
Ninjas In Modernity

The Ultimate Ninja, Abellona Roy, is tired of his ninja lifestyle. Tired of the same crap every single day. So he escapes with his little siblings to get a taste of what normal people live like. However...it seems like his past is there to haunt him. And forces of evil are finding themselves face to face with Roy. Would Roy truly find his peace in life? Find it out by reading this story. ____________________________________ Also, keep in mind that I may change some stuff here and there. Even if it's already published. Also also, here's the artist of this book cover: https://www.instagram.com/h2hues_repichu/ Go visit him if you're interested in his art style.

Creator_In_Red · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 45: Alvin's Home

"What is it, Ms. Kage?", Reika asked.

"Abellona-kun, can you keep this conversation a secret?", Ms. Kage blankly asked before talking.

"Um... Alright, Ms. Kage.", Reika agreed to keep this a secret.

Ms. Kage then breaths and then looks at the man beside him, signaling her to talk to Reika. The man nods and crouches down to Reika's level.

"Abellona-kun, I'm Kage Roy, the guard of this school. So you're safe with me.", he said.

"You have the same name as my onii-chan, Mr. Guard. Can I call you Mr. Guard?", Reika gave the man a nickname and asked.

The no-name ninja is surprised to have a nickname. They don't have a nickname before that isn't related to the factor that he doesn't have a name. Since the no-name ninja doesn't want to be called by the same person he wants to kill, he accepts it.

"Alright, I'll accept this.", Mr. Guard agreed.

Reika smiles happily after hearing this. Mr. Guard is confused why Reika is happy about this, but he ignores this and continues. Mr. Guard coughs, clearing the mood.

"Can you tell me everything about your big brother, Roy Abellona?", Mr. Guard asked.


Roy sneezes. Both Alvin and Sam are surprised by this. Roy gets his handkerchief to wipe his nose.

"It seems like somebody was talking about you behind your back.", Alvin joked.

"What?", Roy was confused.

"Well, I see it happen to every anime. Whenever people talks to someone behind their back, the said person sneezes.", Alvin replied.

"Must be Reika. She tends to do something like that.", Roy added.

"Huh, Reika must be boasting to her friends how you're the best onii-chan there is.", Alvin commented.

They all continue to walk back home, much more slowly since they weren't in a hurry unlike earlier. Alvin then breaks the silence between them.

"So... Why did you tell me to come with you again?", Alvin asked.

Roy scratches the back of his neck and sighs. Roy then looks at Alvin.

"The reason why I did is to talk with you on why you left your home... Why did you leave your home?", Roy answers and questioned Alvin.

Alvin lets out an awkward laugh, following an exhaling breath. Alvin's smile soon disappears and only sadness is plastered on his whole face.

"I just needed to get out of there...for at least one night to cool down......... I... I had another argument with my parents...last night.", Alvin explained his reason.

"Another argument?", Roy repeated.

"Let's just say that ever since I was moved to live in Japan... we argued most of the time... Last night was... one of those times...", Alvin replied.

"Thank you, by the way, for letting me stay at your house for the night.", Alvin thanks Roy again.

"Um, no problem...", Roy awkwardly said.

Roy and Alvin look away for a moment. The atmosphere surrounding them is weird. Roy sighs and decides to break the silence once.

"Do you want me to accompany you while you head back home? If you would like that is.", Roy asked Alvin.

Samuel bark, letting him know he's there too.

"Along with Samuel here.", Roy added.

"Oh uh, yeah sure. Sam is such a good talker to be with.", Alvin jokingly said.

Samuel barks. Alvin laughs at this. Roy smiles at the sight. Alvin then stops and faces a certain house. This causes both Sam and Roy to stop as well.

"Whelp, this is my home.", Alvin said.

They are in front of their house. It's like any other house Roy has seen in this neighborhood. Nothing out of the ordinary there.

Roy looks at Alvin, seeing that Alvin is feeling a bit tense. Roy remembers that Alvin has argued with his parents. Roy then wonders what Alvin's parents would look and act like. Whatever Alvin's parent is, Roy has the utmost intention to be great friends with them.

