

So dying sucks, but hey, I have a chance to reincarnate with a special power, and that power is 'The Gamer,' so that's awesome! But ... I am reincarnated in the world of Naruto, where the giant beasts of the chakras can attack you, the crazy Uchiha roam who want to rule the world with the power of the moon, a guy who thinks he is a god wants his pain ' . Yes, I will die again ... All rights to their respective creators ie DragonKnightRyu and Masashi Kishimoto. Mention the creator of naruto more since I do not want problems with him and asked permission from the creator of the fanfic. por google translate

Touya_san · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

The ROOT of the problem

Chapter 13: The ROOT of the Problem

A piercing screech filled the air as I flipped over a dog sized falcon as it tried to rake me with its claws. My kodachi flashed as it caught the sunlight before cleaving through one of the [Swamp Falcon]'s wings off, leaving it to crash into the murky swamp below.

Letting out a sigh I grimaced as I tried to brush the murky water out of my hair. "This is going to murder my hair," I grumbled, next to me Sakaki-nii-san snorted as he threw a wind coated kunai at another falcon as we made our way through training ground 21, the [Woebegone Swamp]. While I had wanted to come here quite sooner, life had the tendency to get in the way, especially when you're taking care of the very energetic Uzumaki Jinchuuriki.

"You and your hair," he chuckled as he moved out of the way of another falcon before firing off a sealless and wordless [Fire Release: Great Fireball]. "You take more care of that then you do for your kodachi."

I hid my blush as I took out another falcon as I turned my back to him. "Mom wouldn't let me cut it, and it… just grew on me," I said, before groaning as I caught my unintentional pun.

My brother laughed as he caught it as well. "So, apparently there's something different with these training grounds after Kyuubi attack?" he questioned as he looked away. "You noticing anything?"

I shook my head in a negative. "Not yet anyways, but yesterday, I went through the [Blackwood Forest] and encountered a [Kyuubi-chakra Mutated Rabbit]," I shuddered at the memory, the rabbit wasn't all that hard to kill considering I was pretty much double its level and stats, but it made me nervous all the same, leading to me asking my brother to help me check out the [Woebegone Swamp]. "I just don't want someone coming into one of these and suddenly having thirty different Kyuubi affected mutations mobbing them."

My brother grimaced at the thought as he nodded in agreement. "We probably should tell Hokage-sama to section these training grounds off until we can clear them more thoroughly," he mentioned with a shake of his head before his head snapped up. "Heads up!"

Spurred by his warning, I vanished with the [Inaba Flicker] just in time for a monstrous falcon to fly through the space that I had been occupying.

[Kyuubi Mutated Swamp Falcon] Level 45

"And there's the other shoe," I muttered as I saw the crimson-red falcon flapped its wings to gain height on the two of us. "About 15 levels higher than the recommended level."

"Hrm, then it's a good thing we got here first, eh?" my brother chuckled as he took his stance beside me, getting a grin from me as I mimicked him, taking a quick glance at his stats.

Name: Sakaki Uchiha

Level: 70

EXP: 1,750/35,000

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Title: Repulsor of the Kyuubi (Reputation with Konohagakure is set to [Exalted], +50% bonus to all stats, +100% to all reputation gains)


HP - 8,900

CP - 27,254

STR - 100 (175)

INT - 175 (262)

DEX - 140 (245)

VIT - 88 (132)

WIS - 155 (232)

LUK - 24 (36)

Ryo - 12,986,631

I grinned wider, yeah, I think between the two of us, we've got this more than covered.

Unheeding the danger the two of us presented the mutated Falcon swept around to attack us only to be met by a wave of fire as the two of us unleashed [Fire Release: Great Flame Annihilation] at him, our flames feeding off each other to grow more intense as the falcon barrel rolled out of the way, directly into me as I appeared next to it, my kodachi glowing with the [Chakra Flow: Chakra Scalpel], slashing at its main body.

I grinned viciously as it's own mutated chakra tried to repulse mine only for mine to punch through. "Left lung disabled!" I shouted out to my brother as I landed on a tree top above the swamp.

"Got it!" Sakaki-nii-san shouted back as he finished forming his seals.

You have copied the [Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire] Jutsu!

The flame that Sakaki-nii-san unleashed certainly lived up to its name as it rose to the heavens, catching the falcon in its maw as it tried to recover from the fact that I collapsed his left lung.

The two of us began forming seals as we looked up. "[Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere]!" the two shouted at once before expelling a sphere of compressed air into the burning jutsu, causing a massive explosion as the fire ninjutsu was enhanced by the two wind techniques.

You have killed the [Kyuubi Mutated Swamp Falcon]!

5,000 EXP, 7,500 Ryo gained!

"Well… that was simple," I said with a small release of breath as the two of us watched the burning body fall.

