
Normal Human Against Regressor, Reincarnator And Transmigrator

In a world filled with reincarnator, regressor and transmigrator , an organization was established to curb the dangerous and harmful them. The story follow along a newly employed normal guy as he survived through working in the organization encountering and exterminating the existence deemed as harmful and dangerous to the normal society.

FurballCat · Action
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8 Chs

Chapter 8: Learning to Survive

The next morning, I went to the weapon workshop. This was the place where they made all the weapons and gears for combating and suppressing RRT.

Before that let us divert a little bit.

A week into the training I was already used to the schedule except for the insane physical and mental training.

For physical training, they made us run early in the morning. Then, sparring against each other battle royale style. They put you in a group of 10-12 people and told you to fight until there was only one left standing. You are allowed to use any method except killing or severely injuring people to cause permanent disabilities.

After lunch, shooting training. We learned how to use the mana gun and mana rifle. This was the only time I can be proud of myself a bit. 6 out of 10 dead in the center.

Next was free time until the next day. You can go to the gym, shooting range, library, records room or anywhere except going outside of the camp.

The day after was for mental training. Early in the morning, we were group up randomly. 4-6 people a group were tasked to escape from a room. The room will slowly be filled with water, sleeping gas, tear gas, fire or something that pressure us to work and think faster.

There was a day where they slowly filled the room with sewage water. Truly disgusting. After lunch was dexterity exercises. We were taught on how to make traps, explosives, gathering information, piloting drones, assemble and disassemble machines and a lot of other exercises.

Next, we were engage in profiling. We were given records, information and history about a suspected or confirmed RRT and were taught on how to make a profile of them. After that was free time.

The next day we learned how to survive. We were taught on how to set up camp, identifying edible plants and animals, collecting and identifying herbs, reading maps, tracking, observing a target from afar, running and slipping away from chaser and first aids.

In the evening, we were taught to drive all kind of transportation. From motorcycle to plane and train. All the trainees were reminded that being able to drive all sorts of transportation would give us an upper hand during any type of situation.

After that as usual, free time. The schedule then will repeat and loop with physical, mental and then survival training for 6 days a week with 1 day of rest.

And I have been thinking about how to fill my free time. First, I would go here. The workshop.

I opened the door to the workshop. The place was quiet. It was unusual. Maybe because I was thinking that there would be muscular and bulky people making weapons here.

"Hello! Anybody here?"

I entered the building. There were a lot of weapon parts lying on the long metallic table. I slowly walked to the table. My hand reached out trying to grab one of the components.

"What are you doing here kid?"

A voice of an old man from in front of me made me almost jumped.


In front of me there was an old man with unkempt beard and lazy eyes. His hair has patches of white here and there showing his age while his left hand was holding a mug filled with coffee.