

Ari pov

" Ari, how do you feel when you love someone?" she asked.

I was confused and angry at the same time, why and how on Earth will Candy choose to ask me this kind of question, I quickly looked at Sam and gave him the puppy face to help me out, and like he has been expecting me to do that, he swung into action.

" Jenny, let me do the talking first, like you know, men first when it gets to things like this" Sam said which Candy nods to positioning herself well on the couch like a kid who want to be told her bed time story.

© Author phynerwrites

Sam pov

I believe this is an opportunity to express what I truly feel to Ari, I was extremely happy the moment she begged me to come to her aid, I will just let her know what she is doing to me and maybe she will consider me.

"Well," I started, making sure they are all focused to hearing whatever I want to say

"How I feel when I love someone is this, whenever I see the person I always feel my heart skip a beat, whenever I see the person sad, I feel my heart stop for a moment, whenever I think about the person, i feel my heart smiling, whenever I come in close physical contact with the person, I feel my heart beats faster, whatever concerns the person always have an effect on my heart and right now my heart is yearning for the person" I didn't know how I got to spit all the sentence, but I believe Ari will be convinced to give me a chance now

"Wow, Sam Maxwell, you just spoke like someone who is truly in love" Candy yelled and jumping on her seat, she seems happy, well, I am happy too

"it is a normal thing to love people, isn't it?, or Ari, what do you say?" I replied Candy and also directed my question to Ari to know my stand partially because I still want to give speaking with her again another chance

"Yeah, love is normal, we love people, like family, friends and others, especially friends, we just love them in a friendly way, nothing more" Arianne replied, and at that moment it seemed like my world had stopped, she is indirectly rejecting me, but, I still believe I just have to push a little more.

"But, when I was talking the other time, you were thinking about somebody right?" I asked again, although to everyone but my concentration is more on Ari. Everyone just went dumb at that instant, seems like something else is actually happening, first, the introvert Jenny asked this kind of question which is something she will not have done on a normal day and the reaction of everyone confirms my suspicion, I am happy I got a chance to tell Ari what I feel for her though.

© Author phynerwrites

Bruce pov

Yes, Sam is right about something, when he was talking about his feeling, someone was in my mind, a picture that has come to stay in my heart, a face I wish to always see, I had thought I love Jenny, but hell no, the only person that was on my mind is Ari, was it because of the way I met her when we arrived in the afternoon or what, this feeling feels so real and pure, I had only felt it once, and that was towards Anna; Sam younger sister, I think I have to take my leave, I stood up and everyone gaze shifted to me.

"Guys, I think I will be on my way" I informed them calmly

"But, you haven't move to your house yet, you told us you will be moving tomorrow, so why not stay over" Ari asked with concern laced in her voice and eyes, I don't know how, but I felt my feeling for her multiply at that instant

"Yes, I am moving tomorrow, and that is why I think I should visit my dad, at least to enjoy some time with him" I quickly tried giving excuse before the rest joined in trying to make me stay.

"okay, good night dude, see you tomorrow morning" Sam said and we did our man to man signature before he left for his room

"See you guys tomorrow" I said and dash out before they reply.