Sakaki-nii-san snorted in response, looking at me with amusement in his sharingan eyes. "Come on, let's find that boss and finish this up, classes should be finishing soon," he prompted, leaping forward. "After all, you have Sasuke-kun and Hinata-chan staying at your place tonight for the kid's project."

I let out a sigh at the reminder. "I know, I know," I said, rolling my eyes at him as we continued to move. "I don't think I'm going to be getting any sleep tonight."

My brother laughed in response to my misery, ducking out of the way as I made a half hearted swipe at him.

I smiled as I cleared the last of dinner away from the table, watching as Naruto-kun worked with Sasuke-kun and Hinata-chan on their report on the Third Shinobi War, apparently the three of them decided to do a report on the treaty signing, prompting them to decide on a sleep over.

Of course they said it was to get a first hand account on it from me, but that didn't fool me, they were just waiting till they were finished before they would make a mess of the apartment.

Chuckling a bit, I looked outside as the moon began to rise up over the monument, a frown flickering over my face briefly as an uncertain feeling began to fill me. This would be around the time that the Uchiha Massacre would begin, but the fact of the matter was, there was no need for it, the Uchiha were respected by the populace, especially since the Night of the Kyuubi.

A sinking feeling formed in my gut as one of my markers began to quiver, a sign of someone being under attack. I focused on it and gasped as I realized it was my brother's marker. I bolted for the door, startling the children as my kodachi appeared in my hand. "Stay inside!" I shouted at them. "As soon as I leave, activate the seals, Naruto-kun!"

"N-nee-chan?" Naruto stammered in surprise, his blue eyes fearful.

"Do as I say!" I snapped out as I got my sandals on. "Do not open the door unless it is Sarutobi-sama or myself and only after we give you the code word!"

With those parting words I sprinted out of the house and activated [Inaba Flicker] to hurdle myself to the Uchiha District as fast as I could.

I let out a strangled gasp as I entered the district, there were bodies laying in the streets, obviously dead from the amount of blood pooling around them as I homed in on my brother's marker.

I gasped as I saw him, blood pouring from numerous wounds as he slumped against a wall to one of the larger houses. "NII-SAN!" I screamed out as I landed next to him, my hands alight with healing chakra. "W-who?" I questioned as the sinking feeling in my gut became more pronounced.

"I… tachi," my brother coughed weakly, oh kami… he's lost so much blood. "My eyes… take my eyes…"

"No!" I shouted, tears welling up in my eyes as I tried to desperately heal him. "No! I can save you… I… I can't let this happen again."

"S'not your… fault," my brother told me softly, managing to lifted his head up enough to smile at me. "You're… strong… stronger… than me…"

I shook my head as he placed a hand overtop of my own as the healing chakra sputtered out, unable to concentrate on the jutsu.

"Yuriko-chan," he breathed, pressing his bloody forehead against my own. "Take them, protect… the clan… I… bought time… for survivors… to seals themselves… in the safehouse…"

My eyes widened as I felt his pulse slow. "Nii… san?" I questioned as he slumped against me, all movement stilling as his heart stopped.

My breath froze, my stomach clenching as tears spilled from my eyes, unable to believe that my brother, the man who teleported the kami-damned KYUUBI had just died in my arms.

It started small, but quickly grew, I was angry.

My teeth gritted as I lay my brother on his back and lifted my hands onto his eyes, biting back a sob as I surgically removed his eyes. "Itachi…!" the name escaped my lips as I cursed, power pulsing through me as I felt a rage I never had felt before as I stood up, my brother's eyes vanishing as I placed them in a seal. "I WILL KILL YOU!"

A loud crack sounded as I launched myself towards the safehouse, not even caring if I overcharged the [Inaba Flicker] enough to cause it to damage me, I could see him in front of me.

"ITACHI!" I roared, the teen turning to see me charging at him with wide sharingan eyes as he barely managed to move himself out of the way from my scalpel enhanced fist. "You…" I growled as I skidded to a stop, glaring at him angrily. "My brother… the clan… you fucking…!" I was unable to form coherent sentences in my anger as he eyed me warily before his face stilled.

"I wanted to test my power," he replied in a toneless voice as his Sharingan morphed into its Mangekyou form. "I must say, your brother was… disappointing."

Something in me snapped at those words, light blue chakra swirled violently around me as the spectral skeleton of my [Susano'o] took form, Itachi's eyes widening in shock as it appeared. "Testing your power… is it?" I asked, my voice was shaking from my rage as as I stood up, my own Mangekyou sharingan bleeding tears of blood as I glared at Itachi. "Why don't you try testing me, kinslayer?"

