
Ninja Recruitment System

After ending up being Naruto’s older brother and losing both parents at the event of Kyubi’s Rampage, Zhang Miao felt a lot of pressure. Fortunately, he has the Ninja Recruiting System! As long as you collect enough Ninja Fragments, you can recruit the corresponding ninja. Not only could you obtain the chakra reserve of the recruited ninja, but you can also get the recruited ninja’s ninjutsu or Bloodline Limit! So the question is, do you want Uchiha’s blood or the Ramen lover’s blood? Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/MiraiWorld

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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352 Chs

Completing the Temple

While Zhang Miao and his family of four were enjoying a sumptuous birthday dinner, Hiruzen frowned because of the matter of the Temple.

The reason why he frowned was because he could not persuade Homura and Koharu on the matter of building the Temple of the Nether King in the village.

If Zhang Miao threatened the two advisors, then Koharu and Homura might agree to the plan.

After all, Zhang Miao had turned into the Kyubi and defeated more than ten thousand ninjas from Kumogakure in one fell swoop. Even the Eight-tails' Jinchuuriki and the Raikage had been defeated by him. If he told Koharu and Homura that Zhang Miao threatened him, the two would have no choice but to agree.

However, Zhang Miao did not threaten Hiruzen at all. Instead, he assumed a stance of "do as you see fit", which was why Hiruzen felt that it was very difficult.

Just as he had expected, just as he opened his mouth to say that he wanted to build the Temple of the Nether King in the village, Koharu refused without hesitation.

"I don't care about the situation between Sunagakure and Iwagakure, but the Konoha wouldn't build one. All the places that can be used in the village are used. Where can we build a temple?"

Looking at Koharu who was determined refuse, Hiruzen immediately frowned and took a huff of smoke. Then, he turned to glance at Homura, who was next to him.

"Homura, what do you say?"

Seeing that Hiruzen was looking at him, Homura did not immediately agree or disagree. Instead, he sighed helplessly.

"Sigh... Hiruzen, you said that you wanted to build that temple, but you refused to explain the reason. This makes me very embarrassed. After all, every expenditure of money has to be explained to the Daimyo. It is not something that can be casually done."

"Yes, I understand!"

Hearing this, Hiruzen immediately nodded.

"In that case, the Temple of the Nether King will be established at the west side of the village. The location will be in my clan's territory, and the construction will not require the money of the village. This expense will be borne by us, so there should be no problem, right?"

As soon as Hiruzen said this, Koharu and Homura both revealed surprised expressions, obviously not knowing what Hiruzen was thinking.

However, since the place was the territory of the Sarutobi clan, and there was no need to spend the village's money, the two of them naturally had no reason to object. They immediately agreed, and then left the office together.

After the two of them left, Hiruzen picked up his pipe again and took a huff. Then he puffed out a long string of smoke.

The smoke filled the air, revealing his somewhat helpless face.

In fact, at the beginning, Hiruzen planned to build the Temple of the Nether King in Konoha because he knew very well that since this temple was Zhang Miao's, Zhang Miao would definitely protect it.

In this way, if something big happened in the village in the future, such as the village being attacked, it would be a good idea to let the villagers hide in Zhang Miao's Temple.

However, he could not say this to Koharu and Homura. After all, this was only his guess and had not been confirmed, so he could not use this reason to persuade Koharu and Homura.

Now that the location of the Temple of the Nether King was located in the territory of the Sarutobi clan, it could only be considered his helpless action.

"I hope my choice is right!"

Thinking of this, Hiruzen left the office with a pipe in his mouth and went back to gather the Sarutobi clan to explain the situation.

As the current clan leader of Sarutobi clani and the Third Hokage, Hiruzen was naturally a man of his word. Therefore, the discussion about building the Temple of the Nether King in Sarutobi clan's territory went smoothly

The next day after the matter was settled, Hiruzen summoned people to build the Temple. Under his urging, it took only ten days for the preliminary construction to be completed.

After the temple settled, Hiruzen immediately sent Kakashi to tell Zhang Miao about this news and brought him to the location of the newly built Temple of the Nether King.

Although the name of the Temple of the Nether King sounded grand, it was similar to the existing ordinary temple or shrine, and it was even smaller than the average shrine.

Other than the stone statue of Zhang Miao in the courtyard, there was only a small wooden house that was only dozens of square meters. It looked a little shabby. Therefore, when he brought Zhang Miao here, Hiruzen was actually very nervous.

Because according to the information he got, Sunagakure's Temple was built in the middle of the village. It was not far from Kazekage's building, and it was very grand. Even Zhang Miao's statue was made of sand gold. Although Hiruzen did not know aobut Iwagakure's Temple, he estimated that it wouldn't be much different from Sunagakure.

However, when Zhang Miao arrived at Konoha, he built the Temple outside the village, and it was so simple. Therefore, he was very worried that Zhang Miao would be unhappy.

Hiruzen did not know that he actually thought too much because Zhang Miao did not care about this.

Because to Zhang Miao, the Temple of the Nether King was just a medium used to collect ninja fragments. Moreover, he was already very satisfied with the Hiruzen's efficiency.

So he glanced around and smiled at Hiruzen. "Haha, your are very fast, and this place is very good. I am very satisfied!"

Seeing Zhang Miao's reaction, Hiruzen immediately breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

"Well, as long as Your Holiness is satisfied. Then I will continue to send people to continue building, at least the size of the Fire Temple!"

The Fire Temple was the largest temple in the Land of Fire. It was very famous in the entire country. Therefore, after hearing Hiruzen's words, Zhang Miao immediately laughed and waved at him while laughing.

"There is no need for that, but there are indeed a empty. Well, leave this matter to me."

At this point, Zhang Miao immediately clasped his fingers and shouted.

"Wood Release: Serial Pillar Houses Technique!"

Along with Zhang Miao's words, a huge amount of chakra instantly spread out from his body. Under the influence of this chakra, the ground also began to violently tremble.

Soon, wooden houses were appearing like bamboo shoots after the rain, coming out from the ground one after another. Soon, more than 20 two-story wooden houses appeared in the originally empty field.

"Is this… The Wood Release?"

Although he already knew that Zhang Miao had the Wood Reelase, he heard that it was different. So after seeing this scene, Hiruzen and the few people from the Sarutobi clan present immediately widened their eyes.

Seeing their surprised expressions, Zhang Miao grinned again. He did not say anything and directly entered the room in the middle.

The middle room was built by Hiruzen. There was an incense burner and an altar table inside. After Zhang Miao walked in, he took out the Hiraishin Kunai he brought and placed it on the altar table.

After doing all this, Zhang Miao immediately sent a mental message to Minato, "Brother Minato, you can come over!"

As Zhang Miao finished his words, a golden light suddenly flashed in the room. Zhang Miao looked carefully and found that Minato, who was wearing the Fourth Hokage cloak, had already appeared next to the altar table.

Along with him, there was also Kushina, who was dressed in Konoha's ninja uniform. Looking at the two people who appeared, Zhang Miao grinned again.

"Let's go, it's time for you to go on stage again!"

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