
Ninjas In Modernity

The Ultimate Ninja, Abellona Roy, is tired of his ninja lifestyle. Tired of the same crap every single day. So he escapes with his little siblings to get a taste of what normal people live like. However...it seems like his past is there to haunt him. And forces of evil are finding themselves face to face with Roy. Would Roy truly find his peace in life? Find it out by reading this story. ____________________________________ Also, keep in mind that I may change some stuff here and there. Even if it's already published. Also also, here's the artist of this book cover: https://www.instagram.com/h2hues_repichu/ Go visit him if you're interested in his art style.

Creator_In_Red · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 44: But Now Found

The boy wakes up. Little Roy then stands up in his bed. The boy looks around the room he's in, knowing that he's in the temple of the village. Roy feels a bit lonely. Roy always sleeps with his brothers beside him. Now the boy is sleeping alone, away from home. Roy steps down in his bed and looks at the table in the room to see the Demonic Saber placed there. Roy reaches out his hand for it. Roy is about to grab the Demonic Saber until he remembers what Master Wasuke said to him.

"From now on, we'll be using these wooden swords until I deemed you ready to wield your Demonic Saber. The weapon is as good as the hands that hold them. Until then, never use it, do you hear me, Roy?", Wasuke asked for reassurance.

Roy stops and pulls back his hand. The boy then looks at his tiny hands, looking at them with sadness and remembering the suffering he experienced yesterday. Roy is dreading the training he will endure the moment he leaves this room. Roy then slaps himself with both hands trying to get the fear out of him.

"I got this. I'm doing this to protect them. I'm doing this to protect them. I'm doing this to protect them...", Roy reminded himself of his goal over and over again.

Roy forces himself to ignore the pain, ignore his fear, and ultimately, ignore his emotions. The boy opens the door slightly, trying to peak at the outside world. Little Roy then opens it completely. Roy sees multiple elders walking about. After seeing them leave, Roy then walks outside.

"Are you hungry?", a familiar voice asked him.

Roy immediately turned around to see Master Wasuke there, leaning against a wall and his arms crossed. The elder is waiting for Roy to wake up.

"Well, are you hungry or not?", Wasuke asked again.

Roy snaps out of it and bows.

"Yes, I am, master.", Roy said as he was bowing to him.

Wasuke then stands up and places his hand on the boy's head. Roy looks up to this to see a warm and gentle smile on him. Roy is surprised to see this.

"Come, let's eat with the other elders.", Wasuke said.

The old man then starts walking towards somewhere. Roy runs beside him. After that, the boy walks at the same pace as Wasuke, slowly but surely. Roy looks down, feeling intimidated by the old man beside him and having a sad look plastered on the boy's face. Wasuke looks down to see the boy's expression.

"You must hate me for what I did yesterday.", Wasuke said.

Roy looks up quickly, trying to utter the right words. Roy is, however, uttered only incoherent words.

"Hahaha! You don't need to deny it, Roy. I knew I was too hard on you.", Wasuke replied.

Roy then goes silent, looking down shamefully. Not knowing what to say to that. There is a minute of silence between the both of them.

"I've always hated people who didn't live up to their full potential. Always lazy to do so. And I'm not only talking about becoming the strongest ninja there is. I despise people who don't strive to be the best of the best there is. To become the strongest. To become the smartest. To be the riches and all of that. If I become harder on you, it's because I wanted you to be different from those people that I despise. I wanted you to live up to your full potential. To become the Ultimate Ninja.", Wasuke explained his reasoning.

"Ultimate Ninja?", Roy questions this.

"It's a name that I just thought of. It is quite fitting though, with you having all elements as your affinity. Does it sound bad?", Wasuke asked the boy for his opinion.

"No no! I find it amazing. Thanks, Master Wasuke.", Roy answered honestly.

"Well, you have to earn that title first. Just like your father did when he was your age.", Wasuke said.

