
No.23 Spinner's End (Translate)

[Translation of the original fanfic 尾巷23号 by 五童] Is this a magical world? Well, since I've already crossed over, nothing is impossible. Brief Summary: Sawyer, unaware of the plot, crosses over Content Tags: Fantasy, Time Travel, Childhood Friends, Drama Main Character Perspective: Sawyer Hill x Severus Snape Others: Lily Evans, many from the Marauders' era

Yu_Chan_6421 · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Chapter 6

A voice echoed through the compartment. "We will be arriving at Hogwarts in five minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train; it will be taken to the school separately."

"Oh no, we haven't changed into our robes yet! Hurry up!" Lily exclaimed. We all jumped up, scrambling to find our trunks and dig out our school robes. There was no time to change properly, so we had to hurriedly pull the robes over our clothes.

The train began to slow down and finally came to a halt. We joined the throng of students disembarking onto a small, dark platform. "It's so cold..." Lily shivered, clutching my arm tightly. I grabbed Severus's hand, making sure not to lose him in the crowd.

"First years! First years, over here! Mind your step, now! Follow me!" a voice called out. We followed the mass of students, stumbling slightly as we turned a corner. A collective gasp rose from the crowd. "Ohhh...!" Before us lay a vast, black lake, and across it stood a towering castle. It reminded me of the majestic medieval castles from the movies I had seen in my past life, and I couldn't help but marvel at it.

Soon, we were ushered into small boats that ferried us across the lake toward the castle.

In no time, we found ourselves standing before a gigantic oak door. A stern-looking witch in emerald green robes was there to greet us. "She reminds me of our headmistress back home," I whispered to Lily. "She has the same aura…" Lily whispered back, even more quietly.

The stern witch led us into an empty chamber and gave a brief speech. "Her tone is quite similar too," Lily observed seriously, making me stifle a laugh.

"In a few moments, you will be sorted into your houses in front of the entire school. I suggest you take this time to compose yourselves," she finished before leaving the room.

The room buzzed with whispered conversations about the sorting process. Everyone seemed anxious, including Lily, whose face had turned slightly pale. I was curious about the sorting method and began speculating with Severus about the nature of the 'surprise'. "Maybe there's a tough test," I suggested seriously, enjoying the nervous looks from the other kids. Severus gave me a look that said he was used to my antics and their effects. Before I could continue my 'intimidation', the stern witch returned and led us through the hall and into a grand dining hall.

The lavish surroundings immediately captured everyone's attention. I observed the high table where the teachers sat. In the center was a white-bearded old man with a twinkling eye—clearly, the headmaster.

Then, the star of the evening made its appearance—a tattered, pointy wizard's hat. It twitched and started singing, the rip near its brim opening and closing like a mouth. Ignoring the odd tune, I listened carefully to the lyrics:

"You might think I'm not so pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

If you can find a smarter hat than me,

I can eat myself to glee.


There's nothing hidden in your head,

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be."


"Perhaps in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

If you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin,

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folk use any means

To achieve their ends."


Can it see thoughts? Thoughts, not memories. My past life memories should stay hidden, as long as I don't think about them, I mused silently.

Gryffindor for bravery, Hufflepuff for loyalty, Ravenclaw for wisdom, Slytherin... I frowned slightly.

The sorting commenced, and I noticed Sirius being sorted into Gryffindor. It seems family traditions can be broken.

Lily's name was called next. She clutched my hand, gave me a brave look, then walked up to the hat.

"Gryffindor!" the hat shouted almost immediately.

I watched her take off the hat and head towards the Gryffindor table, turning back to look at me and Severus. I gave her a reassuring smile.

Beside me, Severus sighed softly.

"It's alright, even if we're in different houses, it won't change our friendship," I whispered. He looked at me, relieved, and we exchanged a smile.

The sorting continued. James was unsurprisingly placed in Gryffindor.

Finally, it was Severus's turn. He was sorted into Slytherin, as expected. He glanced back at me as he walked towards the Slytherin table. I gave him a bright smile and a thumbs up. He chuckled at my antics.

When all the other students had been sorted, my name was called last. I sat on the stool and the hat was placed over my eyes.

"Let's see… oh, interesting. Clever, talented. Ah, a strong desire to protect someone. Not a bad heart... What's this? You liked my song?"

"Yes, Mr. Hat. The lyrics were great."

"And my singing?"

"Uh... quite memorable."

"Haha, diplomatic..."


"Alright, let's see..."

"Mr. Hat, I must say, your lyrics are excellent, but you seem a bit biased against Slytherin. Words like those don't give a good impression of them. Is that fair? It only deepens the divide between houses. Shouldn't you, of all, wish for unity among the houses? You're quite partial, aren't you?"

"...well, you are a fair-minded child. Very well, I shall think about the lyrics. Let's continue... Gryffindor!"

"Thank you, maestro."

The hat was removed, and I walked towards the cheering Gryffindor table, glancing at Severus with a mischievous smile. He shivered theatrically.

I sat next to Lily, who immediately asked what took so long. Sirius and James across the table were equally curious. Trying not to laugh, I said, "We had a delightful discussion about the art of lyrics."

Ignoring their puzzled looks, I noticed the headmaster was concluding his speech with a "Thank you all," and the tables suddenly filled with food. "Let's enjoy the feast," I said, helping myself to a bowl of soup. It tasted excellent. The children's attention shifted to the food.

The feast was a spread of various meats, potatoes in different styles, and an assortment of vegetables. It was abundant, though there was no rice. Despite living in Britain for over a decade, my southern Chinese palate still craved rice. Isaya would often prepare it for me at home, catering to my preferences. It wasn't authentic Chinese cuisine, but it sufficed.

As everyone finished their meals, the remaining food and even the dirty dishes vanished. Shortly after, desserts appeared.

I stared at my plate; the Hogwarts emblem seemed to have rotated. It must have been replaced entirely. Magic is so handy.

After dessert, the tables were cleared again. The headmaster rose to address a few final points, and we experienced a hilariously chaotic school song before the first years followed the prefects to our common room.

Finally reaching the dormitory, I found the bed with my name on it and collapsed onto it. Lily was in the same room, along with two other girls, Mary Macdonald and Rebecca Green.

The girls began chatting excitedly about the day's events. I got up, opened my owl's cage, and let James the owl out. He immediately flew to a perch, preening his feathers. I fed him some treats and sat down to write a letter home.

"Dear Isaya and Hughes,

Everything is fine here. Today was full of surprises, and I wish you could experience it all firsthand.


It's been a long day, and sleep is calling me.

I miss you both, and the rice.

Yours, Sawyer."