
Chapter 5

Abby gave Paige a moment to collect herself. “Have any of the other bartenders or other staff members had the same problem?”

Paige licked her lips. “Yeah. Every once in a while, a customer will get fixated, or one will get mad at the bar or a bartender and decide he’s on a crusade to shut the whole place down.” She rolled her eyes. “We had one about a year ago who decided to picket outside trying to convince everyone to Repent Their Wicked Ways—that’s what the sign said—because he saw two women holding hands at the bar.”

“Christ.” Abby curled her lip. “I noticed he wasn’t here tonight.”

“Someone puked on his shoe. It wasn’t one of our customers, it was someone from upstairs, but he decided he would rant and rail about the evils of homosexuality from behind the safety of his keyboard from then on.” Paige shrugged. “If he couldn’t handle a little puke, he probably wasn’t the one who did this.”