
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Ch~Twenty>Six: Completing The Mission.

'Damn! Beautiful facial structure; Check! Huge assets but also slim fitted; Check! Curvy hourglass figure; Check! Etc! ..... Jae, pull yourself together and stop your shenanigans!' Jae scolded himself as his mind complimented the woman in front of him in his own liking. But even though he admitted to her beauty, that doesn't mean he was any bit interested in her in either love or lust.

First, he wasn't in the mood for love affairs as he had many things to do and get use to in this world. He needs to establish himself firmly before anything else.

Second, it would be absolutely ridiculous for him, a twelve years old, to think about such affairs. He might have been a little older in his past life and he wouldn't mind doing it then, but he is in a new life now, in a young body which he believed would be inappropriate to enter such affairs.

Thirdly, as a twelve years old, which full grown lady would have the ideas of having him as a partner in relationship. He was given cheat like abilities to spread women's legs like those protagonist in a novel. Anyway, that's enough because its back to business.


In front of Jae sat a very voluptuous woman who seems to be in her thirties. She looked like the playful type even though she looked serious. Raising her head, she saw Jae inside the office, then she tapped a button under her desk.

Suddenly Jae felt still, like he felt paralyzed and couldn't move an inch. His eyes showed panic and his expression was not calm. He couldn't even open his mouth to talk.

'Damn! What's happening! What did she do and when did she act? I hope it's not what I'm thinking, ahh my purity!!!' Well, like a strange person like he should be, his thoughts were very weird in that situation as he saw the woman walking slowly towards him with a smile.

When she reached him, she sized him up and down while licking her lips. Looking up, Jae also looked at the brea... I mean, the woman's brea.... I mean, face. She was tall. Jae thought.

"Hello Jae, you must be the student Jackie sent to me. Hmm, you don't really amount to much in my eyes. Maybe I shouldn't judge you like that" a mature sexy voice came out of her mouth. Her eyes scrutinizing him made him feel naked. Then she smiled at him before suddenly, her expression turned very serious.

"Anyway, I won't say much as I have work to do. Jackie and I are very close acquaintances. We have worked together occasionally and this time, it's the same. You are to bring him something from me." She said as she brought out a black box out of the void. Obviously she had a spatial item.

"Inside this box is an Energy Capturing Flower. This flower grow up in strange places. It can suck in the natural energy from the world, purify it and store it inside itself. Once it fully mature, it would explode and any thing within one meters of it upgrade itself" Jae's eyes widened at the explanation she came up with. That flower is fucking OP! He thought.

"Jackie had paid a huge price to get this flower so take it to him and deliver it safely to him. Don't worry, my men would protect you secretly from the shadows so no one would harm you" she said before placing the black box in front of him. She snapped her fingers and the power paralyzing him stopped.

He felt able to move again. He then approached the box, held it carefully before he looked at the woman. She was also looking at him with a playful look.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Impressive, your eyes showed no signs of greediness even though I told you its functions" She said in an amused tone. Jae only showed her a confused look. Honestly, why would he want the flower when he already had a system that has endless possibilities to give him

"You don't need to know my name, Jeremy Styles. You just need to do your missions and go back to the academy.

But before you go, take heed to my advice, not all things in Netherensis you should believe as you're still living in an illusion, if you wanna break free, Level Up!

Also, you are really what I like. I sense good vibes in you. Hmm, why don't you become stronger so that I can fall for you. You really look handsome. So what do you say Jae~" The Kaz'Ta mysteriously said in her sexy mature tone. Her eyes changed from calm to dreamy.

'What! Is she... seducing me?' Jae thought.

Still confused, Jae tried to speak up but she just snapped her fingers and he suddenly found himself at the entrance of the Forest City Zone. He could see some people entering the city through the gate but he didn't care. Even the guards only looked at him once when he suddenly appeared before they went back to their duties.

Sighing, Jae stored the black box inside his system storage. Then, he began his journey back to the academy. Even though his senses were very much dull, he could feel hard gazes on him. Though he didn't sense killing intent or any harm thoughts towards him, he still felt uncomfortable as he was being stared at like that. 'They must be the bodyguards sent to protect me from the shadows' he thought as he forgot about it. Now that he was close to completing his mission, he couldn't help thinking about his other freshmen that enrolled with him. Soji, Solomon and Mina.


"Ohh, its so cold here! Thankfully I'm through with my missions and now I can go back to the academy!" A girl riding on a white wolf through the snowy mass of land said.

This girl was Mina Rogers.


"Ahh Damn you!" A big boy shouted as he threw his fist out to punch another lanky boy who dodged it gracefully and also launched his own punch.

Dodging it, the big boy suddenly picked sand from the ground and sprayed it in the eyes of the other who shouted in dismay before kicking the big boy in the gut.

They were about to continue fighting when their C-Net started beeping. They stopped whatever they were doing and started running towards a direction.

These two are Soji and Solomon who, unsurprisingly, were in another one of their little quarrels. They are on their way back to the academy, Netherensis.