
Ningen no hifu no akuma (demon in human skin)

BiazarKaiser · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Vampire Loli, Hōhei Exits, Werepire Dragons?

After the whole Tar Shark and Gnoll thing as they walked through the dungeon until they finally reached about fifty floors down. On the way as they couldn't really tell if there was much, if any, difference between floors that even indicated they've gone down. But their progress was something to give credit to for doing since normal people, even enhanced ones like them, wouldn't even make it to this point as they'd likely be long dead. Extremely dead for normal people on the upper floors with their bodies feeding the locals.

Although the battles only got harder for them as they progressed and the struggle increased bit by bit. They all made due with Hajime's marksmanship, Hōhei's close up shooting and combative transmuting, Éternelle's minions, and the occasional help from the other monsters Hōhei has tamed. Which it grew by two Basalisk, a Tar Shark, a Alpha Basalisk, and a Giant Tar Shark, a Rainbow Frog, a Stun Moth, a Devil Centipede, and a Trent colony. He's making a petting zoo at this point. A hellish petting zoo.

The floors the four newer monsters came from were a bit unique to see in a place like this in all honestly! For example, one level had a thin poisonous fog covering the whole floor. There was a 2m frog (Rainbow colored) that spat poisoned spit at them, and a moth that spread its scales which caused paralysis. The Trent colony he stared at before going around slapping tree's screaming revenge of the forest. If Hajime didn't didn't drink his "Potion", he would have died just from being on those levels, they were quite dangerous and poisonous.

Hōhei though was being protected by a strange growth like mask trailing out from his eye socket that sealed up to protect its resident monster. So he pretty okay on those levels if you ignored blood poisoning from exposure to any wounds.

The iridescent frog's poison was an agent that targeted the nerves and lit it up with pain. Needless to say the two experienced a surprise from it mostly Hajime who got used as a shield. It was an experience where the pain was comparable to the pain from the first taste of demonic monster flesh. They would've likely died, well Hajime would die first if he didn't consume the "Potion" from the God Crystal he had found in his molar.

Meanwhile Hōhei had some freakish resistance and Éternelle to help him out. Naturally, they ate the monsters for some new skills, and got Hōhei one of each to fill some more his one book with. The frog though was a pain in the ass to eat and it tasted bad. The moth some how tasted better than the fucking frog did!

Another example, there was a floor that looked like a dense forest, how it came to be in an underground labyrinth puzzled Hajime. Hōhei though had a smile as he ran around to look at everything with interest. Turned out this was the most unpleasant place so far because its extremely hot temperature and dense humidity. The demons of this level were a huge centipede that liked ambushing and bull rushing them and sentient trees that were basically everywhere ready to hulk smash them or throw fruit at them! Hōhei truly loved that floor, it was just funny watching Hajime run away while he rode a centipede around.

When the trents were in a pinch they would hurl the red fruits that littered their heads at the two, with some weird horrid screams. There was not any offensive ability to it, but the two decided to try the fruit hurled at them out because of curiosity. Becoming rigid for a few dozen minutes the two looked on silently contemplating the fuckery being had.

It was not a poison, the fruit was simply insanely delicious. The sweet and fresh the red fruit was comparable to a watermelon, not an apple. This had sparked Hōhei to make some temporary kitchen items and forced Hajime to sit down and have some proper tasting food in this damn hell hole! A fruity meal of fried and seasoned apples but it was some of the better food available to them. They were starting to become numb to the taste of everything, even dirt.

After they had left this floor all the Trents were basically gone, but the ones that had tamed. All for the purpose of getting those sweet and tasty fruits once more. It was good, Hōhei wanted more of it since he could bake interesting things with them.

He can bake, what got a problem with that?

With those experiences the two had advanced down through fifty floors, no end in sight at all. It was agrivating but Hōhei who had faint memories of this world knew why. It was one big trial for those who opposed God and a death trap for the mad believers. As they continued on with their journey down the two decided check their current status's. After all they just kept descending further into the hell of the Orcus Great Dungeon.

『Status Plate

Name: Akuma Hōhei/Dakota Vargis

Age: 17 Years Old

Gender: Male

Level: ???

Race: Human Monster Hybrid (???)

Class: Transmutation Artist (Synergist), Summon Tamer

Strength: ??????

Vitality: ?????

Resistance: ??????

Agility: ?????

Magic: ??????

Magic Resistance: ?????

