
No Hero Exists

Hosuh ran away from home as a young boy and soon met the prince of the kingdom, Beaumont. Beaumont was ready to be king until his father suddenly passed away; he took the throne and became selfish with greed. Hosuh took an oath as Beaumont's head guard to protect his life at all costs, even if it meant risking his own. Hosuh took this at ease until he watched the sweet boy he loved turn into a tyrant King. He wanted him to change - but he knew his friend and knew that the town needed a better ruler. What he didn't realize was that this choice would come with consequences. *Warning- story contains gore, fantasy/violence, discussions of war and weapons, political talk, child abuse, lgbtq+, etc. If any of these topics offend you- in any way, please stray away from my book.* Extra information: I did not create the front cover of my book- my best friend dani_tales4u on Instagram and on Webnovel created the graphic! She has great books and is amazing! Check her out:)

Somethin_Sue · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter [06]

|SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG- I was having such a brainfart about this chapter, but I'm finally done and excited to fix my writing schedule! Since this is the chapter for this week- expect a chapter next week! I can't wait to see you guys then and enjoy!|

My eyes were set on the alley, carton in hand, and prepared to sprint. I glanced from the corner to greet the little girl. She stood straight and tall with her dark eyes meeting mine, and I decided to arrange the box in her tiny palms; however, she declined. "I no longer need your assistance," she exclaimed. My brows arched, "Is that so?" "Very." "Have you gotten yourself a job?" She seemed confused, shaking her head. "Caretaker?" "No-" "Shelter?" Suddenly her strong stance became weaker with her eyes directing down, "No..."

  I presented her with the food, "Then I see no reason to stop my services-" "I-I cannot offer you a thing!" She panicked.  "I do not mind-" She seemed worried, and I took a moment to sit with her copying me. Her skinny fingers creaked open the box, finding a sandwich splitting it- giving me a slice as we both took a bite.  "Why do you pity me?"

  "I am not sorry for you-" I mentioned with her eyes immediately darting to me.  "I was once like you, and someone helped me. I wish to pay back what I received." "Even when you gain nothing?" I bobbed my head, taking a deep breath.  "I shall be on my merry way-" I commenced to wander with my destination being the castle, recollecting Beau's and my last encounter.

I could hear pitter-patter, motioning my glimpse at my side to see the little girl following along.  "What are you referred to?" "Hosuh-" "What do you do?" "I am the head guard or king's guard." "How old are you?" "25-" "Where are you headed?" I came to be slightly tired of her constant talking with no end in sight to her eagerness. "Curious one, aren't you?" "The world is a puzzle with mysteries left and right!" Her eyes gleamed as if she had more to add to that sentence. A part of me was genuinely fond of this; even if our interaction just began, though, I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "That's all swell, but starting small is a good notion." Her body spun to see me, and her skipping halted with a tilt of her head.  "How do I begin?" "An introduction would be nice." She smiled, throwing her muddy hand out to me. "Josephine Ryan, ten years old!" I shook her hand.

"Hosuh!" We both looked around, seeing the mansion with the gates surrounding it. Beau was behind the gates while Liam was in front of it; both seemed to be bantering with one another through the openings.  "Great to see ya, Commander," Liam said as they both noticed Josephine.  "Who is that brown child?" Beau said a bit mockingly.  "IS SHE YOUR OFFSPRING!" Liam shouted. "NO-" Josephine and I denied.  "Adopted?"

  Beau asked as Josephine and I gave each other an uncertain look.  "No winner?" Liam glanced at Beau, waiting for an answer.  "None. Give half and half to the girl." Liam agrees with Beau as they both pull out two shillings each, bestowing them to Josephine.  She gave me a "Do you understand?" stare with me shrugging.  "Liam and I created a wager on whether you would knock up a streetwalker. I put four shillings you would." Beau explained.  "I bet you would get a kid by other means- however, neither of us has won; hence we hand our winnings to her." Liam pointed to Josephine.

I felt a bit surprised, "Have you no faith in me?" I questioned as they both snickered as if it were a hoax.  "Have you met yourself!?" "He's right, Commander. Ya even have a cute lip mark under yer jaw-" Liam grins. Instantly I brushed my neck, discovering red smudges on my fingers.  "Here you are-" I blushed, snatching the handkerchief from Beau through the bare spots of the gate. "You both could have tossed me a bone before proclaiming my business." My vision signaled to Josephine, but Liam didn't appear to care. "Honesty is the best policy. Do you not agree, Commander?"

I gave a grin, "Continue, and I shall land a shiner on you." Liam raises his fists with his physique currently in a combat stance- "I dare ya, gramps." Quickly Beau came across infuriated by Liam.  "Rumble with Hosuh, and your payment will certainly be half." Liam sighs, settling down with a frown. "You are no fun." "Anyhow, I require you both to fetch some crates from the docks." Beau authorized as I rolled my eyes.  "What has your highness purchased now? Possibly a new fur coat or treasured diamonds!" I ridiculed him, attaining a red face and teary eyes from him.  Liam coughed, curbing the tension.

"HAHA! Surprisingly enough, this ol' shite obtained rations for the village." Liam attempted to cultivate peace between Beau and me after my taunt.  "Is that true?" My gaze fell on Beau as he nodded.  "The crates are filled with sustenance; the big ones belong to all shops and the guard tower. The smaller crates go to all homeowners. And Liam- if you mock me again, you will be out of work." Beau scowled at Liam, "Can do, King." Liam stuck out his tongue playfully.

I bent down, transferring my satchel to Josephine.  "Please go to the dock, use the ink and quill to mark the crates with numbers." I asked as she bounced furiously, "Yes! Bye!" She exclaims, skedaddling.  "I'll help her; see ya down there." Liam refers to me as I nod.

