
Ningen no hifu no akuma (demon in human skin)

BiazarKaiser · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Down They Go

After joking with Hajime for a bit the two and Éternelle, which is french for eternal. Is the name that Hōhei came up with for his little monster friend that hatched. Which if your curious how the little critter looks its the snake like body of an eastern dragon. With a mix of black and purple fur and in places are hard purplish pink shell like armor. Which can be seen traveling along the spine, on the area's that the legs bend back at, and on the snout of the critter. Its claws a strange silvery bone color that sometimes faintly shine a red color.

On the face however is four long whisker like things drooping off while from the cheeks are two strange mandible like arms. The critters eye's are well a set of glowing orange eyes. Then above those at an angle is another pair of glowing white frost like eyes that seem almost blind. Éternelle is currently about forty inches in length in all at the moment. So while it looks strange it will become a nightmare for enemies.

Anyways back to the trio, they had just left the hidey hole Hajime had built on their current floor. Heading towards the stairs Hajime just scowled at the sets of eyes peering at him from Hōhei's eye socket. The poor guy is understandably not comfortable with the whole thing while the one housing the monster. He's well off his own little world as he is carrying a rather large Taur Stone. He was slowly transmuting it into a temporary prosthetic arm replacement just in case. Like so they walked silently towards the next floor to exit this hell hole.

Upon reaching the next level everything was completely dark, no Green Light Stones were on this floor it seemed. While Hajime waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness Hōhei smiled softly to himself. As the little monster in his eye socket has connected to his sight, letting him see faintly in the dark and to see small traces of leftover magic. Deciding to not mention this he let Hajime do as he pleased while advancing forward. Placing the half created arm into a bag Hajime had made for him out of Talon Bear.

Akuma: "Ready for violent dark hole attackers?"

Hajime: "Let's just get this done with…"

While they walked through the floor golden eyes suddenly appeared and looked at Hajime. Hōhei simply shrugged and let him handle it while he looked around. He was looking for something specific to test something about his child. After a while he found a little dent in the wall with a second Basalisk creature in it. Chuckling silently Hōhei was about to tame it but Éternelle seemed to have other plans contrary to his. The little parasitic like monster shot some its tongue out from his eye socket into the monsters neck.

The tongue pierced the monsters neck impaling into its carotid artery. The black fleshy appendage seemed to be doing something to the monster as it struggled to flee.

What happened next was disturbing as the monster was essentially sucked out of existence! The one responsible was sounding pleased and attempted to try something with the eggs but, Hōhei quickly grabbed two of them as the same tongue shot out. As it hit one of the remaining eggs some growth like substance covered it rather quickly. Then it started spreading. Spreading to the rest of the eggs soon after the first was covered in the strange substance. Once they all were covered they hatched. Which quite surprising to Hōhei at what just happened.

The things emerging were like husk and quickly grew fully into their adult size. The Husk like Basalisk monsters had strange little bumps on their body but, their eyes remained closed as they filed out of the dent. Once out they dropped to the ground and climbed up onto certain places on Hōhei's body. Proceeding to then stay there silently as if awaiting orders of some kind.

Akuma: 'Parasitic Soldiers?'

While this happened Hōhei was joined by a curious Hajime chewing on a monster leg. As the youth hand him some as well, sighing he took the offered meat and ate it raw. Can't always cook stuff so the two were getting used to eating raw things. While Hajime asked something even he wanted to know about honestly.

Hajime: "So that little pain is a parasite? What did it do exactly?"

Scratching his head Hōhei explained what exactly happened while still a bit confused.

Akuma: "Well it sucked a monster into non-existentance with its tongue, and then corrupted? Some eggs, which I saved two for taming, and now the uh underlings? Are acting like some badly placed armor."

Hajime: "I see. Well lets move on we got a genocide for the exit to do and commence."

Akuma: "Yep, onward to genocide and hopefully better tasting things to eat!"

Hajime smacked Hōhei for that nonsensical last part, if it attacks it dies is all there is to it! Taste had nothing to do with killing and getting stronger! Like so they continued on through the floor with some dangerous banter between them. With the occasional random tongue attacks from Hōhei's eye socket either taking over a monster, or erasing them. Eventually they came upon a three forked road as Hajime moved to left passage. However, some shark like monster jumped from a tar like substance on the dungeon floor.

While Hajime dodged the bite to his head Hōhei just behind him axed kicked the shark. It was going to perfectly head into the tar for another attack as it intended to do. The sudden kick jolted the shark down violently into the ground bouncing off it and the tar. The ground sparked quickly and a spike jutted into the sharks side. The spike only managed to slightly stab into its side as the monster escaped quickly.