Itachi let out a strangled gasp as he barely managed to avoid getting bisected by the chakra creation's kodachi before a blast of fire forced him to use his substitution, his eye bleeding as black flames tried to consume my [Susano'o] only for his sight to be blocked by the ground as it rose up and swallowed the black flames underground before settling.

"Little Itachi," I breathed, as I suddenly appeared next to him, the teen flinching as he leapt away from me. "Thinks he's so strong because his eyes mutated," I couldn't help the near hysterical laughter that bubbled forth from my lips as I began walking towards him, my [Susano'o] reforming around me as I walked. "I mastered my eyes, Little Itachi," Amenonuhoko formed in my [Susano'o]'s grasp, Itachi's eyes widening in shock again as he saw the weapon change. "I don't really try and use them that often, but there are times when it just feels so right, like right now. You are going to die, Itachi, so scream and beg for your pitiful life, so it can make me laugh!"

I charged at him, the [Susano'o] swinging its naginata at him, prompting him to leap out of the way as it cleaved the ground seconds before spears of earth erupted from the ground to try and impale the traitor.

I never bothered forming the cloaked form of my [Susano'o] as I hunted the Uchiha-slayer with the skeletal form of my chakra creation, screaming his name as I chased after him. "Why do you run, Itachi!? I thought you wanted to test your powers!" I shouted at him as I dismissed the genjutsu he tried to place on me. "Genjutsu of that lowly calibre won't work on me, kinslayer!"

Itachi grunted as a block of metal slammed into him from behind, sending him tumbling before he managed to pull off a substitution to avoid me stabbing him with Amenonuhoko. "You killed your family, you killed my brother, you killed our clan!" I screamed at him, ignoring the protest my throat was making from the harsh use. "All to test your power! Well, the ultimate test stands before you now, Itachi Uchiha! I served the Yondaime as his bodyguard! I'm on the Daimyo's shortlist for shinobi hired, Sarutobi-sama listens to my words! I am a veteran of war, Itachi! So test your so-called power on me!"

Itachi gasped in pain as his attempt to attack me from behind was met with the butt end of Amenonuhoko, bringing a near psychotic laugh to my lips. "Please, that's the oldest tactic in the book," I taunted him as the skeletal [Susano'o] raised its weapon. "I guess the only way for you to test your power is against civilians or attacking people from behind, isn't it?"

Itachi grimaced as he leapt back, out of the immediate range of my weapon, before he met my eyes and triggers his [Tsukiyomi]. The world around me became red in black as I smirked. "Little Itachi, I told you already, your genjutsu doesn't work on me," I announced, the very world cracking before shattering and returning me to the real world, just in time to see Itachi sprinting off.

"ITACHI!" I screamed after him as I made to go after him only for my eyes to pulse in pain as I collapsed to a single knee as several animal masked ANBU appeared. "Don't mind me, get after him!" I shouted at them as I waved in the direction Itachi fled, most of the squad leaping off to pursue him as two remained behind to help to my feet. "Not the hospital," I gasped out as my sharingan faded, everything almost completely blurred out for me. "Uchiha safehouse, survivors."

I saw one of the blobs in my remaining vision move a bit before they aided me moving as I managed to get my sharingan activated, my vision returning properly so that I could unlock the seal on the safe house.

Several people inside shouted in fear a bit as the door opened before sighing in relief at the sight of me with the ANBU supporting me. "Yuriko-chan!" my mother cried out as she ran up and helped me. "Your brother… where is he?"

I bit back the sob that welled up in me, my rage leaving me feeling empty as I leaned against my mother. "I… I wasn't able to save him," I sobbed against her as she wrapped my arms around her. "I… I was too weak… I couldn't save anyone again…"

My mother shushed me gently as she placed a finger against my lips. "You did though," she assured me, looking into the safehouse where dozens of civilians and a handful of genin and chunin were gathered. "You saved all of us in here."

I looked through the crowd as they began to gather around me, every one of them offering their silent support as they grimly nodded in agreement, the children remaining back with uncertain looks on their faces.

"Because of you, the Uchiha Clan will recover," my mother whispered into my ear gently.

"And it will not do so alone," a new voice informed as Sarutobi-sama entered the safehouse, escorted by another pair of ANBU. "Konohagakure will do all we can to help support you all in your time of need, ANBU are already gathering and protecting the bodies of the fallen so that you may cremate them."

Everyone looked to me, making me blink and look to my mom who gave me a supporting smile. "You are the strongest one left, dear," she told me gently. "As of right now, you are the only one who can take the seat of Clan Head."

The crowd nodded in support as Sarutobi-sama looked on, making me bite my cheek. "Very well," I said with a heavy sigh as my mother assisted me with standing up. "How many of our shinobi survived?"

"Ten genin, five chunin and three jonin, including yourself, Yuriko-sama," one of my clansmen reported, making me feel odd at the attachment of that particular suffix to my name.

