
NIRVANA: Rebirth from the ashes

August 2015 marked the genesis of an event that would forever redefine the contours of our existence—the Elder Tree Disaster. It was a cataclysmic eruption, an unfathomable upheaval that ruptured the very fabric of our planet, reshaping its form and fracturing its essence. If the Earth had a semblance of stability, it would have shattered like glass under the weight of this unfathomable force. The explosion ripped through the seven continents, leaving devastation in its wake as if the gods themselves had wielded their wrath upon us. In its aftermath, a surreal phenomenon unfolded, akin to the tectonic plates of the Earth converging in a macabre dance of destruction. Mother Nature, in her stoic resilience, refused to surrender entirely, coaxing the remnants of land to converge into three main continents, divided by vast expanses of water. Amidst the chaos and carnage, a power struggle emerged—a ruthless battle for dominance in this new world order. Organizations vied for supremacy, fueled by the insatiable hunger for control and conquest. Blood was spilled, lives were lost, and the annals of history bore witness to the rise and fall of countless empires. In the wake of this apocalyptic maelstrom, three factions ascended as the de facto rulers of this fractured world, each staking claim to a portion of the ravaged land. The Luminae Dominion, steeped in the tenets of religious fervor, wielded authority over its devoted followers with the divine mandate of the Solar Sovereigns. Their rule was a fusion of spirituality and monarchy, marked by majestic temples and sacred rituals that imbued their reign with divine legitimacy. Contrastingly, the Techno Syndicate emerged as a bastion of technological prowess, a formidable alliance of corporations and innovators driven by the relentless pursuit of progress. Led by the visionary Silicon Overseers, they harnessed the power of cutting-edge technology to assert their dominance, shaping the future according to their singular vision of innovation and economic supremacy. Yet, amidst the clash of religious zeal and technological advancement, the Unity Collective stood as a beacon of hope—a diverse coalition united by a common purpose: peace and cooperation. Governed by the sagacious Unity Elders, they championed inclusivity and diplomacy, seeking to rebuild society from the ruins of the past with a steadfast commitment to harmony and prosperity for all. But beneath the veneer of stability and progress, a shadow lurked—a malevolent force that sought to exploit the fractures in this fragile new world. Dark hands moved in the shadows, their motives shrouded in secrecy as they schemed to plunge humanity once more into the abyss of darkness and despair. Yet, unbeknownst to three Great Factions, the seeds of resistance had already been sown, and the battle for the soul of our world had only just begun. Or so they thought... 

alisonparker745 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"In a moment, you'll all be meeting with one of the most influential figures in the Unity Collective. I'm sure each of you has your suspicions," the Lieutenant-General's voice rang out, a subtle warning lacing his words. "But remember, the Collective is not short on talent." Michael felt a chill creep down his spine as he sensed the lieutenant-general's gaze lingering on him, sending shivers down his spine and beads of cold sweat forming on his brow.

"Proceed inside. Majors on one side, Lieutenant Colonels on the other," the general commanded before retreating into the grand hall.

A silent exchange of nervous glances passed between Michael and Adams, a wordless acknowledgment of the gravity of the situation.

As the officers filed into the opulent hall, a hush descended over the room, broken only by the soft rustle of uniforms and the click of polished shoes against marble floors. Each officer took their designated seat, arranged meticulously according to rank and protocol, under the watchful gaze of the ornate frescoes that adorned the vaulted ceilings.

The General settled into his seat at the head of the table, his presence commanding respect and attention. Michael glanced at the imposing figure, feeling a sense of unease settle in the pit of his stomach as their eyes locked for a fleeting moment as if the general could see straight through him.

"At ease," the general's voice boomed, cutting through the tension like a knife. His gaze swept over the assembled officers, scrutinizing each one with a piercing intensity that left no room for doubt or hesitation.

"Gentlemen," the General's voice cut through the air like a blade, commanding attention and respect in equal measure. Michael felt a surge of adrenaline at the familiar tone, knowing that what lay ahead would test their mettle like never before.

"As you are all aware," the General continued, his words carrying the weight of the nation's fate, "the Unity Collective faces threats from all sides. We must remain vigilant and steadfast in our commitment to protecting our nation."

