
No Such Thing as Paradise

When a samurai shows up in her era, Serenity is thrown into an adventure she never expected. It throws her world into chaos. Will the samurai be sent back to his era and history be set straight again or will Serenity get the happy ending she wants with him in it?

Asunaria · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1.0

It had been a long day and the dark sky mirrored my mood as I walked to the training grounds after school. When I arrived there it didn't help that I could tell that something was off. Nobody was training and all were standing idle and talking unlike they usually do. Their whispers only tightened the knot in my stomach more.

I forced myself to walk in and silently close the gate behind me. No one noticed. Slowly I walked up to one of our clan's elders and bowed.

"W-what's going on Elder Smith? Why is everyone so quiet?" I asked as quietly as I could.

"Ah. Young Serenity. How have you been child?" He chuckled a bit as he often does.

"Good sir. W-what's going on?"

"Ah," he wiped the sweat from his brow," It seems history is wanting to repeat itself. Someone has already threatened our leader."

He started coughing as I slowly walked away to find my brother. Luckily it wasn't that difficult. As usual he was with his best friend, Gin, by the fountain. I stopped a few feet away and cleared my throat to get their attention.

"Hey Little Bunny!" Gin ruffled my hair," When did you hop in?"

"Leave her alone," Midnight sighed as he turned to me," Have you heard about it yet?"

I nodded as I fixed my hair. Nothing made sense today. I went through the day's events as Midnight places me on his shoulders and shook my head slightly as I realized everything was different.

As I adjusted myself to sit more comfortably, a bright light appeared before us. The figure of a man manifesting itself. I knew who he was. Though I didn't know it at the time.