"Have the chunin join the ANBU in gathering our clansmen and cremate them," I ordered. "Then gather the ashes for a proper burial."

The five chunin saluted in response as they moved off to follow their orders… my orders. "Genin, I need you to remain with the civilians," I told them. "Protect them as they gather up their belongings. Right now, our district is in no shape for habitation. Sarutobi-sama, is there a place we can temporarily reside in until we clean up and repair the damage?"

"Of course, I will have some teams prepare a complex for you right away," he assured, gesturing to a silver haired ANBU who leapt off.

I took in a careful breath before speaking. "We were hurt today," I announced, looking through the gathered crowd of survivors. "But we still live, Konoha will support us as we get back on our feet, we are not alone in this, our village shares our pain, and should anyone try this again, they will not live to regret it."

There were no shouts of encouragement or agreement, just grim and determined nods of my clansmen. "Alright, gather your necessities for the time being," I announced to them. "We'll meet at the clan gates to move to our new home for the time being in an hour."

The crowd nodded again before dispersing, leaving me alone with my mother, Sarutobi-sama and one of his guards, allowing me to slump against my mother. "Yuriko-chan?" my mother questioned as she supported my weight easily.

"I… I need you to do something, mom," I told her weakly. "My eyes are… they're almost gone," I reached for the seal I placed my brothers in and pulled them out. "I need you to perform the operation and… implant Sakaki-nii-san's into me."

My mother's breath caught for a moment before she frowned, nodded and turned to Sarutobi-sama and his guard. "Can you seal this place off?" she asked seriously. "We cannot allow anyone to see this."

Sarutobi-sama nodded in agreement and gestured to the ANBU, prompting the two of them to step outside before seals flashed into place around the building.

"I'm going to put you under now, alright?" my mother questioned looking down at me with a serious face, prompting a nod from me in return. "Alright, when you wake up…" she hesitated and swallowed tightly before continuing. "When you wake up, your eyes will be covered for about a week as they settle."

"Do it," I prompted her with a nod. "I'm sorry I couldn't save him…"

My mother smiled at me warmly, brushing my hair away from my forehead to place a kiss on it. "I know, but he knew what he was doing when he told us to get to the safe house," she whispered to me. "We can grieve later though."

I nodded in agreement. "Let Sarutobi-sama know that I had Naruto-kun seal off the apartment before I left," I told her. "Told him only to open the door to myself or him after giving the code word."

My mother nodded in assurance before placing a glowing hand on my forehead and the world fell away from me as I lost consciousness.

When I woke up the world was dark around me as I felt bandages wrapped around my head and covering my eyes, a small hand in my own as my sense of touch came back to me. "Naruto-kun?" I rasped out in question, my throat bone dry.

"Nee-chan!" a familiar voice called out as the hand in my own tightened around me. "You're awake!"

I quirked my lips into a smile. Even though I couldn't see it, I knew he was beaming a smile at me. "We're in the hospital?" I questioned him.

"Yeah, jiji brought me and Sasuke here, he… he told us what happened," Naruto-kun told me glumly. "Sasuke's been… crying since we got here, he's out in the hall right now with auntie."

I nodded in understanding. "Can you get me some water, Naruto-kun?" I asked him, and heard some tinkling before a glass was put to my lips, prompting me to drink the cool liquid. "Thank you, why don't you go and get Sasuke-kun and auntie, let them know I'm awake."

Even though I couldn't see him I was certain he was nodding in agreement before the pattering of his shoes hitting the floor told me he was doing just that, leaving me alone for a bit.

Even though I couldn't see the world around me with my eyesight blocked off, I could still 'See' the box before me.

You have repulsed Itachi Uchiha and saved the Uchiha Clan from extinction

[Equal of the Clan Killer] title acquired!

[Uchiha Clan Head] title acquired!

You have had the operation to implant your brother's Mangekyou Sharingan into your own!

Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan acquired!

[Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan] (Active/Passive)[Level 100(MAX)] - the highest level of the Sharingan to be obtained, the EMS allows for the user to use their Mangekyou Sharingan abilities without straining their eyesight to the point of blindness, allows for the use of the [Susano'o: Complete Form]. +250% DEX when active, doubles chakra capacity when acquired, 15 CP/Second

I swallowed tightly as I was reminded of my brother's death before being distracted by the arrival of three pairs of feet. "Nee-chan…" Sasuke-kun called out to me morosely.

"Hey," I returned, opening my arms as an invitation, prompting two bodies to burrow into me. "I'm sorry I wasn't in time to save your parents, Sasuke-kun," I whispered to him as I hugged the two bodies tighter to me, I could feel Naruto-kun's familiar soft hair on my left while Sasuke's silkier hair brushed against my right. "Just remember, you're not alone, nee-chan will always be here."

