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Tribe Online, a VRMMORPG created by joint companies Sky Corporation, making it the only VRMMORPG in the world. Sky had a big ambition, they wanted to create a second world by creating Tribe Online. A world where people could build a new country, kingdom, or people could be an adventurer to explore the vast world within Tribe Online. People were excited by the new release Tribe Online, not just the professional players but the game enthusiast too. They joined the game with ambition and passion. Yang Shen too joined the game for his passion, to fulfill his mother's last wish. A desperate attempt as he could never fulfill his mother's last wish in the real world.

HotIce · Games
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189 Chs

Heartfelt Talk - Part 1

Aside from the ruckus from Uncle Wen and Auntie Jun after they saw the bill, the dinner ended with a smile on everyone's faces. Even the two girls were smiling in their sleep.

It was Sunday night, so they had to drive Yu Mei to her apartment as she had to work tomorrow. After bidding their farewell with Sister Mei Mei, they headed home. Mainly, it was because Eunha and Lin Lin were sleeping. If they were awake, Sister Mei Mei wanted to get them to play more.

As they drove through the road, Ming, Shuren, and Dale slept as well. It seemed they ate too much, so they were sleeping not even five minutes after driving Sister Mei Mei back to her apartment. Only Shen, Auntie Jun, and Uncle Wen were awake in the car.

"Shen." After a momentary silence, Uncle Wen spoke. Shen looked toward Uncle Wen. "Yes, Uncle?"