
No Hero Exists

Hosuh ran away from home as a young boy and soon met the prince of the kingdom, Beaumont. Beaumont was ready to be king until his father suddenly passed away; he took the throne and became selfish with greed. Hosuh took an oath as Beaumont's head guard to protect his life at all costs, even if it meant risking his own. Hosuh took this at ease until he watched the sweet boy he loved turn into a tyrant King. He wanted him to change - but he knew his friend and knew that the town needed a better ruler. What he didn't realize was that this choice would come with consequences. *Warning- story contains gore, fantasy/violence, discussions of war and weapons, political talk, child abuse, lgbtq+, etc. If any of these topics offend you- in any way, please stray away from my book.* Extra information: I did not create the front cover of my book- my best friend dani_tales4u on Instagram and on Webnovel created the graphic! She has great books and is amazing! Check her out:)

Somethin_Sue · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Extra #1 First Version Chapter [01]

[This is the first version of No Hero Exists, which means this was the script I first wrote of the book but am not happy with and am rewriting it, and this first version has many plot holes that I will very much fix in the new version which are the official chapters. Do not take this as the official chapters, but there are many spoilers in these first versions. Please understand these first versions are a little less fixed, and they are NOT OFFICIAL. Thank you, and enjoy the first version of No Hero Exists]

My face was dripping with tears- I didn't know what to do. I was hungry, thirsty, cold, and all I wished was for a safe place. "Hello-" I perked up to see a fellow with beautiful blond hair and green eyes; he looked like a boy who would have every lass in his arms. "Are... You in need of aid?"

Lots have asked me the exact question, and numerous more have booted me down lower than ever. I curled my legs into my chest, making my arms cover them.

"Can you speak?"

My head bobbed, "Do you wish to?" I kept still- not responding. He sighed and went into a store across from me, "I knew it..." I exhaled but instantly saw him again with a bag- he came over and put it in front of me on the ground.

"Adieu." his shoes clacked against the street as he walked away; my hands frantically yanked the bag.

  I rustled through to find some clothes, footwear, a warm cloak, food, beverages, and a blanket.  I soon smiled and quickly put my hands together, closing my eyes.  "Thank you, stranger."

  I shortly went into the alley by myself and started feasting- I peeked at my shredded garments and wondered if I could ever locate that boy once more.  My lips wrapped around the food, savoring it since I may never have a chance like this again.  I have enough at least for a few days- I'll linger and see if I can get myself tidy morrow.