They both then stop at a certain door. Wasuke then opens it, revealing lots of old people sitting on the floor with lots of food on a very long table.

"But you can't earn that title if you have an empty stomach.", Wasuke added.

Wasuke then drags the boy towards the table.

"Oh, Wasuke, is that Beni's kid?", one of the old men asked.

"Sure is. Roy, sit right here.", Wasuke sits and patted the ground next to him.

Little Roy then sits beside Wasuke, sort of feeling uncomfortable knowing that he is the only kid in the room.

"He is so cute, isn't he?", an elderly woman complimented Roy.

"Yes, he is. If you want to grow big and strong though, eat lots of meat.", the grandma beside him said.

The elderly woman also brings a plate of all kinds of meat in front of Roy. Roy is overwhelmed by the meat in front of him.

"Eat as many as you can. So you can grow big big muscles when you grow up!", she added.

"Umm... Thank you, ma'am.", Roy uttered.

Roy looks around the table. Roy sees many of the elders happily talking to each other. Even Master Wasuke is talking to them as well. Roy silently eats his food, not wanting to talk to any of them since he feels out of place. Though the boy is included nonetheless.

"Hey, Wasuke. How's the training going with him there?", an elderly man asked.

Roy stops eating and looks at his master, awaiting his response. Wasuke sees this and gives the boy a simple head pat.

"Well, he exceeded my expectations many times. Especially when I learned that he already can do Flame Style. And mind you, Omi only taught him for 2 days.", Wasuke answered.

"2 days?! That's impressive.", he was surprised.

"Not exactly, sir... I can do only 1 technique of it which is Fiery Slash.", Roy explained.

"Still, it's amazing that you already learn an Elemental Sword Style in just a short amount of time. I remember struggling for days trying to learn Flame Style. It's like you are made for this, Roy-kun. These gifts you have, don't waste them.", he replied.

"Yeah, turn the boy into a weapon and nothing else.", somebody harshly said.

Roy turns his head towards the person who says that. It's another elderly man, drinking tea. After that, they slammed the tea on the table but did not break it though.

"You did it once with Beni, might as well do it again with his son. Manipulating a child to fight mindlessly.", he added.

"Watch your mouth, Sanemi. Or else I'll-"

"Or what?! Show me that power controls everything? That power is what we must live for? That Roy should live for?", Sanemi interrupted Wasuke.

Wasuke then goes silent, having nothing else to say.

"Fighting for the rest of your life will lead you to a terrible fate. It is not also a good way to enjoy life.", Sanemi explained.

"But Roy is special. He is different from the rest of the children in this village. He has the potential to be the strongest ninja that the world has ever seen.", Wasuke argues back.

"What's wrong with being normal? Sometimes being "Special" can be such a pain. There's nothing wrong with enjoying life instead of training to gain more power.", Sanemi replied.

"There is if you do it too much, Sanemi!", Wasuke exclaimed.

"And there is in doing too much training, Wasuke!", Sanemi slams his hand on the table.

Both of them stare at each other. Fiery looks between the both of them. Their gaze, trying to pierce into one another.

"Hey hey, enough of that. Let's just eat.", an old man tries to calm both of them down.

"Being born into this world to be turned into a weapon just sounds like a terrible life to me.", Sanemi ignores them.

"You don't get it, do you? Beni can't protect us all forever. Everyone's lives are at stake here. We need Roy to be strong fast. Stronger than Beni even. It's his destiny, Sanemi.", Wasuke explained.

"So you're going to let the boy meet his terrible fate? Have you ever asked the boy what he wants, Wasuke? What he truly wants?", Sanemi asked.

Wasuke is quiet once more because he doesn't ask Roy what he truly wants.

"Of course, not. Kids like him couldn't think the same way as adults do. You're essentially manipulating the boy to think that he wants to do this when he doesn't.", Sanemi said in response.

