
Not So Perfect Life

Life should be easy but why is it hard for me? We’re broken family. There are a lot of family issues. I’m not with my siblings. My grandma is blaming me of what happen to my parents. My mother was missing. My father is a drug user. I’ve been abused, I got nothing but myself. I want to end this…Now

love_elysiann · Teen
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4 Chs


Tierra was driving Isabelle to a condominium in BGC Taguig. Isa was peacefully sleeping in the shotgun seat and she kept on looking at her. She's so distracted with those dark circles and her sad, lonely eye that speaks everything already. Yet, she has those bruises and scratches all over her body. Her skin was so pale and her lips were so dry and peeling. That…that is the look of someone who needs help. Someone who's not physically and mentally well.

Right at this moment, Tierra was just happy that she got her niece out of her mother. Her mother was too cruel to be with someone who's not mentally well already. She knew exactly what will happen to Isa and where this kid will end up if she stays there longer.

All she cares about right now was to help Isa stand again. Let those people who hurt her see that Isa was more than what they expect. Isa was more than to what they did. It will be hard but she will never give up on her niece.

They're at the parking of the building now. Tierra unbuckled her seatbelt and turn off the engine before waking up Isa. "Honey, we're here." She said.

Isa is startled and sits straight. "I-I'm sorry, I fell asleep."

Tierra notices that Isa kept on pinching her hands. She holds it gently but Isa was shocked and look at her. "It's okay honey, you need some rest. You don't need to be sorry." She said and Isa just smiles at her timidly.

"Uhmm- I should get my things now," Isa said and get off the car and go to the trunk to get her stuff. She only has 2 bags and that was all her stuff. One and the other half of the bag were her clothes and the rest was her random stuff.

"Do you want me to carry the other bag?" Tierra offered.

"No, it's fine," Isa replied.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, Thanks"

Tierra didn't force Isa and they went to the elevator to go to the unit.

While they're in the elevator Tierra was observing Isa. She was just facing the floor and kept on scratching her fingers. She wasn't still and too anxious. Tierra was too worried and ask questions randomly. " Do you want to go shopping today? Or do you want any food?"

Isa looked at her confusedly but she answered. "I'm fine, thanks."

The elevator dings and went to the unit Tierra opened the door and Isa was shocked. "Go in," Tierra said and Isa walked slowly inside.

The place was so bright and neat. It was a modern-style unit and like a New York Style Apartment with big windows and a city view.

"This is going to be your new home now," Tierra said. "Look around. Your bedroom is on the right."

Isabelle looked around the unit. When you enter the house you could see the kitchen and the island that will serve as a breakfast nook. On the deeper part of the unit were the living area and the balcony. Right on the left was an empty bedroom with an en suite toilet and bath. Same as on the right which will be Isa's bedroom.

Isa thought that she said the bedroom was her aunt's actual room because the other bedroom was empty. "I could stay there. This room is yours." She said and pointing at the other room. She immediately put her things there and about to fix them.

"No wait, stop," Tierra said. She smiled and held Isa. "This room was empty because I just bought this weeks ago. And this unit is not mine."

"What do you mean not yours? You bought this."

"Yeah, I bought this under your name."

"My name? But-"

"No buts." Tierra stopped Isa from talking because she knew that it was just how will she pay for this and blah blah blah. "I want you to live your life and control it. You're no longer and your grandma's house so you can do whatever you want. You want to lay in bed all day. It's fine, you can watch whatever you want, go out and have a walk. Meet your friends, go to the mall, go shopping. Everything! You can do everything here now."

"This is too much."

"You also did so much for my Mom."

Isa was so speechless. Things are not syncing in her mind. What's happening was like a dream for her. She was just imagining this before she went to bed before and now here she is. Living the life that she never thought she will live.

"If that's the thing. Can you at least stay here?" Isa said to Tierra. She's not used to living alone and besides, that's the best way to not feel guilty living at a place that someone's money was used.

"No problem honey, I will stay here if that's what you want."

"Thanks. Thank you for this." Isa said and hugged Tierra.

It's been months now living here. Isa is starting to get used to the place. She was still not well and the only change to her was her pale skin is starting to have color. She still hurt herself, cries at night, not opening that much. She didn't even stay in her room and just sit on the floor after doing her chores. That's was the part where Isa's not doing anything, she's losing herself. Zoning out, staring outside for so long then cry as much as she could.

Tierra came home. "Isa. I'm here." Isa wasn't answering. "Where is she?" She looked at Isa's room but she wasn't there. Even in both bathrooms. She's getting worried now and call her. She got relieved when Isa picked up the phone.

"Where are you? I was looking for you"

"I-I'm so sorry. I'm going down now." She hurriedly said and hang up.

Not less than a minute, Isa came back. She immediately went to the refrigerator to prepare her aunt's dinner. " I'm sorry I was at the rooftop. I-I'm really sorry." She said and panicking.

"Honey, calm down. It's fine. I was just worried." Tierra sad and trying to calm Isa.

But Isa kept on preparing the food and kept on apologizing. "It won't happen again, I'm sorry."

Tierra notice that Isa's breathing wasn't normal. She approaches Isa and took the plate and the glass from her hand. " Honey calm down. It's fine."

"I'm really sorry. I should've told you where am I." Isa started to cry and she's now catching her breath.

"Isa are you okay?" Tierra worriedly said.

"I-I can't b-breathe."

Isa was having panic attacks. Luckily Tierra knows what to do. She helped Isa calm down and breathe. After a few minutes, Isa's fine. She helped Isa went to bed and tucked her in.

That was the first time that she saw Isa like that. It was so scary but at the same time, it gives her more eagerness to help this kid. She will help her no matter what. She will be there no matter what. Isa needs her and she will be there. She will never leave this kid and be the parent that she's been longing for.