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Tribe Online, a VRMMORPG created by joint companies Sky Corporation, making it the only VRMMORPG in the world. Sky had a big ambition, they wanted to create a second world by creating Tribe Online. A world where people could build a new country, kingdom, or people could be an adventurer to explore the vast world within Tribe Online. People were excited by the new release Tribe Online, not just the professional players but the game enthusiast too. They joined the game with ambition and passion. Yang Shen too joined the game for his passion, to fulfill his mother's last wish. A desperate attempt as he could never fulfill his mother's last wish in the real world.

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189 Chs

Heartfelt Talk - Part 2

The car went silent for a while before Uncle Wen started another conversation. "Shen, did you really earn millions from the game? If playing the game can earn that much, I will consider buying Shuren a gaming pod." Uncle Wen looked at the rearview mirror as he said that, looking at the sleeping Shuren.

"Yes, I did earn that much by posting a video of my gameplay. However, if you are asking me if Shuren can earn as much as I did, the answer is I don't know, Uncle Wen." Shen replied bluntly. "The reason I can earn that much is because of my bad fame in the game. Just letting you know, I am being famous for the wrong reason, but I used that bad fame to post a funny video or how ridiculously I died in the game."

"It was fun to watch so many people watch it, and I tried to make an amazing video, and it worked...." Shen told them what he posted on the forum and how he could earn that much money.