I closed in on the gates with my hands gripping the iron poles.  "I shouldn't have undermined you. I know you, but sometimes I fail to recall that you are a good man. You never seem to-" "Express it?" His eyes drifted away from me.  "I genuinely see you are trying, but I was disrespectful, and for that- I am deeply apologetic." A sad smile crept on Beau's face as his gaze met mine.  "It's quite alright, Brown Sugar..." His left hand approached the poles, wrapping around my right hand.

"Hosuh, I-" "COMMANDER!" I peered down the hill; an impatient Liam and curious Josephine were waiting on me.  "HOLD ON!" I turned to Beau, "Back to what you were about to say?" "I... Expect you to be careful- the crates are heavy." I jerked my grip off the gate, thrusting his hand away altogether. I paced backward,  "I can handle it, your highness." I winked as he smirked back at me.  "Oh, I know all too well. Farewell and make sure to use the wooden carts." "Adieu, Beau." I waved, heading off to the pier.

I promptly assisted Liam with loading the wagons full of crates. "I hope ya said yer sorry's-" Liam mentioned, forming an irritation within my chest.  "Why are you acting as if you care? You announce such things without his knowledge." I asserted as he agreed.

"Of course- he's a dreadful king, but I wouldn't dare tell him. He remains royalty and provides me with a living- I will at least offer him some respect, and I admire you kindly- but I shall not have you tarnish the reputation I have struggled to gain. Your mistakes not only hurt you- but punish me too." He came across as a bit reckless but considerate. "I did apologize, nothing to worry over." He unconsciously had a soft smile, "I appreciate it, but remember not to bite the hand that feeds ya."

I arrived outside the library, dragging a crate as Josephine held the door for me.  "Hello, stranger." He chuckled, "Har, har, how hysterical." Stephan peeped at the box during my sarcasm.  "What do you have there?" "It's food- perhaps vegetables, fruits-" Stephan shifted to Josephine as she spoke- "Oh, yes-" "Many items could be in the trunk from tea to-" Stephan was maintaining a tough time interpreting Josephine's quick speech.  "I will bring this up." I stepped past Stephan to get behind the counter, pushing in the backroom, turning right up the stairs to Stephan's home.

It was dark, and I decided to light a candle.  I circled the room, experiencing an uneasy tension about everything.  The space was somewhat empty- it perceived as if no one resided here and yet fully neat... It was unusual.  A small table round for two but simply one chair around like company never emerges. I saw a stove and a few cupboards hanging from the wall, but I was curious- scanning through all the cabinets, and they were all... Vacant.

"H-Hey! Set that down!" Stephan sounded desperate; I quickly blew out the light and ran back downstairs.  I soon was presented with a show- Josephine was yanking books willy nilly from the shelves- causing a mess and for Stephan to panic. It was quite a sight; I remained behind the counter watching a tad longer till I decided to intervene.  "Josephine." She paused in her tracks, smiling at me. "Yes?" "You must learn to ask for someone's possessions, politely." Josephine gasped, bowing to Stephan.  "I am deeply ashamed to offend you, Mr. Librarian. Please forgive me!" Stephan appeared confused.  "A-Ah, of course... Please be thoughtful ensuing other exchanges?" he asked.  "YES, WILL DO!" It evolved into silence till Stephan gave me an intense stare.

"Kiddo, head out. I'll join you there." I asked as Josephine hurried out the door.  "She's an interesting one..." Stephan mumbled as he retrieved every novel from the tables and floor one by one.  "Never met another like her." "What will you do- about her?" He directed out the window to a calm Josephine.  "Not sure; only time will tell." I leaned over the counter, shoving my face onto my palm with a smile, but Stephan seemed apprehensive.

"Hosuh, be reasonable." he quit stacking the shelves, setting the stories down. He started speeding to the counter to have a further focus on me.  "You have no home; the tower is only for guards, hardly enough food and money is limited. Children are costly." Stephan had our faces inches apart- attempting to persuade me of a new mindset, but I wasn't convinced.  "Please, reconsider." I sighed, "I appreciate your concerns, but this is my choice." I patted his shoulder, transmitting ease.  I jumped over the counter, passing Stephan again to the door.

"Hosuh-" I turned to Stephan, "Yea?" He had something to declare, but once his mouth opened- nothing was said.  I sighed, "Goodbye." I bowed my head to him.

I stomped out, letting the wind caress my face. I realized Josephine was sitting on the sidewalk with her toes tracing the shapes of the street. I got in front of the wagon, picking up the grips.  "Where to now?" a jumpy Josephine questioned.  "I am off to the guard tower-" "Oh..." Her perkiness faded; she began to blush, glance down and fiddle her fingers.

"I uh..." I gave her a light smile- "Speak your mind." "I WANT TO LIVE WITH YOU!" Her voice was nearly a scream but full of hope and strength- I couldn't help but give her a nod.  She was enthusiastic on our way to the tower, and gratefully- the arrival was short.  We had dinner, stashed my equipment in the armory and weaponry.

We entered my chambers, "I apologize if it's cramped." She shook her head.  "Not at all. It seems so cozy, small and safe." she continued to speak, but I was a bit immersed in searching for blankets in my closet.  I luckily found a bulky black one, a thin white one, and a pillow.

I laid the bulky one on the ground then put the pillow and thin white blanket on top.  Josephine shifted to the floor with the sheets, but I snatched her up by the shoulders and plopped her on the bed. "You're on the mattress." "But-" She seemed guilty.  "Take it- I like the floor better." I pretended to cuddle into the uncomfortable stone.  She chuckled, "Hehe, thank you and goodnight, Hosuh." She covered herself with blankets as I did the same.  "Night, kid."