They approach the door, slowly but surely. Alvin then knocks on the door. Alvin knocks 2 times. Then they wait. A few moments of silence happen. Roy, Alvin, and Samuel are still waiting for someone to open the door. Alvin is whistling and looking around while clapping his thighs. Roy looks down on his watch to check the time. Sam is sitting down like a good boy. A few more seconds of silence pass by, Alvin decides to knock again but this time it was much louder.

Suddenly, they all then hear footsteps on the other side, coming from somewhere in the house. The footsteps start getting nearer and louder. Until the door is open. On the other side, reveals a beautiful African-American woman. Seemingly calm and cool. She then darts her eyes at Alvin and her eyes contort in fury.

"Alvin! Where the hell was you last night?! I almost called the police to find your sorry ass. Again!", Alvin's mother angrily asked.

Roy is surprised to hear this. Even so, terrified at this woman.

"I was at...his house.", Alvin pointed to Roy.

"Good morning, madam. I'm Abellona Roy. It's nice to meet you.", Roy politely said and bowed at her.

Roy doesn't want to be yelled at by Alvin's mother so he tries to be as polite as possible. Roy then looks up to see a wholesome smile from Alvin's mother.

"Oh, so you're Alvin's best friend from school? Well, it's nice to meet you. You can call me Aliyah, sugar.", Aliyah said nicely to Roy.

Roy is surprised again. A few seconds ago, Aliyah is shouting at Alvin then the next she's being nice to Roy.

Roy makes sure to, at the very least, be on her good side. Sam then barks at Aliyah. The dog then sniffs Aliyah's feet and licks them.

"Aww... Such a good boy, you are!", Aliyah complimented.

Aliyah kneels and pets Sam. Sam likes it and licks Aliyah. Roy let's go off Sam's harness, knowing he won't run away.

"Thank you for letting my son sleep at your house for the night.", Aliyah kindly thanks, Roy.

"Now get your ass over here! When Haru comes home after work, you'll be apologizing for the things you said to him last night.", Aliyah yelled at Alvin again.

Alvin exhales and nods. Alvin is about to enter his house until Roy stops him by placing his hand on his shoulder. Alvin looks at Roy.

"Can I talk to you in private?", Roy asked.

"Alright?", Alvin agreed confusingly.

Roy and Alvin then walk away from Aliyah, who is curious about what Roy is about to say to her son. Alvin looks at Roy, waiting.

"Can I sleep at your house?", Roy asked.

"Wait what?", Alvin was shocked by Roy's question.

"You heard me. Can I sleep at your house?", but Roy repeated the question.

'I'm curious to find out why Alvin ran away. And besides, we did plan to hang out. Why not now?', Roy thought.

"I mean, we did plan to hang out at my house but sleepover? As in, sleeping in my house for the night. Are your parents ok with this?", Alvin asked.

Roy freezes upon hearing the question. Roy then quickly glances at Alvin's mother, seeing how Aliyah loves Alvin. After all, Aliyah wouldn't be that mad if she doesn't care for her son. Knowing that Alvin has caring parents. Knowing that they're with him...makes Roy a bit blue. Roy then shakes his head, trying to get his focus back.

"My parents wouldn't mind...not one bit.", Roy answered.

"Ok then... Let me ask my mom.", Alvin said in response.

Alvin and Roy approach Aliyah who is hugging Sam. Sam is enjoying the hug from Aliyah. Alvin then looks at his mother.

"Mom, can Roy have a sleepover today?", Alvin asked.

"Today?", Aliyah repeated.

Alvin nods. Aliyah then looks at Roy.

"Oh alright. I won't deny my baby boy having fun with his friends. Unless it's something illegal. Like drugs, no drugs in this house, understand, Roy?", Aliyah requested some reassurance from Roy.

"Ye-yes, ma'am.", Roy reassured her.

"Good.", Aliyah said before standing up.