Skills: Transmutation, Taming, Summoning, Language Comprehension, Marksman, Assassination, Chimera-Nomicon, Necromancy, Healing Light, Torture, Telepathy, Iron Stomach, Mana Manipulation, Colony, Silence, Thick Skin, Blend In, Hardened Bones, Blood Control, Demonic Poison, Herculean Strength, Mind Release, Limit Break, Demi-God Awakening, Decreased Magic Consumption, Mana Discharge, Mana Compression, Remote Manipulation, Lightning Field, Lightning Resistance, Increased Output, Air Dance/Air Walk, Aerodynamic/Aerodynamics, Supersonic Step/Flash Step/Quick Step, Steel Legs, Riftwalk, Gale Claw, Spirit Claw, Triple Gale Claws, Flying Gale Claws, Night Vision, Presence Perception, Hide Presence, Petrification Resistance, Forest Dwelling, Forest Feeding』

Even though the two had found the stairs to the fifty-first level, they had decided to stay on the fiftieth floor. They currently stayed in a base Hajime created after discovering a rather strange area on the floor. Hajime currently was improving his transmuting and fighting power, he needed it he was rather basic. Hōhei was improving his summoning skills, combative methods of transmuting things, and finishing up his hopefully uneeded arm replacement. The summoning practice was interesting as he had kept summoning a small floating black red cat laying on a floating magic book that would quickly desummon its self.

This made him both annoyed and want to figure out how to delay its forceful exit. He eventually punched the cat in the face screaming in annoyance at the damned thing. Human and summon didn't really like each other after that whole ordeal, stupid Satan cat. The noise annoyed Hajime but he found the fact Hōhei punched the cat funny since it then bitch slapped him with its book. Yeah they weren't going to get along.

The area Hajime had found was a little unnerving to be honest as they just couldn't make out the problem. This was furthered by the fact on the other end of the area there stood two doors about 3m in height. On the flanks were two one eyed giants enshrined into the wall, as if carved from it almost on both sides of the doors. Hōhei's memories and Éternelle's help made it clear to him those were just hibernating guardians for a prisoner.

Sighing though he couldn't exactly deny fate as Yue, would make an excellent help in cleaning hell. Thus after some preparations, some extensive hidden one's by Hōhei, they marched to the area. As they walked Hajime spoke and had an interested look on his face.

Hajime: "As if it was a Pandora's box…I wonder what aspiration is contained."

He made no fucking sense just now. As they approached the area Hajime spoke again. Hōhei yawned a bit bored and looked at him with a rather lazy unimpressed look.

Hajime: "I am going to survive and return home. To Japan, to home…I'll return. Those who are obstacles are enemies. To enemies…kill!"

Akuma: "Just keep that murderous urge under control, I'm not gonna clean up the mess you make you know? To much work for me to do."

Hajime smacked Hōhei as he glared at his companion for his words and look. While a monster that had slightly grown blinked at him from Hōhei's eye socket, debating on eating his fingers. Hajime pulled his hand away rather quickly seeing that look in her eyes. Vigilantly the two continued their approach. They slowly came into the area with the doors and advanced forward carefully as if they were breaking into the White House. All the while their guns were at the ready.

Without so much as an incident thus far they arrived at the doors. More and more wonderful yet strange decorations could be seen on the doors as they both neared them. At the center, two magic formations were drawn in the recesses of the doors. Sighing Hōhei looked at the statues with a glance readying his HK417 to end things quickly.

Hajime: "I don't understand. I've studied a lot, but I have never seen these formulas."

Akuma: "Relic probably has, but I'm not going to risk taking her out in an area that isn't apart of the hellish dungeon naturally. Its to much of a risk for her to suddenly die from a surprise attack here before she can even tell us about them."

When Hajime was still called incompetent by people, he had laid emphasis on knowledge to make up for his low physical abilities. A rather good choice as knowledge is power, and increased survival odds. Although Hōhei was considered the weirdo who just acted as he pleased and was mostly avoided by the other students since coming here.

He did shoot them a few times, shanked someone in the stomach, bit a nobles ear off, sang a love song while beating on a fellow student during training, he gave them reasons to avoid him.

Hearing Hōhei though Hajime was indeed interested if the monster that could attack minds, and lived a long time knew what these magic circles were. But he had to agree as he would rather not lose a valuable asset due to an unknown.

While guessing at things, besides well it being a lock, they examined the doors closely. However, they were not able to understand anything new about the doors or magic carvings. Besides Hōhei knowing they'd trigger the statues back into living monsters. Because it was very important look, they were alert for any traps, acting as if he had no idea was tiring for Hōhei, as they studied the door that they couldn't fully focus on them.

Seeing how they weren't going to get anything more from trying to decipher the doors and their magic circles, they both shrugged and looked at each other.

