
Not So Perfect Life

Life should be easy but why is it hard for me? We’re broken family. There are a lot of family issues. I’m not with my siblings. My grandma is blaming me of what happen to my parents. My mother was missing. My father is a drug user. I’ve been abused, I got nothing but myself. I want to end this…Now

love_elysiann · Teen
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4 Chs


It was in mid-summer when Tierra decided to get Isabelle from her mother. Isa was so timid and not talking at all. You can see on her face that she's not well. The reason for Tierra's decision was her mother wanted Isabelle to work and Tierra knows that it was no good and no future for the kid. Her mom just wants the kid to sustain her needs. Where in fact, Tierra is always giving her mother money and grocery because she believes that that was what children do for their parents. But her mom was too abusive and she even uses her Grandchild to do things for her pleasure. Her mom didn't agree to this but she did her best to convince her mom to have Isabelle with her.

Isabelle was their first baby, She was her first niece, and seeing her like that was too painful. At the young age of 15, Isa has to go through a lot of pain. Isa's mom suddenly left them. Then because of that, her dad became a drug addict. She needs to be strong for her siblings. She acts as a parent to both of them, do everything that a parent suppose to do. There are times that they didn't eat for a whole day and her father was out drinking and taking drugs. Until the day that her great-grandmother took them and live at her place. Since Isa's father was jobless, she needs to take that help for her siblings.

Living with her Nana was great, they have food to eat, shelter, and other necessities they need. But her Nana found out that her Father hasn't stopped using drugs. That was the time that her father needs to leave the house and the only ones left are her and her brothers.

Nana was 75 years old, she's taking care of three children. But that only lasts for 2 years because she has to go to Colorado, US with her youngest child. Isa was too thoughtful that she forced her Nana to go with her son because she knew that it was her uncle's dream, to live with her mom and bring her to the US.

Before Nana, left the Philippines, she settles things first and asks her daughter, Sierra (Grandmother of Isa) to took her grandchildren and took care of them. Isa and her brothers don't want the idea, but they have nowhere else to go.

The three of them don't want the idea but she has no choice but to stay with her grandma. She asked her brothers if they want to go. Yvette said no and Elli just wants to be with her sister. Yvette was 14 at that time and he can make decisions but since Elli was only 9, he's at the stage where he follows what the elder said to him. She respects Yvette's decision and lives separately. She hates it so much that her life is starting to crash bit by bit.

Isa and Elli live with their grandma. She was nice at first, but as days, weeks, months pass by, she became abusive and hit them every time she's not satisfied with what the siblings do. Isa was starting to feel sick yet she doesn't tell to anyone because she thought that it will cause trouble again and she doesn't want that. She starting to felt abdominal pain but she just endures it. She even passed out at her classes, went to the clinic to have some medicine, and went back to class. Those times happen without her grandma knowing. She's going back home and still do chores. She cooked food for them, Do the laundry, and clean the whole house. If her grandma saw her sitting she will be beaten up and she been told a lot of things that will crash her whole being.

But those things only happen when they're alone. She felt safe whenever they got a visitor or her aunt or uncle visit. Then one day, her uncle asked if Isa and Elli could come to his place because he needs someone to look after his kids because of his work. Isa and Elli felt happy, but her grandma said only Isa could come. She was worried for Elli, but she had to follow what her grandma said. She can't have a communicate with her brother too because she doesn't have a phone. She was just hoping that her brother will be fine until she got back. It was only for three days anyway.

Her stay there was great. She felt refresh and light. But she's still worried about her brother. She was on her way home and she's excited to see her brother. But when she got home, her brother wasn't there. She asked her grandma and she didn't answer. She could only see a tear dripping down her grandma's face. She was panicking and worried about where the heck is Elli. Then her grandma said, "Your father took Elli." Her life falls apart, she got down on her knees and doesn't know what to do. Isa kept on contemplating and thought that maybe Elli just took a vacation there. But her grandma said, "He took Elli without me knowing." Isabelle was shocked and burst everything out.



"YOU DID EVERYTHING?! YOU NEVER FUCKING DID! YOU ABUSE US AND YET WE ENDURE THAT ALL! NOW I KNOW WHY YOUR KIDS LEFT YOU! YOU'RE SU-" She doesn't even finish what she's saying because her grandma slapped her. That's also the time that she realized what she did. She immediately apologizes to her and kneels on the ground. She kept on apologizing and saying that she was just frustrated. "I want my brother back. He's the only person I had. Please" She begged. But her grandma doesn't even know what to do.

Every night she cried and been asking herself what she did wrong. Asking why it keeps on coming to her. She hasn't recovered from the previous event yet, then there's this thing coming again.

When is this going to end? I am so tired. I just want to die right now.

Those are the thoughts that kept on crossing her mind.

After months, she found out that Yvette and Elli had a communication. Luckily Elli was fine. Yvette even told her that he thinks it's better than Elli staying here. Elli looks fine and has been doing great. It was painful for her but she's not selfish enough to be a hindrance to her brother's happiness and freedom. She let that be and live her life. But she doesn't even know if her life will be worth living now especially those people she draws strength from were far.

The only thing she knew that her brothers are fine now, maybe its the end for her. But every time she's trying to end things, there is still part of her that saying don't. Her brothers still need her. She needs to reach for her dreams to have her brother back and live with them again.

A year has passed, she's still not doing well. She doesn't know where to start her dreams if she stays with her grandma. She wanted to ask for help but her thoughts saying that it will cause trouble and no one will help her. People have also their problems and she doesn't want to be other's problem. Her aunt and uncles are too busy and she knows how many problems they have. She was just living her life and go with the flow. If her grandma asks her to leave then she will. It is her problem now where she'll stay but as long as she's not forced to leave she will stay even though she always got beaten up.

Those are the things that Isa has to go through during her teenage life. She didn't have a chance to enjoy it but since she's moving out to her grandma maybe her life will change. Maybe this will be the time where she starts her life freely and with all her control.

Life brings hardship just to test how long you can take, and when you're ready things will change and be better. A better life, no. The best life that you could ever imagine.

Let me know your thoughts towards my creation. I am changing the story a bit for those readers that have read the previous chapter. I deleted it and revised and make the new one more pleasing and clearer

Thank you everyone for reading xoxo

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