
No More Pain For This Villain.

[Synopsis] In a dark, underground basement, a spooky old man's voice sent shivers down my spine. "You're gonna meet your end, hahaha," he taunted, before lunging at me with a sword, slashing the air, and spattering my throat with red drops. "We'll see," I defiantly whispered, my last words fading as I drifted into darkness. Suddenly, I woke up in a bustling tavern filled with laughter and clinking glasses. A captivating lady stood before me, her beauty clashing with her angry expression, ready to disrupt the cheerful mood. "Don't stalk me," she snapped, giving me a harsh look before storming out of the tavern. Am I stuck in some kind of game? My common sense shattered, leaving me questioning my reality. ------------------------------------------- [A/N: Give it a read, buddy; you won't regret it.] [Discord Server Link: https://discord.com/invite/4gVfcaePJS]

Satan03 · Fantasy
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334 Chs

Side Story- under the floating land

Amidst the bustling city of Eshmera, a man in a grey robe stood atop two wooden crates, his hand cupped over his throat to amplify his voice. His words resonated through the air, reaching the eager ears of the gathered crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed participants, and honored guests, welcome to the grand spectacle known as 'Chameleon's Maze'!" His voice boomed, commanding attention from all who listened.

Below, the city buzzed with excitement as eyes turned upwards to the massive projection in the sky.

The announcer continued, his words painting a vivid picture of the adventure that awaited. "Today, we stand upon the threshold of mystery and marvel, upon a floating canvas suspended in the vast expanse of the sky. Within 'Chameleon's Maze,' imagination knows no bounds and magic dances freely."