Suddenly the doors open wide. Everyone looks at the person who opens them. Especially Roy.

"That would be enough.", Beni said.

Everyone is silent, intimidated by Beni's presence. Even Sanemi couldn't as well. Beni then walks to his son. Roy immediately stops eating, standing up and bowing to Beni.

"Come with me, Roy.", Beni ordered.

Beni extends his hand. Roy grabs his father's hand. After that, the boy is dragged out of there. Roy looks back to see his master, Wasuke, looking at Sanemi with anger in his eyes. Sanemi looks back at him with the same expression. Roy shakes his head and stares at what is in front of him. Though Roy is thinking about what he hears from the both of them. This makes Roy conflicts with himself.

'I... I don't want to do this...but everyone needs me to... I... I... I don't know...', Roy thought confusingly.

"Roy...", Beni called to him.

"Yes, father?", Roy responded.

"I want you to understand this Roy. Upholding one's responsibility is more important than one's want. It is my responsibility to protect this village. To protect our people. To keep the people we care for and love safe, Roy. This will be your responsibility soon.", Beni explained.

After saying all this, Beni stopped. Beni then turns to Roy, kneeling in front of him and placing both his hands on the boy's shoulders. Roy looks at his father's eyes. It's filled with pride.

"I understand that this might be heavy to you. It might be a burden that you couldn't handle, but... I need you to do this Roy. The whole village does. I can't protect this place forever, Roy. Someday... I'll die. That would be inevitable. But I would like to die knowing that someone will carry on my duties. That someone will protect our home. That someone is none other than you Roy. I need you to be my successor, my son...", Beni added.

Hearing this, Roy pictures his father dying in his head. Roy couldn't stop the thought of it. This makes Roy tear up. However, Roy quickly wipes his tears away and tries to hold back his sadness.

"I'll try my best, father!", Roy said with determination.

Beni stands up, proud of his son's response and patting him on the head as well.

"Good, now I'll start training you now.", Beni said.

"Wait? You're training me? What about your duties?", Roy was surprised by this and asked.

"Your uncle will handle it from now on. Your training is much more important than my job. You are the future of this clan after all.", Benj answered.

"But I'm supposed to be training with Master Wasuke today.", Roy replied.

"I already talked to Omi and Elder Wasuke last night. From now on, I'll be training you 3 days a week; Omi and Elder Wasuke will train you 2 days separately.", Beni told him the schedule of his training.

Roy nods, understanding what Beni said. Though Roy is curious. The boy is curious about what his father is going to teach him.

"Father, what are you going to teach me?", Roy asked.

"I think it's time for you to learn about sensing energy and magic.", Beni answered.

"Sensing? What do you mean, father?", Roy questions again.

"It means that you will learn to have the ability to locate, differentiate, and measure the power you're sensing. This might not help you get strong, but it's a useful technique that you must learn.", Beni explains.

"I see, father. I'll try my best to do this.", Roy promised.

Beni smiles, seeing Roy's enthusiasm. Roy is excited to learn this technique. Roy is also determined to become the strongest there is for his village. This will not go easy for Roy... The boy will suffer for power...


"Where is he?", Roy asked himself.

Roy couldn't find where Sam was, shocked to find him nowhere in his room. Roy tries to sense Sam, thinking that he might be hiding somewhere.

'Nothing.', Roy couldn't sense Sam.

Roy looks underneath his bed, under his table. Roy then looks at his bathroom, trying to find Sam.

"I can't find him.", Roy told himself.

Alvin looks over the window, remembering it was open the first time they enter it. Alvin then has a thought.

"Hey... Do you think Sam escapes through this window?", Alvin asked.

Roy glance at Alvin and then he goes near the window, remembering it is open when they both enter as well. Roy immediately exits the window. After that, Roy looks behind to face Alvin.

"Stay here. Be quiet as well. I'll try to be as fast to find him as I can.", Roy said.