Roy scratches the back of his head. Roy then sighs and grabs Sam's harness, signaling Samuel to come with him.

"I'll just bring Sam home, grab my things, and come back here, ok?", Roy added.

"Aight, see you later.", Alvin replied.


"Wait! You're going to sleep in another house? In a stranger's house?", Odaka asked.

"Yes. Relax, I trust Alvin.", Roy answered.

Roy grabs his pack and places it in his bed. After that, Roy pulls out many of his S-Tier clothing, deciding to pick only a few of them since Roy is going to sleep there for 1 night.

"I'm not saying Alvin's dangerous. I'm just surprised to hear you sleeping in another person's house... of your own volition. I mean, aren't you afraid? Of sleeping in another person's house? You'll get to see sides of them that you haven't seen before.", Odaka questions.

"That's...one of the reasons why I wanted to sleep there. I'm curious about something.", Roy replied.

'Mainly on why Alvin left his house. Why did he leave his home? You have to get a good reason to motivate yourself to flee from your home. Just like what I and my family did... Leaving the village...', Roy thought.

"You really are a cat. See something mysterious, you're determined and curious to find the truth. Be careful though, Roy. Curiosity killed the cat.", Odaka warns Roy.

"I know. I know. I'll kill Curiosity before he kills me.", Roy joked.

Odaka's eyes widen in shock, including his mouth. Odaka is shocked to hear Roy say a joke.

"Was that a joke?", Odaka asked.

"Yeah. Why did you ask?", Roy answered then questioned Odaka.

"Nothing... It's just been a long time since you said something funny...", Odaka pointed out.

Roy stops everything at what he's doing for a minute, realizing that Odaka is right. This is the first time Roy is acting carefree and not paranoid.

'Maybe staying in a safe place like this affected me to act this way... I don't hate it but I still need to keep my guard up. Danger still looms into the air.', Roy quietly thought.

Roy zips his bag that is filled with clothing and other stuff. After that, Roy wears it behind his back. Roy pats Odaka on the shoulder.

"Take care of Sam for me.", Roy said.

"I always take care of Sam, Roy...", Odaka reminded.

Roy then leaves his room. Sam suddenly tries to tackle Roy down, trying to keep Roy here. Roy smiles and kneels to his dog and then he pets Sam.

"Don't worry, Sam. I'll be back. I promise.", Roy promised.

After saying that, Roy stands right back up again and starts walking downstairs. Suddenly, something flew out of Victor's room. Something fast. Something bright. It hit a wall and got a burnt mark.

Roy is confused about what that is. Odaka feels the same way. Sam is scared and starts making whining noises

Rot then looks over to Victor's door. It has a coin size hole in it. Roy decides to confront Victor about it. Roy then knocks on the door. The door suddenly opens.

"Sorry about that. I was tinkering with my inventions and that happened.", Victor said his excuse.

"Invention? What invention?", Roy interrogated Victor.

"Yeah what is it? It seems dangerous.", Odaka added.

Victor exhales heavily and then he opens the door, showing Roy and Odaka his invention. Victor's table is in view. On it, is some sort of gun. Roy is shocked to see this.

"Abellona Victor, why are you making a gun in this house?", Roy angrily asked.

Victor rolls his eyes, feeling annoyed.

"I think it's obvious. It's to protect ourselves. Our father discovered this place quickly. There's a chance that someone who hates us, and I know there is someone in this world who hates us, finds this place. They'll attack us using their power. So we'll use the power of technology to aid us in battle. I mean look...", Victor suddenly grabbed the gun.

Roy and Odaka step back a little bit. Victor notices and gets closer to them.

"Just look.", Victor said.

Victor presses something on the gun. The gun quickly turns into something else. It turns into a handle of a sword, minus the blade. There's no blade to cut with.

"This thing is fueled by ki. Give enough of it and...", Victor then discontinued his sentence.

Victor starts pumping in ki to his invention. After a few seconds, Victor's invention then has a blade on it. However, it isn't made of metal. It is made out of light. Out of ki.