Hajime: "Can't be helped. Let's go with the usual transmuting."

Shaking his head Hōhei walked backwards gun raised.

Akuma: "Have fun I'll sit back and watch the area as you mess with some very likely trapped doors."

Hajime tried to pull and push the doors to no avail at first, before he had suggested the transmuting route. Which was his usual, he liked trying to force a way in with transmuting things blocking his path, as Hōhei has learned from the changing youth, besides his new kill policy. Hajime put his right hand on the doors and started to transmute. However, immediately… something was heard before gun shots rang out.


Akuma: "Hajime! Fall back you dumb ass!"

Hajime: "Uwa!?"

A red electric discharge runs through the door and into Hajime's hand. As smoke bursted out from his hand, Hōhei aimed his gun at one of the statues. Swearing, Hajime quickly swallowed some his "Potion". Immediately afterwards another situation happened while they tensed up feeling the change in the air. Hōhei still firing at one of the slowly reanimated statues. It wasn't working as the flesh wasn't there fully yet.


Suddenly, deep voices echoed throughout the room as the sight before them became a little dangerous. Hajime gained some distance from the doors by back stepping rapidly. He placed his hand on his waist holster prepared to use Donner at anytime. While Hōhei kept the muzzle of his Hk417 aimed at the left statues head firing shots off. Eventually he decided to try infusing the Demonic Poison skill into the area around the muzzle. The cries continued to echo, and the identity of the voice began to move.

Hajime: "Well, that was a cliche of a cliche."

Akuma: "Hey statues becoming monsters is rare! If you want cliche look for a monster house damn you!"

While Hajime was muttering and smiling to himself, Hōhei shot a reply back at him at the remark of their situation. The sculptures of the two giants that flanked the door started to crumble, gray skin that was assimilated with the wall soon turned dark green. The one-eyed giants looked exactly like a fantasy cyclops.

A 4m large sword appeared in their hands, though they had no idea where they came from. They turned their eyes towards Hajime and Hōhei as they were freeing their buried lower bodies to eliminate the intruders. At that moment.


A bullet made of Tauru ore, which was accelerated through a railgun, piercing a cyclops eye. It stirred around its brain for a bit before it bursted out of its head, and pulverized the back wall. The left cyclops blankly stared at what happened to the dead cyclops. While a tainted bullet of golden light shot into its chest, demonic poison quickly spreading and eating away at its flesh. It dropped dropped dead shortly afterwards with its body slightly rotting, the other cyclopes body was still convulsing, while it leaned forward and fell. The shock created from the impact shook the whole room, and thick dust danced around the room.

Hajime: "Sorry, I'm not the type of bad guy to sense the mood or wait around."

Akuma: "Hear hear I second that motion and gifted a poisoned holy bullet. Wish I had the Holy Hand Grenade."

Though the two who had killed the monsters were smiling at the sight. You couldn't help but pity the monsters. Their display was extremely pitiful as the right hit the ground convulsing while dead, and the left slid down the wall all but rotting away from poison. It truly was a pity to watch.

They were guardians for the doors, that are very obviously sealing something, inside of the chamber behind them. Furthermore it was in a place at the bottom of the abyss, there weren't exactly many visitors down here. If there would've been then that'd be surprising. Just when they finally answered the call of duty, maybe they were filled with joy at finally being able to do their task. Without even seeing much of the other party, the right had its brains was blown out onto the backwall. While the other one died to a rather painful yet quick method. If you can't call this a pitiful display, what would you call it?

Seriously if its not pitiful what the fuck is it?

While Hajime delayed harvesting some of the monster meat, Hōhei was eating the non-rotting Cyclops a bit in the background. Sometimes mumbling something about chicken and ham to himself, while silently he ate the Cyclops meat. Hajime using "Air Claws", took the magic stones out of the two bodies. They're the keys so it's a good choice.

Without minding the blood, he craved open both cyclopes for their magic stone and approached the doors to compare these fist-sized stones to the two recesses. They were a perfect fit as expected and what happened next stunned him, Hōhei walking up behind him as he wiped off the blood from his mouth.

Instantly, red magic sprouted from the stones and poured into the magic formations on the doors. The light settled after a moment and an opening sound could be heard. Simultaneously, the magic speared into the surrounding walls and emitted light; light the two had not seen in a long time since falling down into the abyss. Hajime's eyes twinkled a little, he cautiously, and quietly opened the doors to see whats inside of the chamber behind them. While Hōhei was trying something in an attempt to steal the light source. All while screaming "Give me this glorious light you damned walls I want it!"

Living without light for days makes one want to hoard it.