Alvin nods, understanding the situation. Roy nods and looks somewhere. Roy then jumps. Roy is jumping from buildings to buildings, occasionally stopping to look around for his dog and knowing that it's going to be tough to find Sam.

'Sam's power isn't that strong compared to an average human. I need to find his low leveled power. But...

With so many people sleeping in this city, they all have various levels of magic and energy that will make this...difficult. It's like finding a needle in a haystack... Why did you have to run away, Sam?', Roy thought.

Roy stops on a roof. Roy looks around to see stray cats walking about.

"Not him.", Roy muttered.

Roy jumps on another roof and then he senses something within a pile of trash to see a random street dog eating it.

"Not him.", Roy muttered.

Roy continues to search for Sam, trying to find him in this massive neighborhood, but all he keeps finding are other animals and even strangers. Roy then lands in an alleyway to catch his breath and think, trying to find another better way to find Sam.

"There's got to be another way to find him. But what?", Roy asked himself.

While Roy is thinking to himself, a fox sniffs Roy's feet. This startles Roy, making Roy immediately jump back.

After seeing the fox, Roy calms down.

"Oh, it's just a fox... A fox that is far from nature... Why are you he-", Roy discontinued his question.

Suddenly, Roy's eyes widen, realizing the fox in front of him. Roy then has a plan.


Sam is walking in a familiar street, tired of running due to his injured paw. Sam can only walk slowly at a snail's pace.

Something is driving Sam to keep on walking. It's his fear. His fear of abandonment. His fear of being alone. Unloved.

Sam the dog then crashes on the concrete, lying on the sidewalk and feeling exhausted. The dog is in pain and sadness. That Sam might never find Roy again. That Sam might be alone forever. That Sam might die without anyone loving and caring for him.

Sam then hears footsteps behind him. The dog couldn't turn around and look because it seems like the darkness is inviting him...and it is comforting... Sam could only sniff to find out who it is. The dog sniffs 3 strange smells behind him. The 2 is something he couldn't recognize while 1 is very familiar to him. Someone who Sam could never forget. That same smell then approaches Sam quickly, carrying the dog in his arms.

"Sam, are you ok?", Roy asked.

Sam does utter a noise. It didn't sound good though. The fox that Roy meets earlier runs towards Sam and takes a quick sniff on him. After that, she speaks to the person behind them.

"Ori said that Sam has an injured paw. Other than that, he seems to be fine. It seems like he's exhausted running this far.", Okutou explained.

Roy looks at Sam's injury. Roy holds it. A green glow appears in the palm of his hand. Roy begins healing Sam. Roy then sees Sam's empty eyes, reminding him of something from his past...


Roy is doing push-ups, tiredly doing it repeatedly. Roy is about to give up until...

"Are you that easy to give up? If you do that, hundreds of our people will die.", Beni said.

Hearing this, Roy continues to do so and tries to ignore his pain as well as his inner voice that is telling the boy to stop training.

Roy is running together with his father. The boy is at his limit. Roy then tumbles on the ground. The boy couldn't feel his legs anymore. Roy is breathing heavily than ever before. The boy is about to call quits until...

"If you stop now, how will you fight your enemies if you're at your limits. Go beyond that, Roy.", Beni said.

Roy forces himself to stand up, wobbling to get back on his feet. As well as focusing on the road ahead instead of his instincts to stop.

Roy is blindfolded. As well as his ears covered. Along with his nose. Holding a wooden sword, trying to sense where his father is.

Roy then senses something behind him and he tries to block it. Beni strikes Roy. This makes Roy fly off, unable to fully block Beni's attack. Roy then crashes on the ground. The boy's ear mufflers are removed upon impact. Roy tries to stand up, trying to power through the pain of the bruises on his body.

"Sharpen that 6th sense of yours. Your enemies may not always fight fair. Always prepare yourself for a surprise attack.", Beni coaches.

