

A guy saves a young girl from truck-kun. then he meets an old God who decides to transmigrate him as Harry frickin Potter. Watch as "Harry" messes up canon and takes matters into his own hands. Strong and smart MC. Please do enjoy my book. I'm new here and I'm inexperienced at this. Criticism is allowed but pls don't make me cry. I don't own Harry Potter and I don't own the picture. Bye.

some_writer · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Letters and new resolve

It's nightime now. I checked my aunt and uncles room and yep, their fast asleep. Especially uncle Vernon, his snore is so loud i can still hear it when I went downstairs. 'Now that is definitely a pig' i thought while snickering.

When in the afternoon, they asked me where I got those clothes. Keeping calm i answered"When i was coming back from gardening to do the laundry, the lid of the washing machine closed down faster than I thought and clamped on my shirt. So i decided to use my other clothes." When i walked away, my knees were buckling.' Holy sh*t, I almost got found out.'

I also sneakily snuck some chocolate into my cupboard under the stairs so that i could continue my quest of removing the 'MALNOURISHED' debuff.

Back to now, I was in the cupboard opening the box again. I was very nervous to open the letter. I also deactivated 'GAMERS MIND' as well.

I took out all the other stuff that was in the box. Then there was only two letters left inside.I pick up the one that says 'TO HARRY,FROM YOUR MOM'.

I opened the evenlope. Inside the letter my mother wrote:

Dear Harry James Potter:

My name is Lily Potter(nèe)Evans. I am your mother. If your reading this, then I have unfortunately passed away doing my duty to protect you as a mother. If you are asking, what kind of duty are you doing mom? Well let me explain, your father,James and I are in a group called the Order of The Phoenix. We are in this group to fight an evil dark lord named Lord Voldemort. He is an evil cruel person. He kills muggleborns like me, and half-bloods. What are those you may ask, well Harry muggleborns are a people with magic that aren't from a noble ramily, while half-bloods are people with a parent that is from a noble family like your father. He is from a noble family called House Potter. Me your mom is a muggleborn. He fell in love with me in a magic school called Hogwarts. There is also a group called pure bloods they are a group of people whose both parents come from noble lines. Your godfather Sirius Black is a pureblood but he is a kind man unlike other arrogant purebloods. Harry when you go to a magic school called Hogwarts you might face some difficulties with purebloods so be careful okay. Hogwarts is a school which teaches magic to magical kids like you. So don't be sad okay? Me and your father will always love you no matter what path you choose. We will continue watching you from above ,supporting you through your hardships.

Love with kisses,


When i was done reading, I was shedding tears all over my face. This is my mom! She said she loved me. I read it again and again and i still can't believe it. I can wait what my dad has to say.

Once i calmed down and cleaned my face. I went and picked up another envelope that says 'FOR HARRY, FROM YOUR AWESOME DAD'. I chuckled at my father's antics. Yup, that's my dad alright. I also feel something sharp and long inside(Thats what she said). I took it out and it was a wand. I set it aside for now. When i finished reading this letter i will play with it like a child. I opened it and it says:

Dear son:

Hey there, it's your awesome dad here. If you are reading. Then i am sorry that i you may never see us again. And I can't see you grow up and be a super famous quidditch star like i am. Anyways, I am sure your mom already explained the reason why we passed away. We were fighting some bald guy named Voldemort who wants to kill muggleborns and halfbloods. I don't know the reason why, that fool Dumbledore wouldn't explained to us. As to why, he said and I quote"It's better if you don't know, for the greater good". It was then that i don't trust that manipulative fool. And i expect you to do it to.

We left a will in a bank called Gringotts. It is in a place called Diagon Alley. And yes, its road is diagonally. See what i did there son. If you don't know where it is, it is in London and you can locate it in the backside from a store called'The Leaky Cauldron'. I sure you can find it son. When you open the vault, please don't be surprised because we are filthy rich. I want you to buy the best equipment in the alley. No questions ask. I think your mom also explained that you have a godfather named Sirius Black. And no he is not serious all the time. Actually me and him are pranksters with two other friends named Remus Lupin, a werewolf and a rat named Peter Pettigrew. We were a prankster group called the Marauders.

If you meet a person whose name is Severus Snape, tell him your father says sorry. I kinda bullied him in school. Your disappointed right? No? Okay i guess When your mom gave birth to you we were in hiding with a use of a charm called the Fidelius charm. If we were killed, then Peter Pettigrew is the traitor. He is the secret keeper not Sirius.Though Dumbledork will not believe it. Well I believe that is enough for now. You will find more letters like these in Potter Manor. Also, there is a letter in the vault that says 'To Severus Snape'. Give it to him while your in Hogwarts. You'll who he is when you see him.

Know that we will always love you okay. Stay safe and get good grades or else....

Stay awesome


P.S there is a vault key in the envelope. keep it with you at all times. Use it in Gringotts. And respect them.

When i was done reading. I was crying not as much as just now. My father also loved me. They will support me no matter what.

' That's it, if they support me then i will do my best to fulfill their wishes. My dream is to unite the people. No racism, no discrimination no nothing. I will do this' I thought with flaming determination flashing trio through my eyes.

After that, i put back the envelope and close my eyes. Dreaming what will happen next.


(A/N:Hey guys this is the fifth and final chapter for today. Thank you for the one review for reminding me to write'A/N'. I totally forgot to write that. Hope you Hermione's enjoy this chapter. Criticise me in the comments below 👇)