"Each of you has been chosen for your exemplary service and unwavering loyalty to the Unity Collective," the Zone Commandant declared, their voice unwavering. "I have every confidence that you will rise to the occasion and carry out your duty with honor and distinction."

The General's demeanor shifted, his patience giving way to a more lighthearted tone as he leaned against the window, his eyes scanning the room with a hint of amusement.

"The men of my zone are hot-blooded," he remarked with a hearty laugh, the tension of the moment momentarily broken. "Some other zones had about a quarter of their men back out immediately."

The room erupted in nervous laughter, the officers exchanging knowing glances as they shared in the collective relief that they had all remained steadfast in their commitment.

"Okay, since there are no stragglers," the General continued, his expression serious once more, "Lt. Gen. Derick will brief you about everything from the rendezvous point till the end."

As Lt. Gen. Derick took the floor, the gravity of the situation settled over the room once more. The mission ahead was historic in scale, a testament to the unity and strength of the Unity Collective.

"As it is general knowledge," Lt. Gen. Derick began, his voice commanding attention, "the Unity Collective has thirty-six zones, with each zone having sixteen Areas. Thus, the total number of Majors and Lt. Col that was supposed to be on this mission are five hundred and seventy-six in all."

A gasp rippled through the room, the sheer magnitude of their undertaking sinking in.

"Yes, it is the largest scale movement since the inception of the collective," the General added with a chuckle, his eyes twinkling with pride.

The Major who had initially gasped bowed his head in a visible display of remorse, attempting to shrink into the background of the meeting.

"I apologize, sir," he muttered, his voice barely audible in the weighty atmosphere.

Lt. General Derick, however, seemed to find humor in the situation. "However, due to the freedom of participation, approximately a hundred personnel backed out," he chuckled. "Our zone is one of the very few that did not have any personnel back out."

"Humph, I heard Zone 11 also did not have any stragglers. That old geezer must be pleased with himself," the General snorted, revealing an underlying tension between the two Generals that had persisted for years. The reason remained a mystery to many, but rumors hinted at the General's involvement in the death of the 11th zone General.

Lt. Gen. Derick attempted to steer the conversation, but the General signaled him to stay silent.

"The rendezvous point will be split into two, as the mission involves infiltrating into our friends' den."

Gasps of shock filled the room, and whispers of disbelief rippled through the assembled officers.

"The Collective will be declaring war on Dominion and the Syndicate at the same time," the General declared, his voice cutting through the murmurs.

"This is a suicide mission," one officer voiced the collective concern.

"No! There is no backup," the General's voice lowered as he shook his head. "This time, the Collective has to take the bull by its horns. We have no choice."

Lt. Gen. Derick tried to reassure the uneasy officers, but the General silenced him with a gesture.

"We have received news that there is a new force in the world. Their wings are spread throughout the three continents. They arose as a merchant group, dealing with the sales of all kinds of materials," Lt. Gen. Derick revealed, pausing for emphasis. "Even humans are not left out."

Michael's heart skipped a beat at the mention of this mysterious force. The realization hit him like a thunderbolt, and he exchanged a glance with Adams, both of them grappling with the gravity of the situation.

"Their threat keeps growing day by day, as mini factions dissatisfied with the three factions join them. That was why orders were released to kill all resistors, whether young or old."

A chilling understanding settled over Michael as he absorbed the weight of the revelation.

"Recently, we received news that the Royal family of the Luminae Dominion and the Lakes family of the Syndicate will be joined by marriage."

Boom! Bombshell after bombshell. Michael felt the weight of each revelation settles heavily in his heart.

"The Collective has every reason to believe that they have reached a consensus with the dark forces to hand over our continent to them," the General's words echoed in the tense silence of the room.

"Impossible!" A Lt. Col couldn't contain his fury, slamming his fist on the table. "What gives them the audacity to look down on the Collective?"

"Do they think that the dark force will be fully expunged from their continents just by sacrificing us?" another Major interjected.

"Your thoughts are valid. However, they do not look down on the Collective. Rather, they are threatened by the force and power that we have amassed through the years," the General explained. "The Collective can successfully brag of twenty million soldiers and fifteen million trainees. Our belief is in the freedom of all men. The Luminae Dominion binds people with the power of religion, and the Syndicate is moved by profit. Any sound nation will be on tenterhooks around us."

