
Ningen no hifu no akuma (demon in human skin)

BiazarKaiser · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Well Then....

As the morning dawned on the horizon everyone slowly woke up to face the day. In Hōhei's case though he was up very early, and taking care of his companions with a lot of surprising care to most. That the two he previously forced to submit two weeks ago were acting like spoiled brats was also a surprise. Monsters never really had any concept of being clean really, but once Hōhei had started make sure they're in peak shape.

The four monsters had come to like when it was time for grooming and such as it relieved problems they had greatly. The sight made many of the Tortus inhabitants question their vision at times since its monsters acting like spoiled children. While the students and Aiko-sensei were amazed he could use his feet and arm so dexteriously. Out of the class though the monsters he owned only like Kaori, Shizuka, Aiko, Hajime, and Ryutarou.

None had any love for Kouki, he made them despise him. More so when he almost broke the egg Medusa carried around. Monster's normally can't reproduce many offspring, so they take protecting the rare young AGGRESSIVELY. Kouki had to be rescued before he died as he had four monsters and an American chasing him.

So those who usually found him caring for his monsters were watching him work on his monsters care. Honestly it was pretty relaxing to do as he would answer questions if politely asked. That he sometimes had small classes on monster care and possible taming without the skill. This went on for a few hours at most usually. That by the time everyone had assembled at the training grounds to leave today.

Hōhei was seen playing with Silva and Medusa by having one launch him like a spring, and the other catch him in new ways. The class and a few knights even clapped upon seeing him land on Medusa's back doing a hand stand some how as she flew around. Although when the prince of Heiligh tried demanding a show and ride, the prince got Boric dung to the face. Some held their laughter in so damn hard they passed out, others vomited. Meld looked conflicted he knew he should punish Hōhei for the disrespectful action of his monster. But he also knew the young prince was also in the wrong by demanding something of a hero… a hero who wanted nothing to do with him.

"Even in a different world monkeys throw their shit....."

"Should we clean the young prince off?"

"Like their master the monsters have no care about status… think he'll get punished?"

"Their monsters I don't think they even have a hierarchy."

The students could be heard murmuring to themselves while maids hurriedly took prince Lundel away. The knights looked troubled on how to treat this situation but one man chuckled with a troubled smile. While Hōhei was mid launch Meld screamed at him since the young man was high up in the air.

Meld: "Hōhei! Can you please have Boric not throw his poop at the crown prince again?!"

In response to Melds request from the shadow of Boric a gray paw appeared. Before it quickly smacked Boric like a few times for the poop throwing, once done smacking the monkey beast the paw retreated back into hiding. Chuckling Meld gave a silent thanks after seeing the answer instead of hearing empty promises about the subject.

Actions speak louder than words as they say, right? or is it shut up and show me not tell me?

Once the final batch of straggling students and knights had arrived at the training grounds. Meld clapped his armored hands together loudly and got everyone's attention as Hōhei slid along Silva towards the ground.

Meld: "Okay! Everyone is here now and ready I presume? Good! Then lets be off towards Holward near the Orcus Great Dungeon!"

With that the knights thumped their feet before giving a shout of confirmation. The students nodded their heads with mostly hesitate motions at the thought of fighting. Hōhei walked up beside Meld and offered him some chicken meat after cooking it through transmuting. Meld shook his head chuckling. He really is too relaxed in this all but with the old host being from America and him, although unsure, being from a chaotic place. Found this to be like his every day life once he figured out the starting problem.


A few hours after starting their trip towards Holward to stay at their reserved lodgings. The group ran into a snag when a passing merchant caravan that held a monster known for mind attacks. Had its cargo somehow get free and head towards Hōhei admist the chaos of it breaking out suddenly. As the Magic Beast that looked like a strange wolf locked eye's with Hōhei. The two halted their tracks with Hōhei's monsters suddenly protecting the wolf creature. It was abrupt and happened to quickly.

As they prevented the knights and adventurers from approaching the wolf. Meld was lifting a sweating merchant up by his collar with the look of absolute rage. His voice gruff and venomous in rage as his eyes locked onto the merchant.

Meld: "Why do you have a Seeker? Answer me before I judge you here and now under the laws of the Heiligh Kingdom! If that young man who was summoned to help save us is mentally damaged your company shall face the kings wrath!!"

"K-kind knight We were simply transporting it to the castle for the young man that can tame! W-w-we heard that if he likes the monster we'd be paid generously by the palace! However, the beast started acting violently and escaped its cage!"


While the outside was watching a furious level sixty-two knight with his stats reaching the two hundred mark. Inside of Hōhei's mind sat a glitching young man looking at a wolf magic beast. The wolf currently looked like a dim glowing black gold figure standing at five feet and three inches while sitting. Its figure looking like a giant wolf but with three eyes and four tails. The third eye is in the center of its forehead wide open as it emits a gold crimson glow brightly.