"This could help you, Roy. This could help you kill your enemies quickly. Even faster than what your Demonic Saber can do.", Victor commented.

Roy doesn't like the idea, not liking it one bit. Roy just shakes his head, not agreeing to what Victor said.

"I'm not using that to kill anyone.", Roy said in response.

"Why? It's much more effective than your Demonic Saber.", Victor asked confusingly.

"It's not about the weapon. I promised myself to not kill anyone anymore.", Roy said before turning around and leaving.

"But Roy...", Victor tried to stop Roy.

"That's enough Victor. Respect Roy's wishes. He doesn't want to be the man he was before.", Odaka stopped Victor.

Roy sighs after hearing this. Roy then heads towards the door, putting his hand on the handle of it. Sam then barks at Roy. Roy turns around to look at Sam. Roy smiles at Sam.

"Don't worry, Sam. I'll be back tomorrow.", Roy reassured Sam.

Roy then opens the door and leaves.


Roy knocks on the door and then he waits for someone to open it, looking around to find something interesting while he waits. A few more seconds pass by, somebody opens the door. Roy's attention shifts to the person who opens the door.

"Oh hello, Roy. It seems you really are ready for this sleepover. Come on in.", Aliyah said.

Aliyah then moves out of the way to let Roy in. Roy steps in and takes his shoes, placing them aside. After that Roy enters their humble abode. Roy looks around, trying to see the inside of their house, seeing the interior of it. Roy's gaze then changes to look at a bunch of pictures. It shows Alvin, Aliyah, and another African-American man in the pictures in different places. Roy notices how young Alvin looks.

'That must be his father.', Roy thought.

Aliyah then approaches Roy. Roy looks at her.

"Alvin's right upstairs, sugar.", Aliyah kindly said to Roy.

"Alvin! Your friend is here!!", Aliyah intensely yelled.

Roy slowly takes 2 steps away from Aliyah, scared of the tiger mom in the house.

After Aliyah shouts for her son, Roy can hear footsteps from above. A few seconds later, Alvin goes onto the staircase. There Alvin sees Roy. Alvin smiles seeing his best friend there.

"Well, come on. Let's play some video games in my room.", Alvin said to Roy.

Roy nods and follows Alvin upstairs. Alvin happily leads Roy to his room. Aliyah stands there, smiling at them while putting her hands on her hips.

"He really doesn't talk that much, huh.", Aliyah muttered.

Roy then sneezes. After sneezing, Roy grabs his handkerchief to wipe his nose clean.

'Dammit, do I now have an allergy?', Roy silently thought to himself.

Roy enters Alvin's room. Roy looks around to see loads of video games and anime posters all around his room.

Anime figures on the shelves. Gaming consoles that Roy never sees before. As well as a TV in Alvin's room. Roy also notices the bunk bed that Alvin has. Convenient.

"Welcome to my Bat Cave. Where I relax and have fun, if you know what I mean.", Alvin welcomed Roy.

"This is interesting.", Roy commented in his room.

"Right?", Alvin responded.

Roy then puts his bag aside and then looks at Alvin.

"So, what should be doing now? This is my first time 'hanging' with somebody else.", Roy asked Alvin.

Alvin wraps around his arm on Roy, feeling excited to do what he has planned for.

"We're going to play video games all day long.", Alvin explains his whole plan.

"That sounds fun. What should we play?", Roy questions the game they should play.

Alvin sits down in front of his TV. Roy does so as well. Alvin turns on his console and began scrolling his games there, trying to find a fun game both of them can play.

"You interested in Fancy Shirt?", Alvin asked.

"Fancy Shirt sounds interesting but what is it?", Roy asked.

"Oh, it's a stickman wearing a fancy shirt trying to save his sister from a bunch of pirates.", Alvin explained.

"Oh... I'm confused by the story but it's probably much better to play first-hand.", Roy commented.


It's already Recess time. Kids go outside to eat their packed lunch. They also use this time to play at the playground. Reika quickly heads outside of her class, wanting to eat with her friends, until 2 adults stop her.

