

Chapter Five

#Next day

Sam pov

I had made up my mind yester night to speak with Ari again today, she can't just keep on rejecting me, I will ask her to give me a chance, and I hope she do. I came out of my bedroom only to meet the living room empty, only God knows what these girls are up to again today. Jenny came out of her room after some minutes, already dressed.

© Author phynerwrites

" Good morning angel" I greeted her, she hesitated before replying, too much for being an introvert

"And when is Ari coming down?" I asked when she had settled her butt on one of the couches.

"I don't know, I haven't seen her this morning" she replied

"But I thought you guys were up to and planning something together in the room, that is why I didn't meet you guys here when I came out" I statement questioned her, she only shook her head in a negative way which only mean one thing, something is wrong with Ari

"Let me...." I was interrupted by the sound of a car, that means Bruce is already here to come and pack his stuffs

© Author phynerwrites

Ari pov

After yesterday night incident, I decided to stay indoor till Bruce will arrive this morning, I was already up and dressed but I can't go out now, how will I face Sam after rejecting him again yesterday, I just wish he stop his wishes because I didn't feel anything special for him, I only see him as a friend. I was jolted out of my thoughts when I heard a car pull up, I quickly rushed to the window to confirm if it is Bruce and yes he is here, I can already feel butterflies in my stomach, I took a final look at myself I. the mirror and head out. I have to look good for Bruce.

© Author phynerwrites

Candy pov

Bruce opened the door and came in, we exchanged pleasantries, but looking at Sam, one can easily tell he is not comfortable, he was shifting in his seat and taking constant glances at Ari's door.

And finally, here comes the trouble herself in a body fitted grey jumpsuit looking radiant and beautiful with her curvy shape yelling how endowed she is, I strongly believe she will succeed more as a model only if she will listen to me

© Author phynerwrites

Bruce pov

I had expected to meet Ari the moment I entered into the house but I was outrightly disappointed when she wasn't in the living room, I had asked of her and I was told she will join us soon, I didn't have to wait for long as the goddess opened her room door and came to the sitting room, my heart did not only skip a beat at seeing her, it actually summersaulted, no matter how much I want to stare, I can't, it is so impolite of me

"So, since we are all here, why don't we get to work" I started a conversation if we can call it that, the moment I noticed Sam's gaze lingering on my Ari

"Yes, we will be in the kitchen, girlfriend let's go" Ari seconded pulling Candy with her to the kitchen while me and Sam make for my room in his house to get my things.