
Ninja Recruitment System

After ending up being Naruto’s older brother and losing both parents at the event of Kyubi’s Rampage, Zhang Miao felt a lot of pressure. Fortunately, he has the Ninja Recruiting System! As long as you collect enough Ninja Fragments, you can recruit the corresponding ninja. Not only could you obtain the chakra reserve of the recruited ninja, but you can also get the recruited ninja’s ninjutsu or Bloodline Limit! So the question is, do you want Uchiha’s blood or the Ramen lover’s blood? Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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351 Chs

Recruiting 4 Tails and 5 Tails

After hearing Zhang Miao's words, Minato and Kushina looked at each other and smiled, and then they walked out together.

As soon as the two went out, Zhang Miao heard a burst of exclamations coming from outside.

"Ah... It's the Fourth Hokage and his wife Kushina!"

"I didn't expect them to really come back to life. The Temple of the Nether King is really magical!"

"If that's the case, then Lord Ryunosuke is really the Hades a god that can revive the dead!"

"That's right, that's right..."

Following these exclamations, several notifications from the system rang out in Zhang Miao's ears.

"[Ding! Obtained Ninja Fragments x5!]"

"[Ding! Obtained Ninja Fragments x5!]"

"[Ding! Obtained Ninja Fragments x5!]"


In order to confirm the effects of Minato and Kushina's resurrection, Zhang Miao deliberately checked the notification sound to confirm the collection of the ninja fragments. Now, it seemed that the effect was quite good.

The notifications rang out a dozen times in a row, and the number of ninja fragments obtained was either 5 or 10. It was completely different from the scattered situations in the past.

After hearing these notifications, Zhang Miao's face revealed a bit of a smile again.

"Looks like the effect is quite good. Then let's proceed to the next step. This time, I want to play big!"

Zhang Miao's thought was, "If I don't make a sound, then I will amaze the world." Moreover, this Temple of the Nether King was still outside of Konoha. If he didn't create a stir, how could he let the villagers contribute in his ninja fragments gathering endeavor?

In Zhang Miao's opinion, to create a sensation, getting the Tailed Beast out was the most effective way, so he immediately ordered the system.

"System, help me take out all the ninja fragments of the Four-tails!"

"[Yes, Your Holiness!]"

After hearing Zhang Miao's command, the system immediately agreed. At the same time, a pile of ninja fragments appeared in front of Zhang Miao.

Looking at the pile of Ninja Fragments in front of him, Zhang Miao suddenly grinned, then bit his finger and began to form seals.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

With a low shout from Zhang Miao, the Ninja Fragments that he held down suddenly turned into a huge ball of white smoke, covering the surrounding area.

When the white smoke dissipated, the Four-tails that looked like a giant primate immediately appeared in place.

Because Zhang Miao was recruiting inside the small house, after he recruited the Four-tails, the original wooden house also became a pile of sawdust remains.

But Zhang Miao did not care about this anymore, because at this time, the system's prompt had already sounded in his mind.

"[Ding! Congratulations to His Holiness for recruiting 7-star Kage-level, Four-tailed Son Goku and obtaining his chakra reserves. Because the chakra of the Four-tails is too large, it can not be stored in a normal way. The system will automatically generate its chakra life inside His Holiness' body!]"

At this time, Zhang Miao was standing on the top of the Four-tails. After hearing the system prompt, he smiled again.

"It feels good. System, show me Son Goku's specialies list!"

"[Yes, opening the list…]"

As the system finished speaking, the list immediately appeared in front of Zhang Miao.

[Option 1]

[Four-tails Form: Directly transform into the Four-tails' Tailed Beast form. Can use Lava Release. Obtained the following jutsus:]

[Lava Release - Scorching Rocks: Can spit out Magma Balls from the mouth, and can spit out many Magma Balls at once to increase the attack range. The lethality is amazing.]

[Lava Release - Scorching Armor: A wide range defense ninjutsu. Normal ninjutsu can not penetrate it. Moreover, if the opponent uses taijutsu to hit it, they will be burned. ]

[Lava Release - Flower-Fruit Mountain: Create a sea of lava in a certain range. In a few seconds, the sea of lava will erupt. ]

[Note: The power of the Lava Release is unquestionable! ]

[Note: This specialty has been obtained. There is no need to choose again.]

[Option 2:]

[Fire Immunity: Completely immune to Fire Ninjutsu. ]

[Note: Burning yourself while playing with fire? What a joke! ]

[Note: This specialty has been obtained. No need to choose again. ]

[Option 3:]

[Tailed Beast Bomb: Fusing the Yin and Yang attributes into a high-concentration ball of chakra to attack the enemy. Its power is great! ]

[Note: A normal Tailed Beast Bomb! ]

[Note: This specialty has been obtained. There is no need to choose again. ]

Feeling the new information in his brain, Zhang Miao grinned again and patted the head of the Four-tails.

