
Ninja Toast

Food has always been a delicacy to humans. Follow ninja toast in his endless journey of trying to find himself and answer his conflicted questions of life and meaning.

Renee_Bean · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Ninja Toast

( why dont I feel accomplished?... why don't I feel like this feeling is fixed?...,)

The young slice counted to 1 and jumped hard between the toasting grates. His heart dropped and time froze.

(Why do I feel so warm in this dark place....Is this what's supposed to happen?... I'm stronger than this.....)

The slice began to get stiff. His will was changing all in its own.

"LIVE FOR ME" kept ringing through his mind. Louder and Louder his brother's voice got. His feelings grew stronger with ambition he never felt.

(I don't want this....! I don't want to be eaten...I don't want to die... not here... NOT NOW!) The young slice screamed loud that the shadows below the counter tops squrried away in fear.

*SHOT***** TOASTER fused out***

Rising above the young slice reached out to make his way out of the broken toaster. His eyes filled with determination.

"I feel reborn! Thank you peel!"

he looked down and the peel was gone.... not even a scrap of residue was left sitting on the empty counter top.

with tears in his eyes he knew he was created to master not only his feelings but his new found destiny....

In the shadows he does like a Ninja....

From this day forth ...

he would for ever be known as ....