There was not a single source of light behind the doors, darkness spread in the big space the room had. With the help of his "Night Vision" and the new lights, Hajime was able to make out the room little by little. Two columns of pillars lined up all the way into the depths. The room was made from finely crafted marble, and it looked similar to the Church room they were first summoned into. In the center of the room was a huge cube of stone that reflected the incoming light and seem to slightly emit a metallic luster. Though his forehead was throbbing in annoyance as he heard the noise behind him, from Hōhei seemingly celebrating some sort of achievement ruining the mystical feel Hajime had.

There's honestly nothing mystical about this all. Its basically a prison, Hōhei has the real prize, light!

As Hajime was staring at the cube, he noticed that something was growing in the front center of the cube. Trying to confirm what he saw, Hajime pushed open the door and checked the vicinity. With our mc just entering without a care as he had some how merged some of the sun lit like wall with his arm. He had a light source now, he frankly couldn't care about the giant boss hiding. Just like in a horror film the door slamed closed behind them, like when you were in trouble. However, before Hajime could try opening the doors, it moved.


A husky voice belonging to a frail girl could be heard suddenly from the room. Hajime stared at the center of the room in surprise. While Hōhei was questioning how the fuck the person was still alive. Vampire he knows but she's half encased in STONE, she be suffering several medical issues. As they looked at "growth" part of the cube that was now moving. With the light finally piercing the darkness, and Hōhei's annoyingly bright arm currently, the identity of it was exposed.

Hajime: "Its…a human?"

Akuma: "A human wouldn't be alive in this situation, try again Hajime. Like seriously they'd be dead. That's one big health issue along with potentially hundred of years just sitting here."

The "growth" was indeed a person, Yue to be specific as Hōhei picks at his memories, only the face could be seen however, as every other part was buried in the cube. Long blond hair hung down around the girl, like a ghost from a certain horror film back on Earth. Her red pupils were peaking from the gaps of hair, as she stared at the two before her. From her looks, she looked around 12-13 years old. The dangling hair looked haggard, but it still had a beautiful appearance.

Hajime unexpectedly stiffens, as her red eyes were staring at them both, a look of dead hope and a lifeless look in those eyes. Hajime took a deep breath and with a determined expression said.

Hajime: "I'm sorry. I was wrong."

Akuma: "Damn right you were Hajime. Damn fucking right."

Wandering off Hōhei left to check out everything else out leaving Hajime and Yue alone. Let the kid have his little horny vampire loli that's centuries old. That was when he remembered there was that recording for Yue somewhere around here. But he currently couldn't remember where it was exactly at because it should've been hidden. Chimera's could cheat for him but they won't. However… Vampire….. blessed with magic talents….. sneaking back over to Yue Hōhei took a small bite of her with the Chimera's helping to hide and heal that bite up.

『Status Plate

Name: Akuma Hōhei/Dakota Vargis

Age: 17 Years Old

Gender: Male

Level: ???

Race: Human Monster Hybrid (???)

Class: Transmutation Artist (Synergist), Summon Tamer

Strength: ??????

Vitality: ?????

Resistance: ??????

Agility: ?????

Magic: ??????

Magic Resistance: ?????

Skills: Transmutation, Taming, Summoning, Language Comprehension, Marksman, Assassination, Chimera-Nomicon, Necromancy, Healing Light, Torture, Telepathy, Iron Stomach, Mana Manipulation, Colony, Silence, Thick Skin, Blend In, Hardened Bones, Blood Control, Demonic Poison, Herculean Strength, Mind Release, Limit Break, Demi-God Awakening, Decreased Magic Consumption, Mana Discharge, Mana Compression, Remote Manipulation, Lightning Field, Lightning Resistance, Increased Output, Air Dance/Air Walk, Aerodynamic/Aerodynamics, Supersonic Step/Flash Step/Quick Step, Steel Legs, Riftwalk, Gale Claw, Spirit Claw, Triple Gale Claws, Flying Gale Claws, Night Vision, Presence Perception, Hide Presence, Petrification Resistance, Forest Dwelling, Forest Feeding, Vampiric Drain, Life Transfer, Race Conversion (Vampire), Werewolf Howl, Race Conversion (Werewolf), Rapid Attack』

Akuma: 'Da fuck? I know I ate some Werewolf knock offs but how does eating a bit of Yue unlock Vampire and Werewolf? Hm…. I wonder when I start to go after Tio because she's a rather fun masochist dragon. If I nibble on her a bit if I'll get something dragon related? Heh creating a Werepire Dragon race sounds hilariously fucked up for everyone involved.'