
Chapter 31: The Finale

The rest of the ball had gone very smoothly for everyone so far. At some point, Draco had gone off with his Mother to go talk with other guests, and Hermione found herself alonewith Ginny, and they were sitting at a table together with drinks, enjoying each others company.

"That was quite a kiss you and him had earlier," Ginny said finally, smirking.

Hermione's face turned a bit red. "You saw that?" She mumbled into her cup.

"I think the entire hall did," Ginny joked, and Hermione almost spat out what she had just drank.

Seeing her reaction, Ginny laughed. "Totally kidding," she said, still giggling, "It was relatively subtle actually, me and Harry were just dancing near you."

Hermione smiled. "Thank Merlin," she said, face still red.

"Well now that we're done with that," Ginny continued, leaning in slightly, "Are you gonna tell me what's been going on with you? Why did you almost faint for the time earlier?"

Hermione sighed, and waited a few seconds before she answered. "It's not just me," she started, and exhaled again, "It's been happening to Draco, too."

"But why?"

"It's because it's his birthday in less than . And now that we're together all the time anyway, I suppose fate is getting... impatient," Hermione explained.

She laughed softly, but Ginny kept a straight face. "Doesn't that mean-"

"Yes!" Hermione exclaimed, interrupting her suddenly and briefly losing composure.

She dropped her head into her hands. "We need to 'mate', that's what it means," she continued, "But I want to be in control of what happens to me, Gin, and I can't stand that I can't do this at my own pace."

Hermione groaned briefly in furstration, and leaned back in her chair, as did Ginny. "You want my advice?" Ginny asked, and Hermione nodded.

There was a few seconds of silence as they sat there before Ginny continued, leaning back in. "Just go for it," she explained, "You want to choose when this happens, then do it."

Hermione raised an eyebrow, and Ginny sighed, slightly exasperated. "Don't play dumb with me," She continued, smiling, "You love each other!"

Hermione looked down into her now empty cup, but then looked back up at Ginny, smiling. "You think so?" She asked hopefully.

"Well," Ginny scoffed lightly, "I really can't tell you that, can I? Here, look over at him," she told her, pointing over to where Draco was standing with his mother.

"Why?" Hermione asked again.

"Do it."

Hermione turned around, and tilted her head to look at Draco, and Ginny did the same, watching both of them. They saw that him and his Mother were standing and talking to an older couple, but Narcissa was doing most of the conversation.

"He's so bored," Hermione said, smirking.

Within seconds of her watching, Draco could sense her eyes on him and he turned around. When he saw Hermione, she could see and feel his demeanor change as well as her own. He smiled affectionately at her, and she smiled back.

She heard Ginny clear her throat behind her, and had to break her gaze before turning back to her friend. When she did, Ginny raised an eyebrow, asking a non verbal question.

"You're right," Hermione admitted, and stole a quick glance at Draco before turning back around, "He's great."

"Well," Ginny chuckled, "I'd bet my wand he loves ."

Hermione looked back down in thought while also examining the dress she wore, which was still in flawless condition after dancing for hours. , she thought, moving some of the material around between two fingers, trying to confirm it to herself,

"Gin," she sighed, "This might sound really weird, but the only basis I have for real romance is from being with your brother."

She laughed softly, and Ginny smirked before she continued. "We had known each other for so long, and I got so jealous when he started going out with Lavender, and we had that kiss in the chamber of secrets during the war. I thought I loved him, but really..." she trailed off.

"Draco means more to you now?" Ginny tried to finish her sentence.

Hermione shook her head furiously. "I love Ron," she admitted, "but only in the same way that I love Harry; like brothers."

Ginny nodded in understanding, urging her to continue, but she didn't. "Look, Hermione," she started, "I know where your coming from. It's not like I had all the guys begging to be with at Hogwarts, either. I dated for some short periods of time, but I didn't love anyone until I finally ended up with Harry."

There was silence again, as both of the girls were now in deep thought. "How did you know you loved him them?" Hermione asked, "If you never had been with anyone like that before."

Ginny sighed, "I knew, she started, pausing, "Because every time I saw him, no matter what was happening, I always felt better, like being with him could make everything alright, and it always did."

Hermione thought about it. She remembered back to when Draco had appeared to get her from the Weasley's, and how she had felt instantly carefree when she was in his arms, and how comfortable she felt sleeping beside him. "I guess that settles it," she said, looking up into Ginny's eyes.

"You've come to a conclusion, then?" Ginny asked, her lips turning upward slightly in an excited grin.

"I love him."

"Oh, Hermione!" Ginny exclaimed, and reached across the table to hug her friend, "I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks," Hermione said softly over Ginny's shoulder.

They pulled away from each other. "For what?" Ginny asked.

"For talking me through it, Gin, I don't know what I would do without you," Hermione admitted.

"Hey," Ginny said, laughing softly, "That's what friends are for. And I can't think of a time you didn't help me with something I was struggling with."

"Yeah, for school," Hermione chuckled, "But my social skills always leave something to be desired."

Ginny laughed. "Oh, Mione," she sighed, "You know that's not true."

Hermione nodded, and held up her drink, and Ginny did as well. "Happy New Year, Gin," she said, as they touched their glasses together softly.

They both laughed, and smiled brightly. "Happy New Year, Mione," Ginny repeated, and they both took another drink.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything?" A voice said from behind Hermione, and she smiled knowing who it was.

"Not at all," Ginny replied, "Do you want to take a seat, Draco?"