Not waiting for a round two Hōhei ran directly towards the tar and focused on making air platforms with aerodynamics as he ran. Hajime following suite with the Tar Shark in pursuit of the pair running away just above its domain. The Tar Shark sought them with a thirst for blood after getting stabbed by Hōhei. As they ran the Tar Shark jumped from the tar in a blind spot knocking Hajime down into the tar dying him black.

Hajime escaped the tar hopping along the air. The shark readied for another attack from within the tar as dozen golden eyes opened and looked at the shark with hungry eyes. Halting the shark in place before it could try biting Hajime from below, seeing the shark distracted by the eyes and being slightly petrified. Hōhei turned back and dove into the shark tackling it like wrestler. Hugging the monster as they rolled around the tar the monster tried biting his head off. Meanwhile Hōhei as the one holding onto it was violently peeling its hard outer layer off with transmutation.

Hajime looked at the scene a bit judging if he should just leave and continue on his way to find the exit out of here, or stay to wait for his companion. Shaking his head he turned back and fired Donner at the now exposed shark that was being peeled like an onion, its ribs were now visible. With quick successive shots the shark stopped flailing in Hōhei's grasp as he was biting into its left eye, some of the sharks teeth sunken into his shoulder.

After everything they carried the shark while moving on their way with aerodynamics after eating some of its meat so Hajime could figure out why it could hide from Presence Perception. Hōhei though was just curious if something will happen if he eats the meat since he already has a stealth skill from an owl monster.

『Status Plate

Name: Akuma Hōhei/Dakota Vargis

Age: 17 Years Old

Gender: Male

Level: 264

Race: Human Monster Hybrid (???)

Class: Transmutation Artist (Synergist), Summon Tamer

Strength: 924000

Vitality: 600000

Resistance: ??????

Agility: 690000

Magic: ??????

Magic Resistance: ?????

Skills: Transmutation, Taming, Summoning, Language Comprehension, Marksman, Assassination, Chimera-Nomicon, Necromancy, Healing Light, Torture, Telepathy, Iron Stomach, Mana Manipulation, Colony, Silence, Thick Skin, Blend In, Hardened Bones, Blood Control, Demonic Poison, Herculean Strength, Mind Release, Limit Break, Demi-God Awakening, Decreased Magic Consumption, Mana Discharge, Mana Compression, Remote Manipulation, Lightning Field, Lightning Resistance, Increased Output, Air Dance/Air Walk, Aerodynamic/Aerodynamics, Supersonic Step/Flash Step/Quick Step, Steel Legs, Riftwalk, Gale Claw, Spirit Claw, Triple Gale Claws, Flying Gale Claws, Night Vision, Presence Perception, Hide Presence, Petrification Resistance』

Seeing Petrification Hōhei thought of trying to transmute a creature into a statue. Could be a pretty fun experiment he thought to himself, as he eyed one of the Husk Basalisk. That had notably a strange vine like tentacle coming out of its body as it played with the Tar Sharks bit out eye.

Akuma: 'Odd but its whatever since its not a problem honestly. Just a lot of shit to study about Éternelle though.'

Advancing floor by floor they left a path of carnage with some floors becoming hazardous. With guns things liked dying loudly, transmutation? They doed quietly if Hōhei touched them. Nagumo was still rather confused how the hell he was transmuting living creature's. Honestly its a mind set, a life path, a deranged pleasure, a needed survival tool as who says only to use it on inanimate soulless objects? If something fleshy would make a good resource transmute it, if it'll torture someone? Transmute it.

Smashing Seeker in the skull of Gnoll knock off Hōhei used it as a meat shield. Shooting through the dead monster into its friends with a cackle that unnerved Hajime. The fact he was watching his classmate find extreme pleasure in this all just reinforced that Americans are crazy to him. This be true though, we're fucking down right crazy and infamous at making stupid choices. I mean take Florida as the best extreme example, even fellow Americans call that place its own little world.

Microwaving metal into bombing yourself, shooting tsunami's, attaching rockets to a lawn chair to become an astronaut, naked fights with crocs and aligators, do I need to point out more strange and dumb Florida incidents?

Using a Gnoll as a spring board to launch into the air Hōhei holstered his guns. Pulling a crystalized Demonic Poison bomb from a pocket he slam dunks it mid air into the monsters. Upon exploding the gaseous lethal poison melts and mutates the monsters before they ultimately expire. Landing admist his poison Hōhei looks around with crimson purple sparks erasing the poisonous cloud of gas. Noting the mass of truly fucked up death he just nods his head all to pleased.