
Niva: A New Reality

YEAR 5506, a new technology is released which is called Niva. For hundreds of years since the founding of the new genre IEVR, developers have pursued the goal of achieving a full reality experience, a true IEVR. The leading company in this genre released the first groundbreaking technology which started the IEVR Era. The Immersi-00 immediately sold out like hot cakes, but in the end they could only reach a realistic experience of around 60%. Whilst most gamers were still very happy with this, hardcore and pro gamers were looking for something more. Enter RealiChek, a new company that has no previous gaming history, who released the next step in the IEVR Era. The Niva technology which had one exclusive game that is set in the world of Niva. (IEVR stands for Immersive Experience Virtual Reality) - Isabella has amnesia and she has been in a coma for several years now. Her parents are still devastated till this day, and they signed on a project the hospital has been working on. Which is to send her into the world of Niva. But of course they had to sign a contract. - I hope I can make this novel different from the other ones that are in this area. FYI, Belle does not know anything about herself when she first plays this game. Not her name, not her appearance or even her gender. Hope you enjoy as 'Belle' experiences this world that she will enter.

Toast_On_A_Plate · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Last Night at Esluna

Minerva was a bit too excited in getting dressed in her 'Explorer Clothing' as she never noticed the time it was outside. The Sun was slowly setting down in the sky, edging closer to the horizon every minute. The glow of the sky was gradually fading. Her own room had windows which were able to peek over the walls that surround Esluna, so after her mind cleared a little bit she noticed how the sky was turning tranquil and darker. She then pulled a really frustrated expression and started to pout her lips, to Katelyn and the rest they found it adorable instead. Muttering under her breath, "I got worked up for nothing.." her pout became even deeper, she was really looking forward to new things but waiting another day would be agonizing. She doesn't think she would be able to sleep!

Katelyn was unusually happy seeing Minerva pouting unhappily as she is always a happy-go-lucky and a very mischievous Faerie. In fact, even though Faerie's are renowned to be mischievous and very curious creatures, the Faerie Princess seems to bring this nature of theirs to another height. Katelyn then begun to tease her as she just couldn't resist the urge to, "Look! The sun is still so high in the sky, maybe we still have enough time left in the day before we have to set-up camp.." but obviously the sun was going to disappear in only just a few hours. Galen is a very honest person and a kind person too, seeing the lively Faerie being unhappy he decided to add on unhesitatingly "Maybe.. we can camp outside of the castle's gates?.." his deep rumbly voice which was full of care seemingly did nothing but only agitate her even more. The party heard a slight 'Hmph' noise and then sat on a chair far away from them and faced in the opposite direction staring out the window, seemingly wondering how to push the Sun back up so she can go exploring now.

Katelyn got a little bit worried now. Minerva had never been like this before so she wasn't sure on how to take her reaction, but just in case she went over and whispered something into her ears. Those few words made Minerva turned around and her face which was pouting and frowning had disappeared, instead there was a mischievous smirk and a glint in her eyes.

Katelyn suddenly felt like she had been tricked.


In Minerva's bedroom you could hear very soft snoring. It isn't a snore that would make you want to hit the person to get them to shut up but a kind of snore that is very soothing, and this came from the Minerva who was peacefully sleeping on her 'cushions'. It had been a few hours since before and she had just gotten into her bed with Katelyn about 10 minutes ago, she naturally wore her nightwear along with Katelyn. It was a pure white nightgown that Minerva wore and she also wore underwear but no bra as it is very uncomfortable sleeping with it on, sleeping without one on feels liberating and really soothing. That wasn't the most noticeable thing in the bedroom though.

In fact it was Katelyn who was under Minerva.

Minerva was practically between her chest with her head resting between the nook between Katelyn's neck and shoulder, her legs were sprawled off to one side. Katelyn actually felt extremely comfortable but at the same time she felt it hard to sleep, she was quite worried she'd end up rolling in her sleep and squashing the poor Faerie. However her eyelids were very heavy and having a personal heater like Minerva really made her drowsy. Falling asleep she couldn't help but think of how she acts like she dislikes it but as it happens it's a blissful feeling.


When Katelyn next woke up the light was peeking through the curtains which so happened to shine on Minerva who was still latched onto her chest. Minerva was clearly distressed from the light as she was fidgeting slightly. When Katelyn looked down she naturally noticed this but then she also noticed a wetness which was soaking through her own nightgown and Minerva's little mouth was open ever so slightly just over it. Looking closely she could see a very clear liquid slowly trickling it's way out of the dainty little mouth, her cherry lips sparkled from the wetness. Katelyn started to feel a little hot in the head, although it had happened a little over the previous few nights but she still couldn't relax properly. She made sure to check if the time was appropriate on the magical clock before nudging the little Faerie awake.

Minerva eventually woke up after a series of moans of displeasure, she immediately turned around and pushed both of her hands towards the surface of the bed and drowsily tried to look at the thing destroying her beauty sleep. When Minerva wakes up, she is not only in a very bad mood but she is always somewhat lost like her eyes are awake but her brain is still sleeping.

Katelyn looked at Minerva who was balancing on her chest with her hand and looking in her direction with her sleepy and unfocused eyes. Her messy platinum blonde hair cascaded down which slightly tickled Katelyn's chin, inadvertently her heartbeat started to quicken and she went into a dazed expression. The next thing she knew was that Minerva was no longer there and she felt a little bit disappointed to say the least, but then thinking of the likelihood that she will experience it for a while her face brightened once again.

She got up and went to the nearest sink and then cleaned her face up, which woke her up and refreshed her mind. Heading back to the bedroom, once she got inside she quickly undressed and put on some light and casual clothing on for now as being comfortable in the morning is just as important as being comfortable at night. She started stepping down the staircase which had a banister which followed it in unison, and the floor was covered in a deep green carpet that looked like a picture of the forests. She eventually reached the dining area where the majority of her party members were there eating their food for the morning, whilst Galen sipped on some herbal tea from a cup that could easily sit in his palm which she chuckled to.

She then noticed a little Faerie happily eating buttered toast and drunk black tea with a lot of milk in it.

Her heart fluttered a little

I wonder if we have any fellow Authors in here?

But can someone explain my sudden urge to eventually kill off Katelyn and her party? I just feel like it would be a really great story builder.

Although I'm not going to use it now since I told everyone, wouldn't be very surprising then would it?

Please continue supporting me and providing any useful comments and feedback on my work. Of course feel free to power stone it as well!

(≖ᴗ≖ ) hehe~

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