
Ninja Gamer Naruko

Naruko is, for some odd reason, resented by her entire village. Other than her Jiji, who wants her to be a boy for her safety? So she goes into isolation until she has to go to the academy at the age of eight. In isolation, Naruko quickly becomes addicted to video games and the internet that her Jiji introduced to her, but what happens when she wakes up and she has become a game character? Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or the Image used on the cover. There might be mature scenes, but much later in the book.

GreenDragon1222 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Level 1: New Game

(3rd Person)

The birds cawed as they flew over Konoha this early morning. Everyone thought it was a normal morning, except for one seven-year-old adorable little girl who is about to have her world turned on her head.

(The night before, Naruko's P.O.V)

I go to the bathroom and look into the mirror. An insanely adorable girl glances back with sleepy, piercing blue eyes that almost seemed like they glowed. She had long golden blonde hair fell to her knees. She had a cute button nose, and small, plump red lips. But her most notable feature was her snow-white skin that looked like she hadn't seen the sun in years, which in her defense she hadn't. It went perfectly with her natural blush. She was around seven years old and had just prepared to go to bed. This was me! Naruko Uzumaki. I'm seven years old!

Three years ago, I was kicked out of the orphanage, still have no clue why. Jiji offered me a home, so of course, I accepted. But before doing that, I decided to solve somethings. I knew the villagers hated me, and I had heard that ninjas could transform themselves, so I snuck into the library and went to the jutsus section, quickly finding the transformation scroll, I took it, and was about to leave when I saw something my curious four-year-old self couldn't resist. The restricted sections. I took a quick peek into it and saw a scroll that had been carelessly tossed on the ground, they must have forgotten to clean it up. I take a glance at the scroll and find the title, 'Shadow Clone Jutsu', I took it with me, they forgot to clean it up so it was mine now. And for the next three years, after mastering these two techniques, I have become a shut-in. Of course, I get the memories of my shadow clones, but the only person I've talked to is Jiji, when he stops by my home like once a month.

My day usually consists of waking up, doing a morning stretch, and then as many pushups, situps, squats, you name it as I can before collapsing. I don't know how to properly train, so I just strengthen my body in preparation. I don't have a clan or parent to guide me, and Jiji won't train me 'cause he's too busy, 'ya know. After that, I play a bunch of video or study before I go to bed. I'm addicted to video games, maybe a little too much. But to play as a hero is so much better than my life as the outcast of the village. I love RPG games the most, though. And when I'm not doing that, I'm studying history, improving math, or working on reading with my shadow clones and scrolls they took from the library under a transformation. Although mine is weird, I can still touch them when they are transformed and it doesn't break. It is quite useful though, so I'm not complaining. When it's night though, I put on my title as the 'Pranking Mistress' and go around the village playing tricks on unsuspecting victims.

Some of my most famous pranks were turning the Hokage's tower pink, slipping long-lasting hair dye into all the ANBU's shampoo, dying all the Hyuga clan's clothes a dark purple, and replacing the four Hokages faces with the four main characters from FF15, one of my favorite RPG's. The best part is I've never been caught, so most people just refer to this mysterious person as the 'Pranking Demon.'

Anyway, I need to get some sleep, why am I even talking to myself before bed? Imagine how fun it would be if my life turned into a video-game. Oh well, like that would ever happen. The second my head hit the pillow I was out cold.

(The next morning, Naruko's P.O.V)

[Slept in a bed, fully restored HP and CP points]

I groggily opened my eyes, only to see a blue screen hovering in front of me. "What is this, some sort of genjutsu?" I ask aloud. I had read about genjutsus and what they do, so with that in mind, I hold my hands up. "Kai!" Nothing happens. Must be an advanced genjutsu then.

[Host is wrong, I am not a genjutsu. I am ARC, the system that will help you become a great hero!]

"Why did you say hero, I have to become a ninja?" I couldn't help but ask, and tilt my head to the side cutely.

[Sorry host, I still haven't adjusted from my previous host. He wanted to become a great hero, but I see that people are ninjas in this dimension.]

"I see.. that means that multiple dimensions exist, but what exactly do you do?" I asked, quite intrigued by this mysterious thing now, maybe even more intrigued than a new RPG game and its storyline!

[I guide you along with the uses of your gamer abilities and help you become a great ninja. Would you like a tutorial and explanation?]

Right as ARC said that, two buttons appeared in front of me, with yes and no. I tapped the yes button quickly and sat down for the explanation.

[Alright, you have woken up and were blessed with the ability of the gamer. This unique power turns your very existence into an RPG character.]

I gasped at this. Hadn't I just wondered this before I went to bed! Maybe this is a dream... ouch! Pinching myself didn't wake me up, must be a reality.

[The first power this ability grant is the player a status board, this can be opened by chanting 'status' in your head, or out loud if you feel like it. It can show your name, stats, and other things about yourself in numerical form. You can also just call out one thing like 'skills' will only bring out your skills, while 'experience' will show your experience bar.]

I nod at this. 'status' I chant in my head, and a blue list appears in front of me.

