
Chapter 6

Paige didn’t think she’d ever met someone quite like Abby Morgan before. Unfortunately, she knew Jack was watching. 2

Abby found the autopsy report, along with preliminary reports from the crime scene team, in her inbox when she got to the office the next morning. For half a minute, she was impressed. The team wasn’t usually this quick to jump on things, and they’d have had to work well into the night to get it done. Of course, The Gin Barrel was perilously close to the tourist Mecca of the Freedom Trail and right on top of the famous Tea Party location. The city would want this cleaned up as soon as possible.

Cleaned up. She couldn’t be sure which bothered her more, the fact that the city’s powers that be were thinking about investigating the murder of a human being as cleaning up a mess, or the fact that she’d let it seep even this far into her own thinking.