"Abellona-kun, would you mind talking to us again? We have more questions to ask you", Ms. Kage bluntly asked.

"We need to talk about your onii-chan again.", Mr. Guard added.

Reika, not wanting to make them mad, nods in agreement. Mr. Guard reaches out to her hand to which Reika grabs it and follows them. Reika is dragged away from the rest of the kids. They all enter an empty classroom. Ms. Kage stays behind to keep a lookout. Reika is feeling a little bit uncomfortable. Mr. Guard notices this and decides to calm the child down by talking softly.

"Hey now, everything thing is going to be ok. How about you take a seat and eat your food while we talk, ok?", Mr. Guard said in response.

"Ok.", Reika responded as she nodded.

Reika then sits on one of the many empty sits there, placing her lunchbox on the table, and begins opening it. Mr. Guard takes the teacher's chair and places it beside her, sitting there as well.

"So, can you tell me more about Roy? Maybe, a history about him?", Mr. Guard responded.

Reika opens her lunchbox to see something amazing on it. Reika audibly gasps while ignoring Mr. Guard.

"Shrimp Tempuras! Yummy!", Reika exclaimed.

Reika begins wolfing down those shrimps, making her feel more comfortable. Mr. Guard is shocked to see a child eat like that. Mr. Guard then coughs and gets back to the subject.

"Um... Abellona-san? Can you tell me more about Roy?", Mr. Guard asked again.

Reika turns to look at Mr. Guard, having a shrimp in her mouth. Reika immediately swallows it down and answers.

"I heard that onii-chan was trained harder than the rest of my onii-chan. He hated that. He hates it so much, that onii-chan doesn't want to be called the Ulti-", Reika covers her mouth immediately.

Reika silence herself, not wanting to tell Mr. Guard their ninja secret. Mr. Guard catches this and questions it.

"Ultimate Ninja? Is that you were going to say?", Mr. Guard asked.

Reika slowly shakes her head, trying to lie. However, the guilt sets in and Reika quickly nods. Reika doesn't have the guts to lie. Mr. Guard then looks behind, making sure nobody else is listening. After doing that, Mr. Guard gets close to Reika.

"Don't worry, I'm a ninja as well.", Mr. Guard whispered.

Reika gasp once more. Mr. Guard puts his finger on his mouth, telling her to be quiet and keep this a secret. Reika covers her mouth again and giggles. Mr. Guard chuckles at Reika's cuteness. Ms. Kage looks at them, giving Mr. Guard a suspicious stare.


Roy sneezes again. Roy quickly gets his handkerchief again and blows his nose again. Alvin quickly pauses the game and looks at Roy.

"It seems people are talking behind your back again.", Alvin commented.

"That, or maybe we've been playing for hours.", Roy said in response.

"What do video games have to do with your sneeze?", Alvin questioned Roy.

"Well, it distracted me from my rumbling stomach.", Roy replied.

Roy's stomach grumbles. Hearing this, Alvin's stomach grumbles as well. Both Roy and Alvin are in agony because they're hungry. They both rub their bellies.

"Yeah... I am getting hungry by the second.", Alvin added.

Suddenly the door opens, revealing Aliyah on the other side.

"Did I hear hungry?", Aliyah asked.

"Yes, mom. We're both hungry.", Alvin answered.

'Did she train her hearing senses to hear conversations from afar?', Roy thought while being terrified at Aliyah.

"Well lucky for you boys, I ordered a Chicken Bucket from JFC. It will be here any minute now. Let me go prepare", Aliyah said as she closes the door.

Roy sighs in relief, relaxing when Aliyah was gone. Alvin then starts to stand up.

"Wow, my legs need to be stretched-Ouch!", Alvin exclaimed.

Alvin hits his head on his bunk bed as he stands up. Something then falls off from the top bed. Roy sees this and immediately catches it while Alvin rubs the back of his. Roy observes the mysterious object the has fallen from Alvin's top bed.

