

Irrelevantname_27 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Exactly like this

About half an hour passed.

The other me sat at the extremety of my bed,and observed the rainfall,now a bit stronger,on the other side of the window closely,I was sitting on the ground close to the exit of the bedroom,I won't lie,I felt a bit scared. I had no idea what this being was,and if it was indeed me,what the hell was it doing here,and how does how another version of myself exist in the first place? I was eager to find out. That's right, the most sensible and smart thing to do at this moment would probably be to run away,but I had no intention of doing that, I mean,I didn't feel like I had anything to loose by staying and understanding the situation, as much as I had nothing guaranteed to be gained in case I left.

"Hey,me...other me."

The other me who had his look fixed on the window slowly turned his head backwards to look at me,his eyes had anticipation written in them,he seemed to be just as curious as me,but...isn't he supposed to know what's happening?

"I have many things to ask...but for now let me ask this: How did you get here?" I point and look at the purple light still coming out of the ceiling,the other me looks as well,he had a neutral face on.

" I was walking around the house and found a hole on the wall,when I peeked through it...I saw stars and a bright purple sky,I broke the wall with a hammer and when I entered the vision right in front of me,I fell down for a long,long time,until I stopped and felt something break, that was your ceiling,and here I am."

"That house you mentioned...you mean THIS house,one exactly like this?" I pointed to my floor,referring to the whole house.

"Exactly like this." he answers promptly.

So he is saying he is me from another universe who somehow ended up coming here?that doesn't explain a single thing.This is just my intuition, but he didn't look surprised enough when he got here,it was like this was natural to him, wouldn't someone who never went through this be a little more surprised by suddenly meeting another you?

"Oh yeah,but now that I think about it,it wasn't raining anymore,was it?" the other me says looking back at the rainy day outside.

"Anymore?so it was raining before?"

"It was,exactly like this." He looked slightly happy as he pointed to the rain drops,he really is exactly like me,getting happy for a stupid reason like rain,you damm emo.