
Council of Python

The cave mouth was filled with teeth of different colored crystals and each was easily larger than a house. Darkness covered the inside with the exception of the sky light gleaming off of the crystal fangs. Varg entered first and did a quick cantrip to open up the giant iron doors inside the cave mouth. The doors featured a mural of a giant dragon inside a garden. The dragon seemed to be facing a small human female surrounded by multi colored crystals.

" The priestess" Totek muttered as the trio pressed on seeming to read Germ's mind.

" She must have been important if a dragon didn't want to eat her." Germ said taking everything in.

" Not all dragons want to harm people" Varg butted in. " As a matter of fact before the schism most dragons tried to live peacefully amongst people".

" Why did that all change" asked Germ directly.

" You will find out more very soon" Varg said ushering the two into the large main room of the dragons' spire," Suffice it to say some unscrupulous dragons had different ideas than the king at that time. He preferred us all to coexist more peacefully. The now Queen had different ideas and she bares quite ill will to the mortals. "

The inside of this enormous room was ridiculous. It seemed even bigger than a football field to Germ. Large makeshift benches reached around the entire outskirts of the room. A large cross featuring four dragon heads stretched across the floor. In the middle of the cross was the same depiction of the woman from the door. A few different sized tables ran this way and that.

" Main room where they also entertain guests" Totek stated. " Sometimes they even throw little festivals in here for the inhabitants of this world".

" Sounds like it could be fun. This is definitely like a dream" Germ swirled around the middle of the room some with a little laugh. " Glad not all of you guys are the same".

" It's the same as any species mostly " Varg said as he continued to walk along to one of the many doors that ran around the room in a circle " Some are kind, some are malicious, some are truly depraved, some weak, some are strong".

" It's about time" came a voice from inside the room. " Feels like I've been stuck in here forever" Germ noticed a person that actually had some celebrity clout and was quite surprised.

" I apologize for the wait, Henry. There has been a lot going on that took precedence" Varg said to the journalist. " However , you are going to be even more surprised when you find out why" the dragon chuckled to himself.

" Who's this" Henry asked motioning at the other human.

" Just cause you write news doesn't mean you get to be so rude , old man." Germ piped in. " People call me Germ. This dragon took me here to train" Germ scowled a little " That good enough for your papers".

Henry threw his hands up a little " Whoa, just wait a minute. I wasn't trying to be rude. I was just curious " he went on " I've been stuck in here for a few weeks at least. Granted they gave me plenty of entertainment, food, and anything I could need. Even filled me in on how crazy things really are"

Germ flashed Varg a quick look" Why him if I may ask".

Varg grinned " Yes. Always . Questioning is always welcome . You may not get the answers you seek, but at least you are showing intelligence and strength. Henry is here because he is someone we have taken an interest in and mainly because he is similar to you. He shares that same special gift".

Totek stepped back a little bit. " Are you all insane" staring wide at Vargfreid. " You bring not one , but even two slayers here? To your own home no less" she muttered a little prayer to her deities.

Varg grabbed onto Totek's shoulder softly. " Drastic times call for drastic measures. We are prepared to do what is necessary to keep the balance as our original purpose was and the council will always keep to that purpose. We will need your help as well as the others when the time comes".

Germ felt something wrap around his waist and nearly jumped. " I'm so happy you are here" came a familiar voice.

Germ looked and saw the girl that his friends saved a couple of weeks ago. " Cassie" Germ shouted " I'm so happy to see you too" with the biggest smile he ever had.

Totek's eyes narrowed and sniffed the air. " That's her isn't it " she asked Varg . " So the time grows shorter and shorter. I figured there would be many more passing years before the cataclysm".

" Cataclysm " both Germ and Henry exclaimed at the same time.

Varg sighed slightly. " Yes major things will be changing. The council is hoping to set it on the correct path. You will both learn all about this at the council meeting".

" We are invited to a dragon's meeting?" Germ asked quite surprised by this revelation.

" Yes. Both of you are guests of honor actually" Varg looked around a moment. " Actually all four of you are guests of honor and the others know of your presence already" Suddenly an old looking man in a black and silver cloak appeared nearby from nothingness. He carried a large staff topped by the four dragon headed cross.

The old man nodded as bright silver hair flowed from the cloak hood. " We have been waiting on you for thousands of years" a few bright green glowing tears fell from his eyes. " I am so very honored to meet you all. My name Zenoxial. There will be a feast in your honor and everything will be explained" he smiled genuinely and seemed like this was the first time he might have had any energy in a long time. Germ noticed as the tears of Zenoxial hit the ground a few little plants started to sprout up.