"The Council has decided to plunge a two-way pitchfork into their midst. After the strategists converged, it was decided that every zone pool out their best talent for the mission, as it has to be done in total secrecy," the Lt. Gen elaborated. "Half will be sent to Zone 14 for infiltration into the Luminae Dominion, as it is the closest to the Radiant Kingdom of the Dominion. The other half will be sent incognito as technologists into the Syndicate's Nebula Capital from Zone 5. Everyone has two days to return to their homes and get ready for the mission. It is going to be a tough ride from here on. The convergent point for our zone will be the general abode."

"Not to waste your time, I will once again ask you all," the General scrutinized everyone. "If you wish to back out, you can do so now."

Michael seized his moment. "No matter the angle I view this from, it is a death trap," he thought, the weight of his decision pressing down on him.

Two Majors and one Lt. Col stood up, including the Major who had earlier expressed disbelief.

"I am sorry, General. I will do my best to defend the front lines. However, this mission is a futile one, sir. We are not only facing the other two continents but also an unknown force that threatens our existence," the Lt. Colonel spoke with conviction. "I think I should step out of this. I can accept my punishment now, sir. Though I feel the others will be wasting their lives."

Two more Majors stood up, swayed by the Lt. Colonel's words.

Michael was about to join them when he felt Adams's gaze on him, shaking his head subtly. He could hear Adams whisper something, "The Union... not... short... talents."

Perspiration formed on Michael's brow as he pretended to adjust his chair, his heart pounding in his chest. The General remained calm, his gaze steady, as the room fell into an eerie silence. Lt. Gen Derick's fists clenched, his head lowered in resignation.

"Alright, since no one is backing out anymore, it is all good. Your points are accepted. You can leave now," the General announced, his voice deceptively calm.

The five personnel waited, expecting their punishment, but instead, the General surprised them.

"Like I said earlier, there is freedom of participation. Of course, you will be punished according to the military rule, but that will be later. You can step out now."

Relief washed over them mingled with regret. Michael glanced at Adams, feeling a twinge of resentment, but Adams remained composed.

"What a wacko! I just lost a good opportunity to leave this goddamned mission." Michael muttered to himself, his disappointment palpable.

"Salute, sir. I would take my leave now, sir!" the Lt. Colonel saluted, followed by the other four.

As they reached the door, the General's voice cut through the air once again, calm yet chilling.

"But can you tell me why your punishment should be later?"

The outgoing personnel turned in shock to face the General, their expressions frozen in disbelief.

"It later came to this. We have no choice, Derick. I did my best," the General said calmly, meeting the Lt. General's gaze with steely resolve. With three knocks on the table, swift and lethal, the five figures crumpled to the ground, blood seeping from their heads.

The room erupted in horror, the realization sinking in. The General's smile, once serene, now twisted into something sinister.

"Snipers!" Michael exclaimed, scanning the room frantically for their unseen assailants, but finding none. The Majors were flustered, caught off guard by the sudden turn of events. The Lt. Colonels on the other hand seemed to expect this.

"I said earlier on, the Collective has no lack of talents. Once you have heard about the mission, the game has started, and you have just two choices, die now or survive till the end," the Lt. Gen explained, his tone grave.

The General rose to his feet, and the room snapped to attention. With a chilling smile, he bid them farewell, leaving behind a scene of shock and horror.

"I'll be taking my leave now. I hope from this short experience, you know how serious this matter is," the General said, his smile betraying nothing of the darkness within. "Take care of this, and compensate their loved ones. What a pity. I lost the first round against that old geezer," he added, before disappearing into the shadows.

"For this mission, some of you will be promoted to the next rank, and it will be on paper that you would be spending the Collective's money as you journey on a vacation," the Lt. Gen explained. "This will give some people the leeway to inform your family members without guise."

With those final words, the meeting concluded, leaving the officers to contemplate the gravity of their mission. As they dispersed, the weight of their duty hung heavy in the air, each one steeling themselves for the challenges that lay ahead.

"Have a nice day, gentlemen," the Lt. Gen bid them farewell, his tone belying the somberness of the situation. With a nod of acknowledgment, they exited the room, their minds racing with plans and preparations for the mission ahead.