Akuma: "Seems I'm glitchy.... kinda cool if I will be honest~ but damn that means I'm not really whole. But you know my intrusive friend I'm curious why are we here?"

"I was trying to escape those slave merchants but one look at you and we end up here..... Human I've seen many minds, shattered many minds but you..... you are the first to look so broken...."

A hard to distinguish voice that sounded both soft and neither male nor female spoke. The wolf squinting its eyes a bit at the glitching young man before it with a mix of hostility and curiosity. Chuckling softly Hōhei stops glitching for a moment as his appearance took on a different form.

In his place sat an aging man in his thirties wearing a tattered military officer suit. His hair was a graying brown, his eyes a hazel color, but his general complexion was ragged. He looked like he hadn't had a good sleep in months, reaching a hand up he rubbed his tired face tiredly.

Akuma: "That's probably because I'm not a whole person just yet.... Sure soul wise I'm whole but your seeing my mind right now. Also the name is Dakota Castra, General Dakota Castra of America's zeroth regiment of criminals. But now I'm also Akuma Hōhei."

As his words finished his figure changed once more to a one armed and one eyed youth. The youth had dark brown hair and a fiery orange eye. His complexion looked ragged from fright and sleepless nights.

Akuma: "I'm sorta a person that was the merger of two souls due to a higher entity slapping mine onto a fading soul to tie it to this universe I think.... But the minds or more accurately the memories of the two lives are really so whole. Their fragmented because of the deaths. As I'm currently glitching and changing figures. Name is Dakota Vargis by the way... er no its Dakota Castra..... No I guess now its Akuma Hōhei?"

Snorting the wolf looks around the vast gray void of a mind before looking back at the owner. Who seems to be trying to work out how stop changing between his three lives figures. With a sigh the wolf lays down and grumpily continues their talk.

"Seeing as what you say may be true I can't shatter your mind lest it take me with it. So we must figure out how to get out another way. So human explain the situation of your current self and I shall see if there is a solution."

Akuma: "Well from the clear memories right now..... Castra used to a fugitive forced to lead a regiment of criminals in my old world after his country caught him for his various crimes. The world although suffering a pandemic was in its third world war and Castra was the jester killing all sides. He was supposed to die in front of the entire world but someone managed to get him placed in that criminal regiment. He died due to a sudden strange fluctuation of space that shredded his body down to the last atom, his was soul damaged as well.

Vargis used to be a normal kid that lived in America till when he was fourteen. Around that time had gotten involved in really fucked up event with people supporting one movement. Suddenly grabbed him screaming something about "White pigs need to be thought a lesson" before using a brick to break his left arm at the shoulder. While someone else tried ripping out his eyes with burning hot tongs which they did dig them into his left eye before ripping it out. Violent bastards torturing a child.

After that what we call a swat team, people who keep people in line, showed up and started putting anyone being violent down. Vargis later had his whole left arm amputated because of a thing called Compartment Syndrome. As his entire shoulder was basically fractured that fractures occurred down the bones in his arm it led to that medical issue. Then when he went to a new place as a transfer student when he turned seventeen he sorta died a few months later in an alley.

His soul could be considered already nearly gone by the time the remaining bits of Castra's soul was slapped onto his. Which the two souls merged peacefully, but I didn't really notice the full extent of the mind problem. Just knew I had broken memories of another life, er lives, which are very clear right now and I don't like it."

Silence followed for what felt like hours as the wolf stared at him unblinking. Before eventually getting up and padding over to him and flopping into his lap. Big lap dog style, yet not crushing him.

"Human.... no Hōhei while you explained I was looking at what you were explaining to me. I must say your race is truly barbaric even more so than us Magic Beast. Although I have found a method after considering the safest way for us to exit."

Aluma: "And what would the be?"

"Haaaa.... The way I'm seeing it is to simply weave together those memories in a way the two personalities..... Won't kill each other trying to assert dominance in how you act. This way the two sets of memories will calmly exist together. Which you said right now the memories of this human Castra? Are currently perfectly clear and intact yes?"

Akuma: "Yeah he was the one basically broken by a higher entity and the damage to his soul did a number on everything. So when you looked into my eye you sorta triggered both Vargis and Castra with me, Akuma Hōhei, in the middle. So if you can peacefully weave everything together then please so we can get of this depressing shit hole."

"Okay then child.... brace yourself for a major headache because this is going to hurt us both."

Akuma: "Wait wha-"

Unable to finish his sentence our mc had the wolfs forehead press to his. Convulsing together the two figures stuck together as memories started appearing everywhere. Like a kelidascope memory fragments spun in the air like glass fragments.


