
Temperance and Treachery

Vargfreid showed Germ, Cassie,and Henry around the Spire as far as he was allowed. Some secrets must still be kept after all. Totek went along as well even though she already knew the layout. Good company was always welcome to Totek even though two of them were Slayers.

Coming up to a large iron door, Varg stopped a moment. " This is the library and some parts of it are off limit even to many of our kind. You are all welcome to look around and even read a little bit , except in certain areas".

" A bit of a let down" Henry sighed " It would be fascinating to read some of the books in there I would imagine".

" In due time more and more will be open to you all. Some of it you wouldn't be able to understand anyway as a portion is in dead tongues" Varg explained. " The council is very strict on collecting all forms of knowledge and wisdom through the ages. One of our main purposes is to preserve history and track down all forms of mystical tomes so they don't end up in worse hands".

Germ's eyes grew as big as dollar coins when the door opened and he saw all kinds of shelves stretched as far as the eye could see. They were filled with many kinds of books and even scrolls that looked ancient. Totek walked up to a specific shelf and pulled out a book to start skimming through. She had obviously been there before and knew exactly what she was looking for.

" What's that one" asked Germ curiously.

Totek looked up from the book with an eye twitch . " Old stories of my clan. They make me happy".

" I only wondered" Germ said dismissively. " I promise I don't bite".

Totek showed her little fangs in her mouth. " I do" she said simply.

" I'm not at all as bad as you think" Germ went on. " People always assume things about me without knowing anything at all. It's really sad how uncaring the world is. They care more about silly material things over people" Germ sighed and felt sadness at the statement.

Totek looked over at Varg " Ok we can keep this one" she grinned and than winked at Germ playfully.

Germ couldn't help but to smile. Totek had a way about her that was infectious in the best of ways. Henry was already off going down all the aisles he could in between this shelf and that shelf. Henry was simply in awe at all the history kept here. And much of it even more complex than any human had thought.

" Of course we can keep that one" Varg laughed. " Both of them are quite amazing individuals. Granted they might be technically enemies in a way , but I think these two will understand the difference between good ones and bad ones".

Henry poked his head from around a shelf. " I will definitely say for myself I always seek out the truth and I am mostly unbiased. You lot here seem good with me and if not for Varg taking me here who knows what might have happened at that facility."

Cassie winced slightly remembering her time there. She crawled from some cubby hole she had found,holding a couple of books herself. Finally letting those thoughts pass her. " I was very happy Germ came and helped me. I couldn't stand those awful people and it was so uncomfortable."

Germ walked over and hugged onto Cassie." I'm so glad we were able to get you out of there too".

Varg clasped both Germ and Cassie on the shoulders. " We will come back here later . For now we must move along to the council chambers".

Varg lead them through the library and opened a secret doorway down the far end. Tapestries of all kinds hung along the walls in the far end of the library leading to the door. One such tapestry caught Germ's eyes with two warring factions of dragons in battle. It was beautifully woven with all the care and time in the world . One of the dragons was glistened white like snow under the sunlight and the other was as black as an eclipse.

The five of them made there way through a few interlocking tunnels. It would be hard to remember with only a few visits Germ thought. Obviously the reason for the design and architecture of the structure. A giant double door of blue crystalline stood in front of them after a couple of twists and turns. Cassie instantly felt harmonious near the door. It seemed to call her to it.

Placing her hand on the door lightly it began to glow a soft blue light . Varg smiled as the two humans backed away a little bit at the unknown light. Cassie could feel the energy and it invigorated her more than she had been in months.

" It's alright" Varg said to Germ and Henry. " She is a seer. Shaman possibly another word. Oracle one as well" he seemed to be going through his vocabulary so the humans might pick up on it. " The crystals here give her energy and healing".

Suddenly a woman in business attire with fiery red hair walked in behind them . " Oh my " she said as she jumped back quickly. Varg turned and doubled over laughing. It was a rare day to catch Valeraxa off guard.

" We have guests for the council" Varg stated " Zenoxial ordered it to be so. You know Totek already".

" You found her" Valeraxa blurted out in shock.

" I knew where she was all along. She was as safe as could be" Varg winked.

Germ furrowed his brow " She definitely wasn't safe in the facility. There was a lot of bad people there and dragons too that wanted her for bad reasons I'm sure".

" Valeraxa isn't talking about the seer" Varg chuckled .

" What do you mean" asked Totek and Henry almost simultaneously.

At that moment while everyone stood around trying to figure things out , the great double doors opened up. A stunning woman with ashen white skin stood in the opened doorway. She wore a long black and silver robe filled with multiple different sigils almost like badges. " Come in" she spoke in a whisper , " the council is beginning".