His body shuddered against me as I felt something wet press against me where his face was, letting me know Sasuke-kun was crying silently again me.

Despite feeling my own loss I still smiled and hugged him, feeling Naruto-kun shift around, probably to give his friend his own hug, "You still have family," I whispered to him gently, assuring him he wasn't alone. "And we will never leave you alone."

The shuddering began to ease a bit as Sasuke-kun began to breath evenly. "He's asleep," my mother's soft voice told me gently. "He hasn't slept since he got here the night before last."

I nodded gently as I continued to hold my two little brothers. "I think they'll be fine right here," I replied, garnering a soft laugh from my mother before her lips brushed against my forehead. "I'll take care of the clan until we can take those bandages off," she assured me. "Rest," she prompted me. "We will be here when you wake up."

I nodded to show I heard her and relaxed back into the bed, and allowed the warmth of the two bodies against me to push me to sleep.

I looked down at the coffins arrayed before me and the rest of the survivors of the clan, in each of them is a jar of ash to represent the body, all around us were gathered members of the village with Sarutobi-sama standing before all of us, to my left was Sasuke-kun as he clutched at my hand, only leaving my side for brief moments at a time as he went to the washroom, before returning back to my side.

To my right was Naruto-kun, just as unwilling to leave my side as his rival as we listened to Sarutobi-sama give his eulogy for the Uchiha Clan members who were killed that night by Itachi. The shinobi of the Uchiha Clan stood at the forefront, our backs straight and unbent, a sign to those behind us and those that have passed that we will not stop doing our best to protect our home and our loved ones.

I gently squeezed Sasuke-kun's hand as he sobbed next to me, giving him what little comfort I could at the moment.

When Sarutobi-sama finished speaking he stepped back and nodded to me, the boys allowed my mother to take my place as I stepped forward to the front of the crowd before speaking. "I…" I tried to speak before the lump in my throat stopped me, prompting me to swallow back my tears before starting again. "I cannot claim to know every person who died that night," I finally managed to get out. "But… those that did, I will miss dearly, as I will for those that I didn't."

I paused for a moment to gather my thoughts before speaking up again. "While we lost many of our family today, we do not stand here alone," I glanced around, seeing representatives of the various clans, shinobi and civilians. "And we each feel this loss, but we will not let this loss stop us from protecting our home, those that remain will continue to stand unbroken, because while we have lost many today, there are those who still live, and a new generation to guide and protect." I met the eyes of several of my clansmen as I spoke before landing on Sasuke-kun's tear filled ones. "And I promise this, and as your 40th clan leader, I swear, I will protect our home, our friends, and our family, so that such a tragedy will never befall us again while I breathe."

Having said my peace I stepped back to my position, retaking Naruto-kun's and Sasuke-kun's hands within my own and squeezing them for my own comfort as the coffins began to lower.

I kept my face stoic as the dirt was piled atop of my clansmen, not once breaking my eyes from the sight, and once the final amount of dirt was thrown and packed down, I turned to my clansmen, and nodded at them, allowing them to disperse and grieve in their own ways and knelt before my boys. "Naruto-kun, Sasuke-kun, I need you to go with auntie for now," I told them gently, getting nervous looks from the pair that I tried to reassure with a smile. "I have to go to a council meeting with Sarutobi-sama," I explained. "Once that is done I will be filling out the guardianship papers to have you placed in my care, okay, Sasuke-kun?"

Sasuke-kun nodded slowly in response before lunging forward and throwing his arms around my neck in a tight hug that I quickly returned. "It will hurt, but the pain will pass," I whispered to him. "Just remember, your parents wanted you to live a happy life, okay?"

I could feel him nod against me before finally stepping back and wiping his eyes with his ams as best as he could. "I'll see you both back at home," I told them before reluctantly turning away and leaping off with Sarutobi-sama.

I took a calming breath as I stepped into the Council Room and took the Uchiha Clan's - my - seat and readied myself for the coming meeting. Next to me was Hiashi who nodded at me in acknowledgement as the final few members of the council filed in.

"I will be keeping this short today," Sarutobi-sama announced with a grim voice as he took his own seat and faced the shinobi clan heads, the only ones called to this meeting, even his old teammates were noticeably missing alongside Danzo. "Itachi Uchiha was acting under orders when he attacked the Uchiha clan," Sarutobi-sama announced making my stomach clench. Danzo. "We found a missive with my seal of approval detailing the 'mission' assigned, a mission that I never approved."

He met each of our eyes and I could feel an anger bubbling within me as I shook a bit. "Make no mistake, Itachi Uchiha is to be treated as a S-ranked criminal when encountered, notifications to all bounty stations have been sent out along with the update to the bingo book," Sarutobi-sama told us severely. "Right now, while we have suspects, we have no proof on who is responsible for this, so I do not want a single word about it escaping this chamber."