[Name: Naruko Uzumaki

Titles: The Gamer(Turns life into a game.), Pranking Mistress (You have never been caught, gain 100% exp boost to stealth, and gain an additional 2 agility upon level up)

Job: None

Level: 1

Next Level: 0% (0/25)

Hp: 100/100

Cp: 10000/10000

Age: 7


Str: 5 (The amount of strength you have. Effects muscle toughness.)

Vit: 10 (The amount of stamina you have. Effects muscle durability and Hp)

Agi: 7 (How fast you are. Affects your speed and reflexes.)

Int: 10 (How smart you are and how much chakra you have. Effects chakra reserves, reasoning, and memory)

Luck:? (Can mean a lot of good things come your way or a lot of bad things.)

Elemental Affinity:

Not yet unlocked (Check with chakra paper)

Chakra Control:

0% (Master following techniques, in order, at a time to improve) Leaf exercise 0/20%, Tree Walking exercise 0/20%, Water Walking exercise,0/20% Chakra Strings 0/20%, Air Walking 0/20%

Points: 0 (Used to boost stats,)

Ryo: 0 (Amount of money in possession, lets you access dungeons)


Gamer's Mind (Max): Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Immunity to mental disorder.

Gamer's Body (Max): Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP, and all mass effects.

Stealth (Lvl 40/100) 10%: Allows you to pass by undetected, the higher this skill is, the more effort and higher skill level the enemy requires to detect you.

Trap Setting (Lvl 36/100) 13%: Makes setting more complex traps easier and faster, this also helps with pulling pranks and catching distracted ninjas.

Polymorph Jutsu - C-Rank Jutsu - (Max): You can transform into anything and make it look real, you can even touch people. This was created because you have too much chakra and loaded it into a transformation, creating a whole new technique. Costs 10 cp points per polymorph.

Shadow Clone Jutsu - B-Rank Jutsu - (Max): Allows you to summon clones of yourself, these clones are solid. The clones have an additional effect of transferring memories to the host after dissolving themselves. Costs a minimum of 100 cp a clone, or you can add more to make clones more durable and last longer.

Cooking (32/100) 19%: Allows you to cook delicious foods! Whip up a nice nutritious and delicious meal with the ingredients available, as the skill progresses, so does the taste and the health benefits.

??? Bloodline (Max): A descendant of the ??? clan, they possess enormous amounts of vitality and chakra. Upon level up, increase vitality by 2 points and intelligence by 2 points. Allows you to use Adamantine Sealing Chains.

??? (Max): A mighty beast stored inside you. Allows access to your second chakra bar when you reach an emotional breaking point. Prevents foreign chakra and poisons from damaging you, helps with regeneration. Increase intelligence by 2 upon level up.]

I see, how interesting. Although the question marks at the bottom are what intrigues me the most is the question marks at the bottom of my skill list.

[As you can see, this is very helpful. First up is titles, these are given to you through certain actions, they can cause different abilities or extra stats. After that is your level and experience bar. Your level is a rough estimate of how strong you are. The level and stats system are the same, 0-10 is Academy, 11-25 is Genin, 26-50 is Chunin, 51-75 is Jonin, 76-85 is elite Jounin, 86+ is Hokage. While experience is how close you are to leveling up. Experience can be increased through killing, dungeon mobs, or quests. Every level up gives you one of each stat, plus whatever extra bloodlines or titles you might have that increase stats after leveling up. After that is your HP bar and CP bar, this represents how much health and chakra you have, if you drop to zero in either your HP or CP, you will faint. And if the enemy is merciless and keep damaging you after your HP has dropped to zero, you will die.]

I nodded along, I understood most of this, mainly 'cause I'm a video game addict. I couldn't help but get excited when he mentioned dungeon mobs, that means I can go to dungeons 'ttebane!

[After that are your five basic stats, they are graded the same way as the level estimate. But if there was a Jonin who was focused on taijutsu, they would have a higher strength, while one that was focused on ninjutsu would have a higher intellect. After that is what your elemental affinities are, you can train all of them, but the ones you were born with will be significantly easier. After that is chakra control, this helps perform jutsus and helps with decreasing chakra cost. Chakra control can be acquired by doing the exercises shown by the system. And finally is the points. You get four per level up and can put them into any of your stats except luck. This is what makes the gamer so much stronger than other around your level. Another way to increase your stats is training.]

I took in all this information too. I know I need to work on chakra control now, and I also need to find out how to unlock my elemental affinities. What a pain, at least I could train and play video games at the same time now... technically.

[Next up is skills, this is a detailed list of all your skills and their levels. Through repetitive action of something, you can unlock a skill.]

That's cool. It will help me gauge my progress in learning things and make learning things much easier.

[And finally, Ryo. This is the amount of money you have stored in the system, I'll tell you about it's used later.]

[The next function of the system is the inventory, you can store as much as you want in here. Including mob drops and things from the real world.]

How amazing! To be able to carry around everything and not even feel it.

[And finally. The last function... dungeons.]