It had been nearly two and a half hours since Hōhei and the Magic Beast stopped moving. The knights had detained the merchants, the adventurers were stuck in a dilemma, and the students watching the monsters alternate between who protects which frozen figure. As Meld sat staring at the scene on a stool from the merchants with a blank face. The situation slowly changed bit by bit as the two figures twitched. Eventually the first to move was Hōhei who stretched out and yawned as he approached the Seeker.

Patting the Seeker on the head just above a closing third eye, the figure moved. Stretching out as well before looking around lazily and tired from its work. Seeing the two now moving everyone paid attention to to them as they seemed so relaxed. Meld sighed in relief and approached the two as they seemingly talked.

Meld: "Hōhei I'm glad you are fine but why are you getting so comfortable with the Seeker? Didn't it just attack your mind?"

Akuma: "Hm? Relic your a Seeker? Don't your kind usually guard ruins or something? Well I read that in a monster encyclopedia with my friend Hajime. Also Meld no I'm perfectly fine in fact thanks to my friend here I feel completely..... Refreshed."

Meld: "That is great! Although you seem to have become close to that Magic Beast, we must decide how to handle it. As Seeker's are a high priority Magic Beast for extermination by all races."

With a playful grin growing on his face Hōhei looked at his new friend and helper. Almost kneeling he does something out of Meld's expectations.

Akuma: "Oh.... then I Akuma Hōhei herby request to form a partnership of man and Magic Beast with the Magic Beast before me. May our partnership be as equals with no forced relations between us, but as friends who know each other's pain."

With those words and the Magic Beast known as a Seeker also began taking up a similar posture. The two began to shine a bit, a purple symbol of a shattering shield appeared between the two in the air. It spun three times before visibly breaking and shooting into the two figures essentially kneeling to each other respectively. Once the light around them fade Hōhei stood up chuckling.

Akuma: "What dangerous Seeker? All I see is my new companion Captain Meld. Unless..... There's a problem with us becoming friends?"

Meld: "None at all.... It's good to see you making a new friend. I shall tell the king of the situation. Now lets continue on our way shall we? As for the main cause of this situation… let them go for now we have more important matters."

With small smile at how the young man before him acted to solve a problem. For his new friend that was a rather dangerous and high lethal monster. Meld was rather willing to not make a fuss over the Magic Beast after seeing how the two were acting. In fact he was rather over joyed to have a capable monster added to humanities side! With a happy chuckle Meld announced for everyone to continue onto Holward immediately. Sadly a merchant had a problem it seems with how things are going.

"W-wait! That's our merchandise! You can't just take it! You need to pay for it after we put in a lot of effort to capture the damned beast!"

Meld and Hōhei stopped and turned to look at the merchant with different expressions on their faces. Meld was furious at the merchants attitude while Hōhei had a blank face. As Meld shouted at the merchant with his hand on his sword. Hōhei silently approached them keeping a blank expression on his face the entire time.

Meld: "You dare demand money after bringing such a dangerous monster near the capital?! You even endangered the Saviors of our world by letting it break free! Your lucky to be alive right now you damned criminal!"

As Meld finished shouting Hōhei reached the merchant and calmly put his hand on the mans chest. With a questioning expression the merchant looked at him. Shortly after with a quick flash of purple sparks from transmuting. From all over the merchants body bones violently erupted in twisted forms while from where his heart and brain were. Spiraling bones tore through the two organs killing the merchant instantaneously. Letting the corpse fall with a thud shocking everyone present a emotionless voice spoke.

Akuma: "You know people who harm me and my friends, steal from me, piss me off, try using me like a puppet, or such deserve death right? While me and Relic were together in my mind we sorta glimpsed at each others memories. You fucks I should execute where you stand for breaking into off limit ruins and doing what you did. But if you scamper off right now you'll still live you know?"

Hōhei's expression and voice didn't change once even after murdering the merchant. Seeing this the rest of the caravan quickly left in fear of whatever the young man just did. Once they completely left he returned to normal with a chuckle. Everyone remaining was scared of what he just did but the knights got over it faster than the students. They looked at Hōhei with evident fear while Kouki was being held in place by Ryutarou. Snorting at the justice pervert trying to step into a matter he has nothing to do with Hōhei contemplated kicking his balls in.

After everything happened the group arrived in Holward with Hōhei opting to stay in the stables. Saying he feels better with his monsters than giving everyone else nightmares with a small chuckle. Like so the day passed with plans for murder forming from jealousy under the moonlight. Ah young love just can't work for a traitorous hobgoblin, no it just can't happen.


『Status Plate

Name: Akuma Hōhei/Dakota Vargis

Age: 17 Years Old

Gender: Male

Level: 40

Class: Transmutation Artist (Synergist), Summon Tamer

Strength: 721

Vitality: 900

Resistance: 2156

Agility: 300

Magic: ????

Magic Resistance: 678

Skills: Transmutation, Taming, Summoning, Language Comprehension, Marksman, Assassination, Chimera-Nomicon, Necromancy, Healing Light, Torture, Telepathy』