We all nodded in agreement, I could feel my eyes throbbing, wishing to be unleashed on the enemy as Sarutobi-sama met my gaze directly. "I know you are angry," he told me directly. "But blind rage will not help us now, your clan needs you, remember that."

Closing my eyes I took in a deep breath, calming my anger before nodding to the Hokage my understanding. "When you do find who forged the mission, I wish to be there when the ones responsible are brought to justice," I announced in a cold voice.

"You will be," the village leader assured me. "That is all I wanted to share with you, you are dismissed."

I remained in my seat a moment long as I cooled the growing rage within me. "You suspect Danzo, don't you?" I asked Sarutobi-sama once I was sure we were alone in the room.

"As much as I wish otherwise…" he admitted with a heavy sigh. "He was taking far too much stock in the rumours of the clan preparing a coup against Konoha."

"That's stupid," I snarled in response, looking away from the Hokage. "We had no wish for that! We were respected by the village! My brother was hailed as a hero! I was the Yondaime's bodyguard for crying out loud!"

Sarutobi-sama nodded. "Before the Kyuubi attacked there was some rumbling of discontent among the Uchiha Clan, but those were silenced after that night," he told me with a small frown. "Please, do not do anything rash, an attack on Danzo without proof will not support your position and Danzo will only see it as proof he was right to have the clan killed."

Closing my eyes I nodded my understanding. "I won't do anything now," I assured him. "But you better warn him to keep those toy ROOT ANBU of his away from my clan."

Sarutobi-sama nodded in assurance. "I will ensure he does so," he told me. "Now, you wanted guardianship of Sasuke-kun, correct?"

I nodded and let out a breath as I prepared myself to work through a large amount of paperwork.

I let out a soft groan as I went through my third stack of paperwork that came to my desk that day, looking off to the side I sent a wistful look out the window of my office in the new residence of the Uchiha Clan, a large renovated apartment complex within Konoha proper.

It was decided by the clan in general to purchase the building that Sarutobi-sama provided for us when we realized that even with all of the survivors in the building, we still didn't fill it to capacity. While the Uchiha District was still in our control, we ended up renting out the majority of the buildings while keeping some of the more important ones empty for the time being.

I glanced at my reflection and triggered the full evolution of my sharingan and bore witness to a red four pointed shuriken emblazoned on top of the five petaled flower that was my Mangekyou Sharingan and smiled sadly at the picture of my brother before allowing the sharingan to fade as someone knocked on the door to my office.

"Enter," I called out to the other side of the door.

The door opened as one of the chunin survivors entered. "Yuriko-sama, we have something that requires your attention," he informed grimly, making my stomach twist a bit in response as I stood, grabbing my kodachi as I moved.

"What happened?" I questioned as he fell into step behind me.

"We have been getting word of strangers showing interest in the younger members," the chunin explained. "And now Saeko is missing, Naofumi and Otojiro's daughter, she awoke her sharingan that night."

I let out a growl as I focused on the markers I placed on each of my clan members and located one that was in a remote area of Konohagakure and several levels underground. "Danzo," I murmured under my breath. "Have any of the children out right now return, also get Sasuke-kun and Naruto-kun from the academy," I snapped out to the chunin. "Any shinobi are to be on guard, I will go speak with Sarutobi-sama."

"Right!" the chunin replied before going off to fulfill his orders as I leapt outside and took off towards the Hokage's Tower.

It didn't take me long to arrive there and the expression on my face must have been something fierce as the receptionist - a highly trained ANBU specialist - didn't even try to stop me from entered Sarutobi-sama's office. "He's taken one of my clan members," I announced in a cold voice to the room as Sarutobi-sama looked up from his paperwork, Homura-san spluttering as he coughed out some tea he was drinking as Koharu-san raised an eyebrow at my statement. "I am merely informing you to be polite, but this is going too far."

"How certain are you it was him?" Sarutobi-sama questioned, not disbelieving me, but wanting to make sure his bases were covered as he rubbed his forehead.

"Each one of my clan members is marked with a seal that lets me locate them within Konoha, and she is directly where a ROOT base is suspected of being," I explained with a deep frown on my face, tapping one of my feet on the floor in impatience. "And yes," I continued, stopping Koharu from speaking as she opened her mouth. "I am certain."

"Very well," Sarutobi-sama said as he stood up, signalling for an ANBU. "Get Rho Squad, I want them here yesterday."

I closed my eyes and inhaled before letting out a careful breath to calm myself, ever since that night, it became easier for my anger to surface and take control of my actions. And while I had every right to be angry at the moment, Danzo was a devious opponent, one that I couldn't face when blinded by anger.

