
NOT MY WORLD (brilliance academy)

Lucille adebayo also know as Lucy is an average middle class girl, who got scholarship to study in the most prestigious school in the county. Her mind wasn't set about the scholarship because she wasn't sure if she would fit I know being a middle class girl and getting scholarship into the most expensive, biggest, prestigious high school in the country would be the dream the of every teenager but it wasn't hers, Brilliance academy was a school full of drama and trials will she overcome them or not?

Esther_Moyinoluwa_3623 · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

**A Week After**

I am standing in front of the mirror trying to set my dress perfectly for my first day in school, I am not nervous anymore , cos since I told my friends in my previous school all about my new school, they gave me tips on how to survive in a rich kid's school , I'm not nervous anymore, so bring it on world !

" Lucy are you done dressing up, you don't want to be late on your first day in your new school " mum yelled out

" I'm done already just give me a sec " I replied as I took my backpack which was on the bed and rushed out of my room

" just be fa..." mum said as I interrupted her, mid sentence " I'm here" I said,

" ok just come and have your breakfast real quick",

"ok " I replied.

" Good morning princess, how was your night"

my dad said as he walked out of his room holding kelvin's hand

" Good morning dad " I replied

" don't greet her dad did you forget she beat me the last time mum told her to babysit me "

I rolled my eyeballs and scoffed as I was pulling the dining chair so I can sit on it

" dad look at her she even has that devilish look on her face "

kelvin said as he pointed at me, mum smiled as she was preparing our breakfast already dressed for work , dad lifted kelvin into his arm and said

" your sister is not a monster even if she beat you, I'm sure she did it to protect you "

" but it's not fair, she beat me, she beat me na " kelvin replied as he was crying crocodile tears

" it's okay , it's okay I will beat her for you hear " dad answered playfully.

" But today is her special day why don't we give her last chance " dad said as he pulled dining chair and placed kelvin on it and pushed it a little towards the table.

"You heard that this is your last chance " kelvin said shaking a finger towards me in a warning way ,

" stop talking and eat your food, don't you ever get tired of talking" I said, then I stuffed my mouth with slice of bread then ate the fried egg after I have swallowed the bread I stuffed in my mouth, as I was eating kelvin looked at me shaking his heads sideways and said

" I will get tired of talking when you stop eating like a dog "

I became furious and about to stand up to hit kelvin when my mom held my hands not to stand up because she already sat beside me about to start eating after she served my dad's breakfast.

" Kelvin ahh ahn why would you say such to your sister" my dad said,

" And moreover she's your big sister I can tell her to discipline you, I would even tell her to be beating you now . Would you eat your food quietly now my friend, before you're spewing rubbish " , mom continued

Kelvin looked at his food with a sad eyes and started eating it . I suddenly felt like a champion cos mom and dad usually support kelvin against me most of the time, though I was furious before but I'm glad my mom shouted at him .

"That's for the misery you put me through the last time I babysit you "

I said in my mind .

Then we all ate our breakfast quietly and peacefully .

After we were done with our breakfast we were already getting ready to go out, I'm going with my dad so he can drop me off at school and go to work. My mom works in kelvin school so he's following her . My dad and my mom has their own car, but I do follow school bus when I was in my former school. My mom drove out of the compound first then my dad drove out and I locked the gate and waved to my mom and said

" goodbye mom, goodbye kelvin " ,

then she drove away, then I got into my dad's car . I sat in the front seat by the driver seat and my dad began to drive. The drive to my new school is about one hour plus but my dad drove a little bit faster and passed through some shortcut, so he could meet up with his work, we were able to make it there in forty-five (45) minutes cus the first time he drove me to the school for the scholarship entrance exam, we used about an hour plus to get there, cos the school is a bit far from our house I am even lucky that the school is not too far from our house, cos this school is one of the most prestigious school in the country not even the state. Many children from all over the country comes to school here while my house is just an hour drive away from it . It felt like destiny wants me to school here, but I pray I do make a difference. After we drove for a while, my dad stopped in front of a big gate and said

" baby girl we've gotten to your new school and I'm wishing you good luck" ,

" thanks dad " wish me luck

"Ok" my dad replied as he waved goodbye to me after I got down.

At first it seemed weird that dad didn't follow me in to the principal office on my first day, but I understand, it's because he doesn't want to be late for work.

I sighed as I saw myself standing in the front of my new school, with "Brilliance academy" boldly written on the top of building, which was like a mansion, I'm sorry I mean it was actually a very big mansion. Anxiety and nervousness which I thought had disappeared came rushing through me.

" Am I really going fit in this school ? Will I make new friends? Or will I make new enemies? Will I get distracted? Will there be too much competition for me ? " This are the questions I asked myself as I was feeling pressured by my thoughts.

"Honk honk " , " hey you move from the way " I heard as I was still deep in thought, a red benz with the driver yelling at me, was behind me .

" Sorry" I said as I rushed away from the way and walked towards the school building. " Bring it on world" I said as walked into the school building. I felt my anxiety and nervousness disappear, nevertheless they're human beings like me, that's what I thought, little did I know what life has in store for me 😳