
No Such Thing as Paradise

When a samurai shows up in her era, Serenity is thrown into an adventure she never expected. It throws her world into chaos. Will the samurai be sent back to his era and history be set straight again or will Serenity get the happy ending she wants with him in it?

Asunaria · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Chapter 1.1

Everything went quiet. No one moved and all stared at him. He was a samurai and that was unusual in this day and age. His eyes wandered through the crowd not stopping until he saw me. He smiled and walked in our direction.

"Uhm excuse me miss but where am I?" He asked.

"The Hamazaki clan training grounds," my brother replied before I could open my mouth.

I struggled to get down. I wanted to see this man up close. But Midnight refused to let go so I did the only thing I could think of. A hard kick to the back. He dropped me but I quickly got up and walked up to the man.

"What is your name sir?" I asked politely as I could.

"OH. My name is Ace. What is yours" he smiled warmly.


"Nice to meet you Serenity."

I couldn't help but smile even as I felt the cold stares at my back. He was polite which I hadn't expected. That was a nice change of pace for once.

I fell in love with him and already could see our wedding. Oh how wonderful it would be...but in the middle of my daydream the sirens rang out throwing the place into a panic.

Ace grabbed me by the hand alarmed,"What are those and what do they mean?!"

"They're called sirens and that means danger. I hope you can fight because that's what you're gonna have to do," I covered my ears as the sirens rang on. Usually they'd be off by now. Why weren't they shutting down?

"Serenity look out!" i heard Midnight yelling from a distance. I turned and realized that there were several people rushing towards me.

Just as they were about to get to me, Ace jumped in front of me fighting them off. He looked back and smiled as he fought off more of them. I shook my head and started fighting too.

A thought kept tugging at the back of my mind worrying me even more. I couldn't keep on like this. The realization of it took over and I started to run as fast as I could to the opposite gate of where I entered. If I didn't hurry they could all be killed or worse.