
Ningen no hifu no akuma (demon in human skin)

BiazarKaiser · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Hajime's Hole

After a long while in the dark in some manmade hole a body stirred. With its eye temporarily glowing brightly once it opened. The usually empty socket was filled with smaller eyes and dark gunk. As the person sat up a white haired youth with a scowl and grumbling was remaking a gun. Sitting up Hōhei looked at the young man and chuckled upon realizing something.

Akuma: "Aye Hajime you've joined the one armed club I'm flattered."

Hajime: "..... That's the first thing you say when you wake up?"

With a wry chuckle from Hajime he got back to his gun Hōhei looked around a bit. When he suddenly felt something off. His empty eye socket... felt full of something and it was alive. Poking at it he eventually gets it to respond as the previously freshly hatched monster crawled out of his eye socket yawning. Looking at the oddly clean little monster he pokes it cheek a bit before finally asking.

Akuma: "Why was my monster in my eye socket? And how is it so clean? Should be all bloody and covered in eye socket mucus."

Hajime: "Oh so it was your monster.... I tried killing it once I saw it curled around your head. The little shit bit my fingers and kept poisoning me whenever I grabbed it! When I finally got it off your head, your bloodied status plate and a messed up infected gash became visible. Then that little blood matted shit some how crawls into your eye socket and snaps at me. Since then I couldn't remove it no matter what I tried! I just left it alone and brought you back here. Which those books at your waist also weren't friendly one literally licked me as it tried eating me."

Hearing the grievances Hajime has had with his monster and books Hōhei couldn't help but laugh. It honestly was quite funny to the teen. After a long good laugh he patted Hajime on the shoulder and chuckled a bit. His eye a little watery from laughing to much at whats happened.

Akuma: "Yeah don't touch the patch work one it only accepts one owner otherwise it'll destroy everything. Thanks for taking care of my infection though Hajime, but next time don't threaten a baby monster it'll only hate you."

The now white haired teen looked quite afronted by his words.

Hajime: "I didn't want to be liked by one anyways if they'll just bite or try eating me. I'd rather murder them then eat their meat if that's the case! Which while you were out I fed you monster meat but you were completely fine some how."

Akuma: "I've already eaten monster meat before entering the dungeon."

Hajime: "That'd make sense… Also your status plate updated a bit from every bit I fed you, sorry but I know all your tricks. How are you more fucked with skills than me?!"

Chuckling at Hajime being so blunt and trying not to be rude much to someone who's his friend. Hōhei didn't mind one bit, and looked at his status plate as he was handed it. While the little monster curled around his arm and stuck its tongue out. It was a cute little parasitic monster in his opinion.

『Status Plate

Name: Akuma Hōhei/Dakota Vargis

Age: 17 Years Old

Gender: Male

Level: 264

Race: Human Monster Hybrid (???)

Class: Transmutation Artist (Synergist), Summon Tamer

Strength: 924000

Vitality: 600000

Resistance: ??????

Agility: 690000

Magic: ??????

Magic Resistance: ?????

Skills: Transmutation, Taming, Summoning, Language Comprehension, Marksman, Assassination, Chimera-Nomicon, Necromancy, Healing Light, Torture, Telepathy, Iron Stomach, Mana Manipulation, Colony, Silence, Thick Skin, Blend In, Hardened Bones, Blood Control, Demonic Poison, Herculean Strength, Mind Release, Limit Break, Demi-God Awakening, Decreased Magic Consumption, Mana Discharge, Mana Compression, Remote Manipulation, Lightning Field, Lightning Resistance, Increased Output, Air Dance/Air Walk, Aerodynamic/Aerodynamics, Supersonic Step/Flash Step/Quick Step, Steel Legs, Riftwalk, Gale Claw, Spirit Claw, Triple Gale Claws, Flying Gale Claws』

With a blank stare Hōhei eventually looks at Hajime and dryly ask a question to the youth. As the little monster around his arm looks at the shining status plate in wonder. It batted at the screen with some claws to see if something will change. Nothing happened but the kid kept trying.

Akuma: "Hajime..... Have you fed me monsters that you've already lost benefits from?"

Hajime: "They're of no use to me so I fed you them and well besides what you got from eating that Behemoth. Which yes I saw you eating it, and wanted to believe it was a joke so badly. We now generally have the same skills some how when these monsters should be weaker than you."

Akuma: "DNA Adaptability taking useful skills and traits probably for my monster genetics."

Hajime: "Like Alex Mercer from Prototype? That honestly makes sense of our genetics currently."

The two young hybrids talked eith frankly a lot of game and anime lingo to get a gist of their situation. The young monster had fallen asleep at some point after crawling back into Hōhei's eye socket. Still the two worked on fixing Hajime's weaponry up while talking. Hōhei's guns were banged up but some transmutation and their brand new again. Although he had to help Hajime create an arm while making his own which had a very game iconic watch with a ring glowing ring.

The Chimera Bemo helping to create it while a Chimera duo called Alter and Source, made a more magical ai to work the watch and provide assistance. Like actually telling them what day and time it is topside and generating a map from places Hōhei has been. Pieces of the floors he fell through but the floors were marked due to that area. They were very far down in the depths of the Orcus Dungeon. Hajime just accepted the weirdness of the patchwork Chimera book.

Akuma: 'This is not a very hopeful situation from ehat Hajime has said there's stairs up. So we can only go down from here otherwise the dungeon may do something if we try climbing up unorthodoxly.'

Glancing towards Hajime, Hōhei wondered how exactly they'll proceed from here after he makes an eye. He didn't need one as honestly his little one was taking it place and giving him a lot of vision options.