
No.23 Spinner's End (Translate)

[Translation of the original fanfic 尾巷23号 by 五童] Is this a magical world? Well, since I've already crossed over, nothing is impossible. Brief Summary: Sawyer, unaware of the plot, crosses over Content Tags: Fantasy, Time Travel, Childhood Friends, Drama Main Character Perspective: Sawyer Hill x Severus Snape Others: Lily Evans, many from the Marauders' era

Yu_Chan_6421 · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Chapter 4

The four of us often gathered together to read and chat. Sometimes it was at one of our houses, other times by the riverbank on the grassy fields.

Severus brought books from the wizarding world that Eileen had bought him. Titles like *One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi* and *Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them* fascinated us. Were those bizarre creatures real? He also had a very thick book, *The Compendium of Potions,* which was Eileen's. Severus mentioned he could now help her make some simple potions, his tone carrying a hint of pride.

I flipped through the potions book, noting the peculiar ingredients: toad eyes, horned slugs, crushed snake fangs, leech juice... Could such things really be consumed? And would they have miraculous effects? Drinking such concoctions required a lot of courage...

"Severus, can Muggle-borns also be wizards, like Lily?"

"Yes, some children from Muggle families exhibit magical abilities as they grow. Similarly, wizarding families can sometimes have children with no or very weak magic, called Squibs."

"So, when I turn eleven, I'll really receive an acceptance letter to Hogwarts? I can go to a magic school?"

"You will. We'll go to Hogwarts together!"

"Lily and I will go to the same secondary school. You'll have to write to us about all the fun things at your school."

"Oh, definitely! We'll write to you... Severus, does the school have a post office?"

"Wizards use owls to send letters. The school has communal owls, and students can have their own pet owls."

"Owls?! That's such a strange way..."

I often wondered if I might be a wizard too. But I never showed any special abilities, so probably not. Out of billions of people, the ratio was still small. But even in that small ratio, I had met two young wizards and Eileen. That was quite something. Thinking this, I felt content.

One weekend in July, Eileen and Severus came over to spend the weekend with us.

After lunch, a simple spell from Eileen saved Isaya from the chore of washing dishes. We sat in the living room, sipping tea and chatting. Hughes was recounting a mix-up at the office when we heard a tapping sound at the window. Everyone turned to see a grey owl fluttering its wings and pecking at the glass.

"Ah, that must be Severus's acceptance letter!" Eileen exclaimed with delight.

I walked over and opened the window. The owl flew in, dropped a letter onto the living room carpet, then perched on the windowsill, watching us.

Severus picked up the letter, and I peered over curiously.

It was a thick envelope, the address written in emerald green ink on the yellowish parchment, "23 Spinner's End," without a recipient's name. Turning it over, there was a wax seal, a shield with a large "H" surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a serpent.

I urged Severus to open the envelope. He tried to remain calm as he broke the seal.

Inside were two separately sealed letters. The top one was addressed to "Mr. Severus Snape."

"Why are there two letters?" I wondered, reaching for the one beneath.

It read "Miss Sawyer Hill."

A surge of excitement hit me. "This one's for me!"

Everyone looked at the letter in my hand in astonishment.

But I quickly calmed down. "It could be a mistake. I've never shown any magical talent."

"Hogwarts doesn't make mistakes," Eileen said softly. "Every magical child is recorded at birth. Open it and see!" Severus nodded, encouraging me.

I slowly opened the envelope and pulled out several pieces of parchment. It read:

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Miss Hill,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress

P.S. Due to Miss Hill's special circumstances, an adult wizard will accompany her to purchase the necessary books and items. Please include a convenient time in your reply."

I checked several times, the wave of joy hit me squarely. Suppressing the urge to shout with joy, I hugged Severus, laughing.

A strange sensation spread through me, as if something had awakened. Suddenly, many objects in the room floated into the air, and the owl on the windowsill flapped its wings.

Eileen rushed over, placing her hands on my shoulders. "Calm down, Sawyer."