"Four-tails, your mission these few days is to pose next to my Temple of the Nether King. Alright, go stand in the east. Be careful when you go out. Don't step on the surrounding houses!"

"Yes, Your Holiness!"

After hearing Zhang Miao's words, the Four-tails that were recruited immediately agreed, then leaped up and jumped to where Zhang Miao indicated and squatted down.

When the Four-tails leaped, Zhang Miao jumped down from the top of its head and ordered the system again.

"System, help me take out Kokuo's Ninja Fragments!"

Under Zhang Miao's command, the system immediately took out Kokuo's fragments, while Zhang Miao bit his finger and made another seal.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

With a low shout from Zhang Miao, the ninja fragments that he held down immediately turned into a huge ball of white smoke, and then a snow-white Kokuo appeared on the spot.

The Five-tails looked like a combination of a dolphin and a horse. Its body was completely white, with beautiful lines and looked magnificent.

The moment it appeared, the system's notification rang out in Zhang Miao's mind once again.

"[Ding! Congratulations to His Holiness for recruiting 7-star Kage-level, Five-tailed Kokuo and obtaining his chakra reserves. Because the chakra of the Five-tails is too large, it can not be stored in a normal way. The system will automatically generate its chakra life inside His Holiness' body!]"

After hearing the system's notification, Zhang Miao cracked open and nodded.

"I got it. System, show me his list of specialties!"

"[Yes, Your Holiness!]"

After hearing Zhang Miao's words, the system immediately displayed the specialty of the five tails in front of him.

[Option 1]:

[Five-tails Form: Transform into the form of Five-tails directly. It has extreme strength and running speed. At the same time, its melee ability is also very outstanding. The huge horn on its head can instantly crush the hardest rock. ]

[Note: I am not afraid of anyone! Moreover, I can run if I can't beat my enemies! ]

[Note: This specialty has been obtained. There is no need to choose again. ]

[Option 2:]

[Boil Release: In one breath, the user's chakra's temprature is increased to boiling point, allowing all the strength in the body to rise in an instant. When used together with monstrous strength, the power will double! ]

[Note: Using strength to prove dominance is this simple. ]

[Note: This specialty has been obtained, there is no need to choose again. ]

[Option 3:]

[Tailed Beast Bomb: Fusing the Yin and Yang attributes into a high-concentration ball of chakra to attack the enemy. Its power is great! ]

[Note: A normal Tailed Beast Bomb! ]

[Note: This specialty has been obtained. There is no need to choose again. ]

When Zhang Miao finished looking at Five-tails list of specialties and felt the extra things in his brain, he smiled and nodded.

"I like fighting head-on. Kokuo's specialty really suits my taste. Alright, Kokuo, you can stand on the west side. You have to move fast and pose handsomely!"

"Yes, Your Holiness!"

Hearing Zhang Miao's words, Five-tails immediately leaped to the west and stood still. He then raised its head high, looking very handsome.

Seeing this scene, the smile on his face immediately became even brighter. "Not bad, I have decided that Kokuo will be my imperial BMW in the future!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Miao turned to look at the Four-tails on the east side and then touched his chin.

"There are both sides of the east and west, so isn't the north and south not very asymmetrical? Why don't I just summon the One-tail and the Nine-tails to complete the scene!"

One-tail and Nine-tails were the tailed beasts that Zhang Miao had already recruited. Now they existed in the form of a summoning beast, so Zhang Miao could directly summon them through Summoning Jutsu.

If it was someone else, using the jutsu to summon a tailed beast would be enough to drain all of their chakra, but Zhang Miao did not have this kind of worry, because if he had already recruited four tailed beasts, the chakra could be said to be unlimited!

In this way, as long as he wanted, he could use the Summoning Jutsu to summon tailed beasts without any worries, and he did not have to worry about insufficient chakra!

This was what he did at this time.

After summoning the One-tail and the Nine-tails, Zhang Miao let them stand on the south and north gate of the Temple of the Nether King.

Just like that, under Zhang Miao's "willfulness", there was a huge tailed-beast standing on all four sides of this newly built Temple of the Nether King. The scene could be said to be sensational.

After Zhang Miao glanced around the four direction, he nodded with a smile again.

"Erm, not bad. Now there is only one last step left. System, take out a Shinigami mask. It is just the time for me to go on stage!"

"Yes, Your Holiness!"

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