Hearing this, Roy tries to find his ear mufflers. Since the boy is blindfolded, it takes him a long minute to find it and wear it again. Roy then prepares himself again, not minding the fact that he is suffering...

This happened for many months. Repeatedly. If Roy gets comfortable with a certain thing, they would make it even more difficult.

The boy suffered. Roy suffers for power... That he doesn't even want but is told that he needed.

Roy isn't allowed to see his brothers. Roy isn't even allowed to see his little sister. The boy is separated from his mother as well. The boy is alone. Even if his 2 masters are there for him, they are only teachers to him...not friends. Roy's father acts more so a master to him than a dad...

Roy is alone. Roy feels abandoned. Unloved...

Winter soon happens...

Snowflakes are falling from the sky, making puffs of snow on the ground. There is no warmth in the air, only coldness.

Roy is sitting underneath a tree. In a part of a forest where he used to train before. Before Beni decides to step in. Roy is waiting for one of his masters there. Since he is told that his father couldn't train him today.

Roy is shivering a bit. It's bearable for the boy though so he stays underneath a tree. Though the boy wishes that he could have worn more clothing. Roy doesn't complain since he thinks complaining is a sign of weakness. The boy doesn't want to be weak so he just endured the cold weather.

Roy has dead eyes. It's empty, there was no light of joy within it. Only the blackness of sadness. Something that a normal child shouldn't have... Roy isn't a normal child though...

The boy feels nothing but pain. The pain of the coldness in his body. As well as the coldness within his heart. Some of the people in the temple do some acts of kindness to the boy. Master Omi tries to lighten up the boy. Master Wasuke tries to bond with the boy. However, that isn't enough. It isn't enough to stop the boy's suffering. It couldn't stop him from gaining more power. Roy hears a footstep somewhere. He looks at the source of the noise to see a familiar face walking towards him.

"How are you doing, Roy-boy?", Bakin asked while approaching the boy.

Roy doesn't answer. Roy just looks away. The boy doesn't have the mental capacity to talk.

Bakin sees this and sits down beside him underneath a tree. Bakin looks over his nephew's eyes to see eyes that he hoped that Roy would never have. Bakin could tell how long and hard the boy suffered for power. Bakin decides to change the subject trying to lighten up the mood a bit.

"If you're wondering why I'm here, it's because your father had to go back to his position of taking care of this whole village because of the complaints that others had for me. In other words, I'm back to being your master again. I'll be honest, some of the things I did that time were intentional so I can get out of that hot seat. Hehe!", Bakin talks about his side of the story.

Roy doesn't say anything back again. Instead, the boy huddles himself together trying to power through the pain. Bakin sees this and grabs something out of his bag. Bakin pulls it out and wraps it around Roy's neck. Roy is surprised by this until he sees what it's.

"I had some free time when I looked over the village. So I decided to take up knitting...it was one of the worst mistakes that I had done. I had so many wounds on myself to treat. I knew that winter is coming, so I decided to make you a crimson scarf. Do you like it, Roy-boy?", Bakin asked.

Roy touches the scarf that was wrapped around his neck. It's comfortable. Warm. Something that Roy never knows he needs until it's there. Roy's eyes start to tear up.

"Yes... I do, master...", Roy said quietly.

Bakin smiles hearing this. After that, Bakin places his hand on Roy's head, giving him a head pat.

"You know, I'm supposed to train you today, but it's snowing. I'm not in the mood to teach. I'm in the mood to build a snowman though. Do you want to build a snowman, Roy-boy?", Bakin asked.

Roy then starts crying. Roy couldn't handle keeping it in. Instead, the boy let it all out. Seeing this, Bakin gave Roy a warm hug. Roy hugs Bakin back and cries loudly. This is what Roy wants in his life. To feel like he wasn't alone. That Roy isn't abandoned. That Roy knows and feels like somebody loves and cares for him.


