
Ninja Toast

Food has always been a delicacy to humans. Follow ninja toast in his endless journey of trying to find himself and answer his conflicted questions of life and meaning.

Renee_Bean · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The encounter

"Excuse me sir. ... may you please help us?" said the small seed

the slice of bread turned around in annoyance but couldn't help stare into her dark beautiful black starred night eyes.

"Come on man are you going to help us or what!" said the seed to the left of her. He seemed short tempered and hostile compared to the calm seed on the right of her. Oddly he was wearing glasses and didn't seem to give a care why they stopped. The trio seemed like an odd pair but somehow compimented each other.

(I better talk or say something... the way I feel right now I could easily hurt these seeds ) thought the slice.

"Sure I can try and help.. I don't have money or items to trade so don't bother if so"

"TSH... let's leave clearly this guy doesn't know anything" said the left seed.

"No wait!.. that's not what I meant..I'm looking for something or someone...I'm not sure what his label looks like but...He smells of sunflowers"

"No I'm sorry I haven't seen anyone who smells that way... I've only been here for 3 days in the home adleast...."

"It's okay thank you!" said the seed in the sweetest tone.

they all went back to Thier paths without another word.

( that was odd...I have never met anyone who smells of sunflowers...)

In a way the bread was thankful for the incounter with the trio because it helped him unfocus on the situation he is was in.....

* 4 days go by *

" My crust feels weird... why so I have this feeling in me...I can't do this anymore..."

He looked up and found his new mission