Sarutobi-sama took off the white robe he was wearing, showing his battle armor underneath, proving for all that, even in times of peace, he was ready to defend his village at a moment's notice.

Not even a moment later a squad of eight ANBU members were in the room as Sarutobi-sama addressed us. "While I was hoping I would be wrong, Danzo Shimura has stepped beyond his bounds today," he announced to the squad, making them shuffle a bit. "He has abducted a member of the Uchiha clan when he has been told they are off limits. Today, ROOT is to be dismantled and Danzo is to be arrested, if he resists, kill him."

He turned to me and gestured for me to lead them, prompting me to leap out of the window with the Hokage and eight ANBU trailing after.

Perhaps I should have been subtle about my entrance into the ROOT base, but at that point, I was far beyond caring as I used [Earth Release: Tunnel Excavation] to open a path directly into the base before charging forward.

It was obvious that Danzo had been expecting a retaliation of some kind, from the amount of ROOT shinobi occupying the base, but he clearly wasn't expecting me with my [Susano'o] partially manifested with the support of the Sandaime Hokage and eight active ANBU members. I didn't even pause in my stride as I used my [Susano'o]'s kodachi to cut through the ROOT members that tried to stop me as I continued to make my way through the base to ensure the safety of my clan member.

I will admit, I was surprised when I encountered Danzo, standing alone, in a rather large chamber. "You're actually here?" I questioned, a grin working its way onto my face as I stood across from him, the fighting behind me making it clear that ROOT was trying to keep the rest of the attacking party away. "Well, thank you for making it easy to find and kill you."

"I would be curious to know how you found this location," Danzo retorted as he glared at me with his uncovered eye. "But, it is of no matter, you won't be living past this, and I will put your eyes to use for Konoha."

I snarled at him angrily, light blue chakra waving around me wildly before I calmed myself. "That's the thing you never saw though," I snapped at him as I drew out my own kodachi. "I do serve Konoha loyally."

"You Uchiha serve no one but yourselves," Danzo shot back, making me growl.

"Enough, I will give you one chance to surrender, for Sarutobi-sama's sake," I told him in a carefully controlled voice. "Take it if you want to live."

Danzo's response was to fire off a blast of wind at me that I blocked with a skeletal arm of my [Susano'o]. "Very well then."

Mandatory Quest Alert!

Kill Danzo and retrieve Saeko Uchiha from his base!


Disbanding of ROOT

Danzo Shimura - Level 65

HP: 8,000

CP: 10,000

Oh, this was going to be fun for me.

I cracked off the ground as I circled to his side with [Inaba Flicker] slashed at Danzo's neck to try and end it quickly only for the man to block my strike with his cane. I continued my movement and spun myself around to kick him with my heeled foot, forcing him to dodge out of the way, a deep frown on his face as he reached up and ripped the bandages from his head to show the sharingan resting there. "I'm going to guess that's Shisui's eye," I commented as it shifted into its Mangekyou form and I felt a slight tugging in the back of my mind before dismissing it.

I charged him again refusing to allow him to escape as I activated [Chakra Flow: Chakra Scalpel]. "[Chakra Flow: Chakra Scalpel - Single Slash]!" I announced as I made a horizontal strike at him as the blade extended a good five feet, forcing him to duck down to avoid it before my foot made contact with his face.

"Why isn't it working?" he snarled as I felt a tugging at the back of my mind again. "Why aren't you standing down!?"

I blinked, oh… that's what the tugging was, he was trying to useKotoamatsukami on me to bring me under his sway. I began to chuckle as I realized what was happening, a chuckle that was becoming a full blown laugh. "Because, my eyes aren't normal Mangekyou," I told him as I began walking towards him. "They are the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, the same eyes that Madara achieved before Konohagakure was formed, the proof of my brother's love for me. A single, implanted, Mangekyou can't overcome my eyes!"

Danzo snarled as a sword of wind came up to life in his grasp as he blocked my sword. "I knew you were too power hungry to be trusted," he growled as I broke away and began attacking him from different angles, forcing him to expend more chakra to keep his sharingan uncovered. "You're planning on usurping the Hokage's position yourself!"

I snorted in laughter as I managed to land a blow on his right arm, causing it to slump limply in its sling as I severed the muscles. "Please, I already have my hands full enough with running what's left of my clan," I told him as I dodged a wind blade and leapt back a few paces. "Plus, I don't think I would make a good Hokage, all said and done. Besides, Naruto-kun said he wanted to take the hat from Sarutobi-sama when he was strong enough, so what kind of sister would I be if I stood in the way of that?"

"The weapon?" Danzo snarled as he shot out blasts of air that I simply moved out of the way of. "Foolishness, look at what Yagura is doing in Mizu no Kuni! Weapons are best left as that, they're not human."

