

Irrelevantname_27 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

I don't have the slightest idea


The figure in front of me,wich is me,says with a straight face. I'm not sure if he thinks I'm supposed to understand what's happening or not.

"Who...are you?" I reluctantly ask. The alternate version of me doesn't take his eyes off of me,the hole on the ground is still shining a powerful purple light,I now notice that on the other side,small white points are seen in the distance, the things that's on the other side is like a lucid dream of a beautiful image of the universe, and this "me" came from wherever that is.

"You look at your own face,you hear your own voice,in your own house,and yet you ask who I am?"

The other me says,crouching down to be on the same height as me,who was sitting on the ground,on wich I fell with the shock of the event. I don't understand what he means,he wants to claim that he's me?but how is he me if I'm already me?

"You aren't me." I say while frowning.

"Can you guarantee that?want to me to prove that I have all your memories,I feel the same things as you, I like and dislike the same things as you,everything about me is the same as it is with you,but you say that I'm not me?"

He then proceeds to talk about the biggest memories of my (or should I say our?) life, from my first birthday to my worst grades,to my first school crush,to my favorite videogames and the trip to the countryside I once went on with my parents. If this person,whoever they were,knew all of this about me without being me,then they were a force to be reckoned with regardless; he talked about all of it in the must minute details that only one who had seen it all,like me, could possibly know.

"That...doesn't make sense."

"Same as our life." he says my recently frequent thoughts out loud.

"Tell me,me...what are you going to do from now on?" he asks me,and I get confused... if he is me,he should know that I don't have the slightest idea.

"What will YOU do?" I ask him,reversing the question.

"I don't have the slightest idea...isn't that right?" and so he proves my doubts useless by giving the exact same answer I was thinking of.

But in the back of my head,and now suddenly helping come back to my senses,an annoying thought was lingering...

What the hell is even happening?