
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Ch~Twenty>Five: The Kaz'Ta Of The Forest City Zone.

In a huge geographical location, one that was covered by huge mass of forest enveloped by mountains and beautiful valleys. There was a sideline river at the uppermost area of the forest which is at the west. The glittering sunlight of the sun shone through the river and beautify the water and the embodiments it has. On top of this river was a bridge connecting to a huge gate that were guarded by guards wearing green battle suits.

The gate was high and mighty, lushly decorated with green life as if mother nature had taken matter into her own hands. The vitality it emits creates an atmosphere of lifelong energy. Everybody who stood in front of the gate felt that way.

'Ah, after a long journey, I finally manage to reach Forest City Zone. I gotta say, it was very much beautiful than when others described it' A boy not much other than twelve also stood among those who wanted to enter the city. He admired the views he had experience with full satisfaction. He was wearing a black and purple outfit with straps of bandages tied to his hands and legs. He also tied a black headband that made his spiky dark purple hair point towards the sky.

This was obviously Jae who had just arrived at the gate of the Forest City Zone and was about to enter. When it finally reached his turn to register, he came forward and answered questions like 'what is your purpose in coming to the Forest City? what are you bring with you? When are you leaving?' Etc. In the end, he paid 5 Crystal Coins just to enter the city.

Just like what he had expected, everywhere he looked at had plants and trees. Most of then wearing even wearing green cloths. Unlike the Beast City that looked rough even though it was developed, Forest City mainly deals with nature and beauty. There were hardly any technological stuffs. It was like those medieval periods and inside the territory of elves even though it was nowhere near the elf establishment.

Jae stopped his sightseeing and started walking to the center of the city. He had parted with Trisha for at least a day just to travel to this place. He and Trisha had agreed to meet again if fate allows it as they were now considered friends. She gave him lots of information about the Forest City and if a person want to see the Kaz'Ta, they must make an appearance to the City Hall and submit a valuable purpose to the Kaz'Ta. Your purpose would determined the time you would meet the Kaz'Ta.

Passing by many places and centers, jae had already confirmed that nature was very respected in this place. He arrived at the City Hall after receiving some directions from passersby. Some even thought he was lost and was looking for his parents. They tried to call security agencies but jae had quickly escaped.

He walk into the City Hall and saw it bustling with people from all tiers of levels. Looking around, he saw a place at the front of a decorated door. The place was the reception where he saw a female staff. He went to meet her and started talking.

''Hello, can I have a moment?'' He made his voice to be as polite and calm as possible. He was in an unknown land where he dosmr even know their way of life so he is trying to be cautious. His power is just something to be scoffed at in the city.

''How may I help you?'' Well, there it is, the flat tone. She said to Jae with an expression that says 'what's a kid doing here?' Her manners already means she didn't take Jae seriously.

''My name is Jeremy and I'm looking for the Kaz'Ta of the Forest City'' he said not minding her rudeness.

''Alright state your purpose for you arrival'' she said as she raised her hand and activated her C-Net while signaling Jae to state his purpose.

''I am a new disciple in the Hunter Academy Of Netherensis. I was given a mission and the Kaz'Ta would be the one to guarantee the mission completion'' Jae calmly said.

''Oh, then I'm sorry but I will have to ask some questions'' she said suddenly surprised. She didn't thubj he was from the academy. She waved her hand and two men in battle suits approached them. Jae noticed this but he didn't do anything. Since they haven't provoked him, then he would chill with them. Though, it was unknown whether he would be able to stand fiercely in front of the two guards.

''Please ask right away''

''OK. Please I would need your information that provide proof that you are a student of Netherensis. It would be better for you to just show us your Mercenary Badge as that would make things easier for us'' her voice no longer flat. Her C-Net was still raised for her to activate it.

''My name is Jeremy Styles. Here is my Mercenary Badge'' jae said as she revealed his badge from the C-Net in his hand.

Instantly, it displayed his photo, his name, age, gender and those other basic things but the most eye catching thing there was the logo and name of the Netherensis Hunter Academy. This had proved his being so he wasn't worried. Immediately after seeing this, the two men retreated back while the lady receptionist relaxed. She then activated the C-Net and spoke into it. After a minute, she turned to Jae and told him to follow her. Jae complied and followed her through the decorated door. They passed by many other places in the City Hall which could be for the officials of the city. They soon arrive at a dark office located separately from the others. Unlike the vibrant light green color he was used to seeing, it was dark green he was seeing now.

''This is the office of the Kaz'Ta so you can enter. If there is nothing else, I'm taking my leave now'' she said and turn around to go back to her post without waiting for Jae to say anything. Jae was speechless until he turned his attention to the office door. He stated at it for a minute before he decided to enter. As he held the doorknob, opened and popped his head in to take a look at the Kaz'Ta, he heard a sultry and sexy voice passing through his ears.

''Oh, I thought you were gonna stay behind the door forever and not come in at all. Ain't that right? Jeremy Jr. Styles? Or isn't it Jackie the Golden Seer that sent you here?'' A cute giggle filled the room as Jae feasted his eyes on the marvelous creature in front of him.

'Damn! This is the true definition of a MILF!!!' Jae shouted in his mind.



Hello guys, It pains me to relay this news but I will have to do so to cease future dissatisfaction and confusion.

From now until next month, I would be dealing with a very important aspect of my life. It is very important I won't even have the time to upload chapters. I may even pause the novel until next month when I'm true but I decoded against that.

I'm just trying to say that, I won't be uploading chapters regularly like how I use to do. It depends on how free I am in those moments. I want you all to forgive me for this.

I also want to say that, this first and second volume hadn't been showing any new things which I don't want you guys to worry about. The main plot where the real adventure begins is on the third volume. It is not long like you all think as I'll be finishing the second volume soon.

If ya curious, its an exam. A very important one. One step to the Uni-Hood. I need to make it count. My fellow country members understands as some of them must be going through the same thing.