Roy finishes healing Sam. Seeing how Sam has already fallen asleep, Roy sighs in relief. Roy then stands up while carrying the sleeping handsome Sam. Roy then turns to Okutou behind him.

"Thanks for leading me to him, Okutou.", Roy thanked him.

"Your welcome, my allied ninja. I can track anyone down with my nose, after all, I'm half-fox. You should also thank Ori, she leads you to me when I was at the local arcade.", Okutou replied.

Okutou kneels and pets Ori. Ori utter noises of fox happiness. Roy smiles upon seeing this.

"Thank you, Ori.", Roy thanked Ori.

"Your welcome, Roy.", Okutou said in high pitch voice.

Roy chuckles seeing this. Okutou and Ori as well.

"Well, if you need me to track anyone down, just come visit Sara's house. I was offered to stay there for a few weeks. Since it means staying here longer, I just took the offer.", Okutou added.

"Hm... I see. Good night, Okutou and Ori.", Roy bid them farewell.

"Good night, Roy!", Okutou said in a high-pitched voice again.

Roy sighs and jumps back home, carrying Sam with him.


It's morning. Sam wakes up, surprised to see him on Roy's bed. Sam looks over to see Roy's sleeping face beside him. Sam quickly licks Roy's face, causing him to wake up.

"Good morning, Sam.", Roy said tiredly.

Sam quickly cuddles and gets between Roy's arms, prompting Roy to hug him and snuggle with him. Roy does so. Sam then hears a yawn. A yawn that he doesn't recognize. The dog looks below to see...

"Good morning, doggo.", Alvin greeted from below.

Alvin is on a futon on the ground. Sam then sniffs him, trying to get his scent. Alvin suddenly realizes something.

"Crap! It's school day today. I didn't bring my uniform.", Alvin said as he sits right up.

Roy laughs and sits right up as well. Roy yawns before speaking.

"There would be no classes today...nor any of the days of the month.", Roy said.

"Wait. Really? Why? ", Alvin asked again.

"Let's just...the school is under heavy repairs.", Roy answered.

Before Alvin could speak up, the door is opened, revealing Odaka on the other side.

"Roy, you woke up late, did you forget to set your alarm cloooooock...", Odaka discontinued his sentence upon seeing Alvin.

"Relax, Odaka. The principal told me there would be no classes today.", Roy replied.

"Um...ok? Roy, can I talk to you in private?", Odaka asked.

Roy sighs and stands up. Roy then walks over towards Odaka. Sam quickly follows his master. They go around the corner, talking in private.

"Roy, who was that?", Odaka asked quietly.

"He's my classmate in school as well as my friend, Alvin.", Roy answered.

"Ok... Why is he in your bedroom?", Odaka questions Roy.

"He just told me that he ran away from home for some sort of reason. And before you ask, this wasn't planned. It came out of the blue.", Roy explained.

"Alright... How long will he stay here?", Odaka asked again.

"I don't know. I'll talk to him about that later.", Roy said in response.

"Why not talk about it on your way to Reika's school? At this rate, this will be her first time getting a tardy.", Odaka replied.

"Not on my watch.", Asian Roy said.

Roy immediately goes to his room. Sam follows his master as well. After that, Roy starts dressing up, wearing his pink star shirt. A casual jacket. After that, Roy looks at Alvin.

"Alvin, come with me.", Roy shortly said.

"Um...ok!", Alvin agreed.

Alvin quickly grabs his stuff and puts it in his bag, putting his headphones around his neck. Sam is running in circles, feeling excited even though he doesn't understand the situation. Sam just likes the atmosphere of the room.

"Wanna come with, Sam?", Roy asked his dog.

Sam bark excitedly. Roy smiles after seeing this. Roy immediately grabs Sam's collar and puts it around his neck. Roy, Alvin, and Sam the dog exit Roy's room. They immediately go towards the stairs and head down. Reika is seen wearing her cute uniform, waiting for her onii-chan to bring her to school. Reika is shocked to see Alvin, someone she didn't meet before.