Welp… there goes my self-control!

"What was that, Shimura?" I growled as my Mangekyou throbbed in response to my anger. "Did you just suggest that my little brother isn't human?"

I didn't let him respond as I spat out a sealless [Fire Release: Great Flame Annihilation] that I may have pumped a bit too much chakra into considering that the entire room was suddenly awashed in fire, cool fact, stone can burn when it's heated enough.

"I honestly just thought you were overzealous," I admitted as I strode through my own flames, protected by my [Susano'o]. "But, I was wrong, you're simply just an idiot, and at least if I was made Hokage, I would be better at it than you."

I heard Danzo roar in anger as a large plume of smoke heralded the arrival of his summoned Baku who snorted the flames away. I rose my eyebrow in response, he couldn't really think that would be enough to defeat me, did he?

Apparently he did as the elephant creature began trying to suck me into it's mouth as I remained rooted in place with generous application of chakra to my feet. "Y'know, you just set me up perfectly," I commented as I activated [Kamiyonanayo], not even bothering with [Ame-no Ukihashi] with the Baku trying to suck everything in, the seven folded [Fire Release: Great Flame Annihilation] being sucked in the Baku's mouth before is was forcibly dismissed by the most likely painful internal burns it was suffering.

"Care to try again for a Ryo?" I taunted the now enraged Danzo who was seemingly trying to use [Amaterasu] with how hard he was glaring at me. "Seriously, this is just sad, I grew up hearing how you were the equal to Sarutobi-sama, now… all I see before me is a pathetic old man who doesn't realize, or refuses to realize, that his way was never going to work."

I shook my head as more of my [Susano'o] manifested, changing into its cloaked form. "Tobirama Senju-sama would be disappointed with you," I announced coldly, cutting off his reply as he was suddenly stabbed by Amenonuhoko. "But rest easy, I will continue to protect Konohagakure and its people as I always have."

My eyes widened as his bloody body faded from sight before he appeared behind me with a wind blade in hand. "No! I must be the one to protect Konoha and ensure its place above everyone!" he shouted in rage, the sword nearing before it was suddenly stopped by a mass of earthen spears rising up from the ground and riddling Danzo's body.

"And if we of Konoha have no desire to be rulers?" I asked him as I took the [Susano'o] further, allowing the cloak to fade to reveal a fully feminine figure with sweeping wings and a Tengu like face as it loomed over him. "[Susano'o - Complete Manifestation]," I told him as his one eye looked up in shock as the figure dominated the room, Shisui's eye fading into a milky white as [Izanagi] extracted its toll. "Goodbye, Danzo Shimura, traitor of Konohagakure."

His scream was silenced by Amenonuhoko as it cleaved his head from his body before I let out a sigh and allowed the manifestation to be dismissed.

I didn't even pay the body a second glance as I turned on my heel and began making my way towards my captured clan member.

The rest of the mission went off without a hitch, especially once Danzo was killed and any seals he placed on his members were rendered void, thankfully it was decided many of the younger ones could simply be brought into the Academy for retraining while many of the older ones were taken away by the ANBU.

I wasn't really sure what for, but I found myself not really caring as I brought Saeko-chan home to her parents who were beside themselves with relief and was greeted by the ever cheerful Naruto-kun and relieved Sasuke-kun as I entered our home.

For them, the clan, and the village, I will cut down anyone who comes after them.

After all, what else could a kunoichi big sister do for her younger brothers?


Yuriko's Stats

Name: Yuriko

Level: 68

EXP: 1,015/34,0000

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Title: Uchiha Clan head (+50% to all reputation gains, command of the Uchiha Clan)

Secondary Title: Equal to the Clan Killer (+50% to all stats, +200 HP & CP per level, Reputation with Konohagakure and Uchiha Clan is set to [Exalted])


HP - 7,200

CP - 33,900

STR - 80 (131)

INT - 130 (195)

DEX - 150 (262)

VIT - 80 (131)

WIS -125 (210)

LUK - 41 (61)

Ryo - 25,542,153

New Skills!

[Inaba Flicker] (Active) [Level 43 - 0.23%] - A combination of both the [Inaba Rabbit] and [Body Flicker] jutsus to create a ultra-speed movement. +543% to base movement speed, small chance of tearing leg muscles when active, 10 CP/Second

[Susano'o - Complete Manifestation] (Active) [Level MAX] - The true form of the [Susano'o] jutsu, a massive chakra construct in the shape of a Tengu Warrior with the user remaining within the chest region of the construct, the wing allow for flight when the construct is manifested.

[Earth Release: Tunnel Excavation] (Active) [Level 23 - 92.09%] - A jutsu that allows for the quick creation of tunnels for various needs,the larger the tunnel is, and the composition of the earth affects the amount of chakra required for use.