Startled by the floating objects, I slowly calmed down, and they gently settled back in place.

Once I was calm, Eileen soothed the owl with a piece of cake and sat beside me.

"It seems your magic was just dormant. Many children have their powers awaken during strong emotional moments. Hogwarts didn't make a mistake. You're a witch!" Eileen teased.

I blushed slightly. Since my rebirth, it had been hard to get emotionally worked up. Twenty-one years of life experience had given me a calm and steady childhood.

I looked at Hughes and Isaya, who were gazing at me with pride and joy. I smiled back at them.

Severus waved his acceptance letter, his usual reserve replaced by a rare smile. "Sawyer, we can go to Hogwarts together!"

What a delightful surprise.

"Write the reply first, Sawyer," Eileen suggested, pointing to the waiting owl. "And if you don't mind, you can join us for the shopping trip, so the school doesn't need to send an adult wizard."

"Of course, I don't mind! I'll write the reply now."

On a sunny day, Severus and I sat by the riverbank.

"I never imagined you'd be a wizard too."

"Neither did I. It's wonderful, isn't it?"

"It really is." We smiled at each other.

"You mentioned Hogwarts has houses. I wonder if we'll be in the same one."

"I want to be in Slytherin. My mom and her family were all in Slytherin. But I'm a half-blood, and they value pure blood and power."

"Then Lily and I, being Muggle-born, probably won't end up in Slytherin."

"Well... Ravenclaw is good too, if you're smart and love learning. And Gryffindor, though brave, can be impulsive and reckless, my mom says."

"Sev, what if we're not in the same house?"

"It doesn't matter. We can still see each other often."

"That's good. And Lily too, we can still meet up regularly."

"But I wonder how the sorting is done. My mom wouldn't tell me."

"I bet it's something special. Life needs a bit of mystery!"

"Severus! Sawyer! I got my acceptance letter!" Lily came running with Petunia, breathless.

Severus showed his letter. "I got mine too."

"And me." I pulled mine from behind, waiting for Lily's surprised reaction.

"Oh my, Sawyer, you're a wizard too! That's wonderful..." Her joyful tone quickly fell. "But Petunia didn't get one. She's twelve now, so she probably won't."

Petunia stood stiffly, trying to look happy for me.

I sat beside her. "I never thought I'd be a wizard. I was planning to go to the same secondary school as you. But I truly believe being a regular person is just as great, like my parents and yours. It's really a pity we won't be at the same school, but we'll write to you."

"Yes, we'll write to you, I promise!" Lily sat on her other side, trying to comfort her sister.

Petunia sighed, shrugging. "What else can I do? But like you said, Sawyer, knowing three wizard friends is quite special, isn't it?"

We all laughed.

The laughter echoed over the grassy fields.

I set my book aside, walking to the sofa where Hughes and Isaya sat, and kissed their cheeks. "I'm off to bed. Goodnight."

"Wait, Sawyer, dear." Isaya pulled me between her and Hughes. "We think it's time you knew something."

Hughes's expression was serious. "About your background—you're not our biological child. We adopted you from an orphanage. They told us you were found at the orphanage's doorstep on September 22, which we've used as your birthday. We planned to tell you when you were older, but since you're a wizard and will be away at school for long periods..."

"We think one of your biological parents might be a wizard, which is why you have magic. Of course, they could be like the Evanses, ordinary people."

"But there's a good chance they're from the wizarding world. You might find your real parents there..."

"No need." I interrupted Hughes. "I mean, there's no need to search for my biological parents. In eleven years, no one has come to claim me. I don't need to search for parents who abandoned me. You are my parents, always."

"Sawyer..." Isaya sighed, hugging me, stroking my hair. Hughes grinned, pulling a funny face. "I knew our dear Sawyer was our wonderful daughter."

"Alright, off to bed now." Isaya released me, ruffling my hair. "Tomorrow, you're shopping with Eileen and Severus for school supplies."

"Yes, goodnight, Mom, Dad." 