"Onii-chan, who's that?", Reika asked curiously.

"He's Johnson Alvin. A friend from the school that I go to. Alvin, this is my sister, Reika.", Roy quickly introduced them.

"Hello, Johnson-san.", Reika politely greeted.

"Sup, Reika.", Alvin greeted in his way.

Roy opens the door. After that, Roy drags them outside. Not wanting her sister, Reika, to be late for class.

"Is Sam coming as well?", Reika asked.

"Well, he seems energetic today. Might as well take him for a quick morning walk.", Roy's answer was yes.

Sam immediately licks Reika, happy to see her again, even though Sam sees Reika every day. Reika giggles and pets Sam, happy to see him again, even though Reika sees Sam every day. Roy smiles and grabs Reika's tiny hand and then tightens his grip on Sam's harness. After that, Roy nods at Alvin. Alvin nods back. They all then go off to Reika's school.

Sam is happily walking with his master, master's friend, and master's sister. The dog is happy that he feels that he isn't alone. That Sam isn't abandoned. Especially, loved. Sam is in a happy family, feeling happy that he's in this family. A family that the dog could never run away from.

Though, Sam sniffs a familiar scent in the air. Someone who is family to him. Someone who is his previous master. Immediately, Sam quickly runs off. Since Roy isn't expecting this, so he lets go of Sam's harness, letting the dog run towards the school. Sam smells his old master. His previous owner. His old friend. Sam then tackles down a child. Everyone around them is surprised, shocked even. They all thought that a rabid dog is eating the child. They are wrong. Sam is only licking them because he misses them.

"Stop stop.", Wataru laughs at the absurdity he's in.

Sam then stops. Wataru looks at the one who is licking. His eyes widen fast.

"Seji? Is that you?", Wataru asked.

Sam barks back, licking them again after. This time, Wataru let it happen. Reika immediately comes to the rescue, pulling Sam away from them.

"I'm sorry, Wataru. I didn't know Sam would do that.", Reika said.

"Hehe... Wait, Sam?", Wataru asked.

"Yeah, that's his name.", Reika replied.

Reika then shows Wataru Sam's collar. It says Samuel there. Roy then enters the scene along with Alvin.

"I'm sorry, Wataru. I didn't expect him to go after you.", Roy immediately grabs Sam's harness.

"It's ok. I'm fine...", Wataru said in response.

Wataru is saddened a bit, knowing that Sam has new owners. Though, Wataru is glad that the dog has good owners.

"Come on, Wataru. We'll be late for school.", Reika said as he holds Wataru's hand.

"Fine fine... I'm coming.", Wataru blushes a bit.

Both of them head towards their school. Sam barks at Wataru one last time. Wataru looks back and smiles.

"Goodbye, Sam.", Wataru lastly said.

They both then run towards their class. Sam whines seeing Wataru going away again. Roy pets Sam on the head, not knowing why but is there to comfort him. Sam then looks up at Roy. The dog then licks the same hand Roy use to pet him. Roy smiles seeing this. After that, they all left, leaving Reika to her school.

A strange man wearing a uniform goes out of hiding. This man is bald and has a massive beard. A female teacher approaches him. She has a cold aura surrounding her, having a blank slate on her face. She has black hair and eyes and has an apple haircut.

"It seems like these potions work. The Ultimate Ninja didn't sense us.", she blandly said.

"It did. The only downside of this is that I can't use my powers when it's in effect. I'm vulnerable.", the man replied.

"Relax, at the very least we're invisible to him. Now, let's interrogate his sister.", she blankly said before approaching Reika.

"Reika, can I speak to you for a moment?", she asked emotionless.

"Sure thing, Ms. Kage.", Reika agreed.

Oh no, the precious child is in danger!

Though, I probably won't do anything

and just watch from the sidelines.

Creator_In_Redcreators' thoughts