, "Ndukwe is a fighter and he will fight for his life."

As she sat down, the thought of his other kids flashed through her heart, but she couldn't leave the hospital. However, her family and in-laws who came to visit checked in on her other kids. As the day came to an end, she started to accept her reality and hoped for a miracle.