"Ouch ouch ouch, my head... Oh hey! Thanks for catching my headphones.", Alvin thanks, Roy.

"Headphones?", Roy questions it.

"Riiiight, I forgot that you don't know much about the Modern World.", Alvin said as he sits down.

Roy looks at Alvin's headphones. The color of it is white. It has 2 soft pillows attached to it. A wire is also dangling from it. Alvin then grabs it.

"Here, this is how you use them.", Alvin said.

After saying that, Alvin grabs his phone and plugs the wire in it, connecting his phone to his headphones. Then Alvin puts it on Roy's ears. Roy doesn't feel safe wearing the headphones but he trusts Alvin.

"I will play one of my favorite Anime openings, ok?", Alvin asked.

Roy nods slowly, still not understanding what do these headphones do. Alvin begins playing the opening. Roy flinches in shock a bit but soon calms down after hearing the song. After a few seconds, Roy readjusts the headphones and begins bopping his head. Alvin's lips curl upward seeing this.

"I would like to buy one of these things!", Roy shouted.

Alvin covers his ears, hearing a bit of ringing in his ears. Though Alvin can't tell if it's because of Roy or the over usage of the headphones.


"Wait... Your brother hates being called the Ultimate Ninja?", Mr. Guard asked.

"Mhm! He asked us to not call him that title. So we don't call him that.", Reika answered.

"Roy doesn't like being called the Ultimate Ninja... One of the most powerful ninja there is...and he despises having that title... That doesn't make any sense, he should be honored to have such a title. I know many people who would want such a name. To be known, to be feared, to be praised. I don't get it...", Mr. Guard was confused.

"Well... I do. If I was forced to study all the time and wasn't allowed to play video games, I'll be angry as well.", Reika explained in her own words.

Mr. Guard is confused a bit but he understands what Reika was saying. This makes Mr. Guard self-reflect for a bit. Until Ms. Kage interrupted; knocking on the door to get both of their attention.

"Times up. Let's get a move on.", Ms. Kage quickly warned.

Mr. Guard heard this and stands up. Mr. Guard readjusts his uniform and turns to Reika.

"Well, go back to your class now. But remember, keep this a secret.", Mr. Guard reminded.

"Got it!", Reika flashes a thumbs up.

After that, Reika quickly grabs her lunchbox and exits the room. Soon, children start entering the classroom. This is the signal for Mr. Guard and Ms. Kage to leave and get back to work.


Roy sneezes again. Roy groans in anger before getting his handkerchief and blowing his nose again. Alvin notices this and laughs.

"It seems like somebody really wants to know more about you.", Alvin commented.

"That or some sort of entity is making me sneeze.", Roy broke the 4th wall without realizing it. Being paranoid as always.

"Maybe you just have an allergy.", Alvin replied.

"I don't have any allergy. At least I think I don't.", Roy responded.

"You want to see a doctor or?...", Alvin asked.

"We're here to get me a pair of headphones. Not to get me a health check-up.", Roy denied.

"Hey, health is important. After all, health is wealth.", Alvin said an old rhyme.

"Say that to the drug addicts and adrenaline junkies. They always risk their lives to have a chance to feel happy.", Roy added.

Roy and Alvin are walking around the mall, looking for a place to buy a pair of headphones for Roy.

"It's around this corner... Aha! There is it.", Alvin pointed.

Roy looks over to where Alvin points. It's a store filled with all kinds of gadgets and equipment. PCs, consoles, and such. Alvin quickly grabs Roy's hand and drags him over there, entering the store.

"Wow...", Roy uttered.

Roy is amazed at the place. Roy has never been in a room filled with technology this much. Roy shakes his head, trying to get his focus back. As well as remembering that they're only there for the headphones and nothing el-

"Oooh, what's that?", Roy asked.

"That's a selfie stick. You can attach your phone there and get some good pictures using it.", Alvin answered.

"Oooh, what's this?", Roy pointed.

"That's a hoverboard. It's like a skateboard but you don't have to push it yourself.", Alvin answered again.

"What are those?", Roy sees something he doesn't understand.

"Those are VR headsets. Not the headphones we're looking for. Focus, Roy! Focus!", Alvin exclaimed.

After hearing this, Roy got his focus back, fully understanding they're there for the headphones and nothing else. With that in mind, Roy tries to look for it. Alvin then taps Roy's shoulder.

"What?", Roy responded.

"Look.", Alvin pointed.

Roy looks over to where Alvin pointed to see it. They suddenly run towards it. An aisle filled with headphones.

"Hold on a sec... These are all Bluetooth Headphones from Roycons.", Alvin pointed out.

"What does that mean?", Roy asked.

"This means that these headphones are wireless. You only need to connect these to your phones using Bluetooth and that's it. You also need to charge them but they can last for 6 hours. Dammit, why didn't they have this before!", Alvin explained.

Roy then looks at the aisle of it, trying to pick one out of all of them. Roy slowly looks at every one of them. Suddenly, Roy sees what he wants. The one which Roy quickly has the urge to get and but. Roy grabs it and observes it. Just like what Alvin said, it seems to have no wires. Its color is mainly red, except for the outside sides of the headphones. On it, had a black and white checkered pattern, containing 4 Square shapes on each side. Roy looks at Alvin and then he nods. Roy wants to buy these headphones.

"Alright! Let's buy these.", Alvin said.


Mr. Guard and Ms. Kage are the only ones on the faculty. Both of them are holding a mug of coffee. The rest of the teachers are busy. This gave Ms. Kage a chance to talk to Mr. Guard.

"What do you know about Roy now?", Ms. Kage asked.

"He hates being the Ultimate Ninja... That's all I got for now.", Mr. Guard answered.

Ms. Kage doesn't like what she hears, giving him an angry look. Mr. Guard gulps upon seeing this.

"I would like to remind you that you're mission here is to get important information about Roy. Not bond with his sister.", Ms. Kage reminded.

"I know. I need to gain her trust first so I can get important information without making her tell Roy about me. If she's scared, she'll most likely tell somebody about and that would be bad, wouldn't it?", Mr. Guard explained.

Ms. Kage looks away, taking a sip of her coffee. Ms. Kage then exhales once more.

"We failed once, I'm trying not to let us screw it up again. The Vantablack Emperor would be mad at us if we do it once more.", Ms. Kage said in response.

"I know... If all things fail, we'll just use his sister as a hostage. I would finally get my revenge.....", Mr. Guard replied.

Mr. Guard's face begins to twist in anger. His hand turns into a fist. Suddenly, the mug that Mr. Guard is holding breaks, shattering into pieces.


Roy sneezes for the last time. Roy groans louder after he sneezes. Roy then grabs his handkerchief for the last time and blows his nose harder than last time. After that, Roy blows his nose for the second time, making sure every snot is gone. Alvin begins to worry about Roy's health.

"We should probably set you to a doctor's appointment.", Alvin suggested.

"Yeah yeah, I'll do it when I have the time. Just don't mind it for now...", Roy agreed.

'Why does my nose have to overreact to clouds of dust?...', Roy asked himself.

Roy and Alvin are still in the mall, navigating their way towards the exit. Roy is holding a paper bag using one hand. However, Roy suddenly sees an arcade and stops. Alvin notices this and stops. After that, Alvin looks to where Roy is looking.

"An arcade huh? You wanna play in there?", Alvin asked.

Roy looks at him and nods, wanting to play at a local arcade. Alvin wraps his arm around Roy and starts dragging him in there. Roy suddenly senses someone familiar in the arcade.

"Woah! That guy on Dance Dance Evolution looks like a pro.", Alvin commented.

Roy looks over to where Alvin is talking about. A crowd is forming around it. Roy sees a familiar-looking person on it. Roy looks down and sighs at the sigh of the person.

"Yay! A new high score!", Okutou exclaimed.

It's time for a DANCE OFF!!!

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